[2.0.12]No quality item production when using beacons with speed modules

Things that has been reported already before.
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[2.0.12]No quality item production when using beacons with speed modules

Post by ingax01 »

What i did: I was trying to get my high quality (i.e uncommon/rare/epic/legendary) plastic going; i placed high quality modules inside a chemical plant, then surrounded said chemical plant speed module beacons, and also surrounded recyclers with quality modules recycling plastic and coal to get higher quality items

What happend: The chemical plants stopped producing plastic of any quality higher than normal, recyclers show the same behaviour when recycling plastic or coal

What i expected to happen: Both the chemical plants and recyclers should have continued to produce higher quality items, it happens consistently, the bug was discovered in a vanilla server then tested in a single player game with Creative Mod and Editor Extensions

Steps to reproduce:
  • For chemical plants producing plastic
    1. Place down a chemical plant
    2. Select plastic as recipe
    3. Add quality modules into the chemical plant (at this step it should produce plastic of all qualities)
    4. Place beacons with speed modules arround the chemical plant
    5. Chemical plant should now only produce normal quality plastic
  • For recyclers recycling plastic or coal
    1. Place down a recycler
    2. Add quality modules into the recycler (it should produce high quality itmes at this step)
    3. Place beacons with speed modules around the recycler
    4. Recycler should now only produce normal quality plastic
Factorio 2024.10.30 -
Higher quality plastic not getting produced when beacons get placed reproduced in an actual game
(49.42 MiB) Downloaded 12 times
Factorio 2024.10.30 -
Chemical plants not producing higher quality plastic when beacons get placed reproduced in an actual game
(44.95 MiB) Downloaded 9 times
Factorio 2024.10.30 -
Chemical plants not producing higher quality plastic when beacons get placed reproduced in the Creative Mod editor
(95.24 MiB) Downloaded 7 times
Factorio 2024.10.30 -
Higher quality plastic not getting produced when beacons get placed reproduced in the Creative Mod editor
(61.71 MiB) Downloaded 8 times
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Re: [2.0.12]No quality item production when using beacons with speed modules

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report. This is a duplicate of 118691 and works as intended.
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