PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

Falconcommand wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 12:21 am Anyone else getting a error with An unknown science pack?
Its inhibiting the research of Bobs modals.

unknown key ""
Im not entirely sure where it came from, It only showed up in a new game. Wasn't in my old game.
Should only show up if you have aaii on.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

mod prtals working again. pushed an update out.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by Delanii »

kingarthur wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 2:06 am
YunoAloe wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 1:33 am
kingarthur wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 12:05 am
YunoAloe wrote: Sat May 11, 2019 11:52 pm Maybe it would be better to use some sort of tracker for this stuff?
what do you mean by tracker. like use the issues board on github?
Yes. Or the discussions on mod portal at least. In the mod description you suggest to write everything here.
Ya I should probably update that. Was written back when the mod portal didnt do notifications
Hello kingarthur,
seeing this and also newest discussion on modportal, noting also that mod portal sometimes "bugs off," I would like to ask you for clarification, where do you prefer anyone ask for compatibilities, features, report bugs and maybe even suggest solutions for bugs in effect.
Maybe even writing that in first post here and on mod portal.
I dont want to "clatter" this thread with asking, beging, reporting bugs and such (which I have already done plenty :D ) if there is better spot to go to do that.
Thank you for letting us know.
Regards, Delanii
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

Delanii wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 11:30 am
kingarthur wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 2:06 am
YunoAloe wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 1:33 am
kingarthur wrote: Sun May 12, 2019 12:05 am
YunoAloe wrote: Sat May 11, 2019 11:52 pm Maybe it would be better to use some sort of tracker for this stuff?
what do you mean by tracker. like use the issues board on github?
Yes. Or the discussions on mod portal at least. In the mod description you suggest to write everything here.
Ya I should probably update that. Was written back when the mod portal didnt do notifications
Hello kingarthur,
seeing this and also newest discussion on modportal, noting also that mod portal sometimes "bugs off," I would like to ask you for clarification, where do you prefer anyone ask for compatibilities, features, report bugs and maybe even suggest solutions for bugs in effect.
Maybe even writing that in first post here and on mod portal.
I dont want to "clatter" this thread with asking, beging, reporting bugs and such (which I have already done plenty :D ) if there is better spot to go to do that.
Thank you for letting us know.
Regards, Delanii
Honestly if it's a bug or something needing fixed probably the issues page on github or the mod portal. Its easier to keep things organized that way. And make sure I fix things as theres no good way to keep track of anything on the forum pages. ... is%3Aissue

Somebody let me know if you can access that. It should be public
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by YunoAloe »

Github is perfect, but having 0.0.33 in the mod name is sort of disorienting. Would be much better if you put this link onto the mod portal and updated the mod description (everything on the "information" page).
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by infantryman4life »

yo i just updated pycoaltbaA and after the update im getting:

Failed to load mode: _ _PyCoalTBaA_ _/data-final-fixes.lua:296:attempt to index field "omnirec-base-6-extraction-2" (a nil value) stack traceback:

_ _PyCoalTBaA_ _/data-final-fixes.lua:296: in main chunk

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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by jpom »

On Linux, PyCoalTBaA fails to load for me (i.e., Factorio fails to start) with an error message that's about a random science pack, or occasionally about "stuffs".

The fix, I found, is to comment out some log statements in overrides.findtechswithpack in functions/functions.lua:

Code: Select all

function overrides.findtechswithpack(scipack)
	for t,tech in pairs( do
		for p, pack in pairs(tech.unit.ingredients) do
		--COMMENT OUT log(serpent.block(pack))
			if pack[1] == scipack then
				--COMMENT OUT log(pack[1] .. " " .. scipack)
				--for s,sp in pairs(techlist) do
					--if sp ~= then
						--COMMENT OUT log("stuffs")

I'm not sure why the log statements make a difference, but they do.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

jpom wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 4:26 am On Linux, PyCoalTBaA fails to load for me (i.e., Factorio fails to start) with an error message that's about a random science pack, or occasionally about "stuffs".

