Please read carefully: "collapse of the USSR the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the century"jodokus31 wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:30 am Collapse of sovjet union is something, he probably could have changed. WW2 was before his time.
I mean there is almost of 70 pages of debunking russian fakes. You sure read through all of them to make your own conclusions?jodokus31 wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:30 am "Russian lie all the time" needs also to be proven. Just several examples of lies (if they really are, which I don't want to contest right know) does prove nothing. It's more according to the saying: If somebody lies one time, he always lie.
If you say "russians lie all the time", it is also wrong from pure logical angle. Somebody cannot always lie, because he won't be able to communicate
Also some insults don't prove anything.
Yes Ukraine, Georgia dreamed about reunion with USSR, then why they got invaded by friendly neighbour. If thats not conquest then what is?jodokus31 wrote: Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:30 am So, after USSR collapsed or disbanded or whatever (which also was a bit fishy IMO), they dream of reunion. Is there anything bad about that? I mean, there are a lot of people in those countries, who don't want that, I get that.
But that also is not "conquering as much the world"
IMO, the sentence is a conscious exaggeration, which helps to create a concept of an enemy.
But please proof me wrong...