[1.1.69] Tooltips do not show source_effects AOE damage for fluid streams

Things that we don't consider worth fixing at this moment.
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[1.1.69] Tooltips do not show source_effects AOE damage for fluid streams

Post by raspberrypuppies »

I am making a custom fluid turret that does damage to things around the turret. The entity details on the right side do not show the damage even though show_in_tooltip is true/default. The turret does do damage even though it doesn't show up in the GUI.

Putting the damage inside of target_effects shows up as expected.

The fluid stream's "action" property:

Code: Select all

        action = {
            type = 'direct',
            action_delivery = {
                type = "instant",
                source_effects = { {
                    type = 'nested-result',
                    action = {
                        type = "area",
                        radius = 2,
                        trigger_from_target = true,
                        target_entities = true,
                        force = 'enemy',
                        action_delivery = {
                            type = "instant",
                            target_effects = { {
                                type = "damage",
                                damage = { amount = 10, type = "physical" },
                            } }
Using target_effects works as expected
Using target_effects works as expected
target_effects.jpg (70.55 KiB) Viewed 2187 times
Using source_effects hides the damage from the GUI
Using source_effects hides the damage from the GUI
missing_damage.jpg (63.62 KiB) Viewed 2187 times
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Re: [1.1.69] Tooltips do not show source_effects AOE damage for fluid streams

Post by raspberrypuppies »

I noticed that copy-pasting the source_effects into target_effects but adding repeat_count = 0 to it causes it to show up in the GUI but not actually do damage to entities. It looks like the GUI either ignores repeat_count or floors it to 1

Code: Select all

        action = {
            type = 'direct',
            action_delivery = {
                type = "instant",
                -- source_effects damage doesn't show up in the GUI
                -- but target_effects does even if repeat_count is zero.
                target_effects = { {
                    type = 'nested-result',
                    action = {
                        type = "area",
                        radius = 2,
                        trigger_from_target = true,
                        target_entities = true,
                        force = 'enemy',
                        repeat_count = 0, -- <--- This makes it do nothing in-game but does get it to show up in the GUI 
                        action_delivery = {
                            type = "instant",
                            target_effects = { {
                                type = "damage",
                                damage = { amount = 10, type = "physical" },
                            } }
                source_effects = { {
                    type = 'nested-result',
                    action = {
                        type = "area",
                        radius = 2,
                        trigger_from_target = true,
                        target_entities = true,
                        force = 'enemy',
                        action_delivery = {
                            type = "instant",
                            target_effects = { {
                                type = "damage",
                                damage = { amount = 10, type = "physical" },
                            } }
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Re: [1.1.69] Tooltips do not show source_effects AOE damage for fluid streams

Post by Rseding91 »

Whoever works on this (assuming someone does): the entire tooltip system is built around target effects so I think it's going to be a lot of design work and re-thinking the tooltips to make things clear about source vs target.

I'm not sure if we event want to try to deal with this or to say "won't fix".
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [1.1.69] Tooltips do not show source_effects AOE damage for fluid streams

Post by raspberrypuppies »

My workaround that I posted breaks fluid streams in a novel way. The streams will spontaneously start & stop spawning particles if there is a target_effect with a repeat count of zero. The stream will still fire the initial particle every cooldown but all subsequent ones *might* not spawn. It seems to flip between working correctly and broken at random
Factorio Staff
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Re: [1.1.69] Tooltips do not show source_effects AOE damage for fluid streams

Post by Rseding91 »

I'm going to move this to "won't fix" until some time in the future where base game needs this feature or another dev decides that they want to re-work the tooltip system around triggers.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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