The fix, I found, is to comment out some log statements in overrides.findtechswithpack in functions/functions.lua:

Code: Select all

function overrides.findtechswithpack(scipack)
	for t,tech in pairs( do
		for p, pack in pairs(tech.unit.ingredients) do
		--COMMENT OUT log(serpent.block(pack))
			if pack[1] == scipack then
				--COMMENT OUT log(pack[1] .. " " .. scipack)
				--for s,sp in pairs(techlist) do
					--if sp ~= then
						--COMMENT OUT log("stuffs")

I'm not sure why the log statements make a difference, but they do.
they shouldn't effect it so idk. also they should have already been commented out but i must have missed those ones. will fix. thanks
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

infantryman4life wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 2:15 pm yo i just updated pycoaltbaA and after the update im getting:

Failed to load mode: _ _PyCoalTBaA_ _/data-final-fixes.lua:296:attempt to index field "omnirec-base-6-extraction-2" (a nil value) stack traceback:

_ _PyCoalTBaA_ _/data-final-fixes.lua:296: in main chunk

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will be fixed
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by jpom »

kingarthur wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 5:53 am
jpom wrote: Thu May 16, 2019 4:26 am On Linux, PyCoalTBaA fails to load for me (i.e., Factorio fails to start) with an error message that's about a random science pack, or occasionally about "stuffs".

The fix, I found, is to comment out some log statements in overrides.findtechswithpack in functions/functions.lua:

Code: Select all

function overrides.findtechswithpack(scipack)
	for t,tech in pairs( do
		for p, pack in pairs(tech.unit.ingredients) do
		--COMMENT OUT log(serpent.block(pack))
			if pack[1] == scipack then
				--COMMENT OUT log(pack[1] .. " " .. scipack)
				--for s,sp in pairs(techlist) do
					--if sp ~= then
						--COMMENT OUT log("stuffs")

I'm not sure why the log statements make a difference, but they do.
they shouldn't effect it so idk. also they should have already been commented out but i must have missed those ones. will fix. thanks
Thanks so much for the mod and the fix. My friends and I are having a great game. And yeah, log statements really shouldn't effect behavior. Nevertheless...
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by Szentigrade »

i am running omni / bobs / angels and py and with omnipermute it takes forever to load took an hour
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by katalex »

After last update of Bobs mods... :shock:
Снимок экрана от 2019-05-21 22-35-21.png
Снимок экрана от 2019-05-21 22-35-21.png (59.43 KiB) Viewed 6845 times
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

katalex wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 7:40 pm After last update of Bobs mods... :shock:
Снимок экрана от 2019-05-21 22-35-21.png
God damn it Bob.

Thanks I'll get it fixed
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by trailertrash13 »

1st thanks for your compatibility patch. so im running full angels, bobs,and py. not pyro but i an running ptht and pyph and so far there things show up in fnei but you cant craft them and that is, titanium tetracloride, carbon block, and belts. and i think they are all from pyph. any ideas?

