What happend: The chemical plants stopped producing plastic of any quality higher than normal, recyclers show the same behaviour when recycling plastic or coal
What i expected to happen: Both the chemical plants and recyclers should have continued to produce higher quality items, it happens consistently, the bug was discovered in a vanilla server then tested in a single player game with Creative Mod and Editor Extensions
Steps to reproduce:
- For chemical plants producing plastic
- Place down a chemical plant
- Select plastic as recipe
- Add quality modules into the chemical plant (at this step it should produce plastic of all qualities)
- Place beacons with speed modules arround the chemical plant
- Chemical plant should now only produce normal quality plastic
- For recyclers recycling plastic or coal
- Place down a recycler
- Add quality modules into the recycler (it should produce high quality itmes at this step)
- Place beacons with speed modules around the recycler
- Recycler should now only produce normal quality plastic