mod list
"name": "base",
"name": "Aircraft",
"name": "alien-biomes",
"name": "angelsaddons-petrotrain",
"name": "angelsaddons-pressuretanks",
"name": "angelsaddons-smeltingtrain",
"name": "angelsaddons-warehouses",
"name": "angelsbioprocessing",
"name": "angelspetrochem",
"name": "angelsrefining",
"name": "angelssmelting",
"name": "auto-research",
"name": "Big-Monsters",
"name": "BigBags",
"name": "BigDrills",
"name": "bobassembly",
"name": "bobelectronics",
"name": "bobenemies",
"name": "bobequipment",
"name": "bobgreenhouse",
"name": "bobinserters",
"name": "boblibrary",
"name": "boblocale",
"name": "boblogistics",
"name": "bobmining",
"name": "bobmodules",
"name": "bobores",
"name": "bobplates",
"name": "bobpower",
"name": "bobrevamp",
"name": "bobtech",
"name": "bobvehicleequipment",
"name": "bobwarfare",
"name": "ClosestFirst",
"name": "Clowns-Nuclear",
"name": "CompressedFluids",
"name": "Crafting_Speed_Research",
"name": "creative-mod",
"name": "easy-logistics",
"name": "Enhanced_Map_Colors",
"name": "even-distribution",
"name": "EvoGUI",
"name": "Explosive Termites",
"name": "FARL",
"name": "Flow Control",
"name": "FNEI",
"name": "Full_Power_Coverage_017",
"name": "helmod",
"name": "Inventory Sensor",
"name": "LoaderRedux",
"name": "LogisticTrainNetwork",
"name": "LTN_Content_Reader",
"name": "LTN_Tracker",
"name": "MaxRateCalculator",
"name": "miniloader",
"name": "More-Exoskeletons",
"name": "nixie-tubes",
"name": "OpteraLib",
"name": "ore-eraser",
"name": "OutpostPlanner",
"name": "PlannerCore",
"name": "power-grid-comb",
"name": "py-quick-start",
"name": "pycoalprocessing",
"name": "PyCoalTBaA",
"name": "pyfusionenergy",
"name": "pyhightech",
"name": "pyindustry",
"name": "pypetroleumhandling",
"name": "QuickStartTBaA",
"name": "radarplus for rso",
"name": "railloader",
"name": "Rampant",
"name": "Realistic_Electric_Trains",
"name": "rso-mod",
"name": "ShinyAngelGFX",
"name": "ShinyBobGFX",
"name": "ShinyIcons",
"name": "SpaceMod",
"name": "Squeak Through",
"name": "stdlib",
"name": "StoneWaterWell",
"name": "textplates",
"name": "TheFatController",
"name": "TimeTools",
"name": "TogglePeacefulMode",
"name": "upgrade-planner-next",
"name": "VehicleSnap",
"name": "WaiTex_Full",
"name": "Warehousing",
"name": "Waterfill_v17",
"name": "what-is-it-really-used-for",
"name": "what-is-missing",
"name": "YARM",
"name": "yi_engines",
"name": "yi_railway",
"name": "Yuoki",
"name": "ZoomPresets",
"name": "z_yira_american",
"name": "z_yira_UP",
"name": "z_yira_yuokirails",

edit 2 id i up date to pyph 1.1.7 i get this error
Last edited by trailertrash13 on Thu May 23, 2019 7:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by YunoAloe »

trailertrash13 wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 11:15 am there things show up in fnei but you cant craft them and that is, titanium tetracloride, carbon block, and belts. and i think they are all from pyph. any ideas?
Oh finally someone else noticing this. I have this too. Except that I disabled pyPH right away when I saw belt being not craftable, so don't know about the rest, but it is logical that there should be more. I have full ABPy set.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by aklesey1 »

aklesey1 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:34 pm
kingarthur wrote: ill look into it. proably fine for pyrawores but need to make sure it doesnt break any of the others
I'm asking only for modpack with aai industry + all py mods, what can be broken i donno, i'm asking for a little changes, if these changes couldn't be possible just tell about it
Have u some time to look for compatibility AAI Industry with py mods kingarthur?
Main issue is begining of factory starting with glass and sand technologies from AAI Industry
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

aklesey1 wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 10:52 am
aklesey1 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:34 pm
kingarthur wrote: ill look into it. proably fine for pyrawores but need to make sure it doesnt break any of the others
I'm asking only for modpack with aai industry + all py mods, what can be broken i donno, i'm asking for a little changes, if these changes couldn't be possible just tell about it
Have u some time to look for compatibility AAI Industry with py mods kingarthur?
Main issue is begining of factory starting with glass and sand technologies from AAI Industry
Not yet. Fixed a few other issues. Got to figure out why sp0 is being added to things it's not supposed to then I'll look into it
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by Irsmert »

Having issues getting to 165 degree steam with an updated Py suite + AAI + Amator's with PyCoalTBaA and a dozen or two other assorted simpler mods. (Stock) Boilers only output 120 degree steam, presumably from Amator's power overhaul, as Py coke is unuseable for steam production. Any chance of a quick and easy fix or should I just mod Py steam input requirements to be 120 degrees again?

Aside from that everything seems to be working remarkably smoothly.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by AmatorPhasma »

Irsmert wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 7:31 pm Having issues getting to 165 degree steam with an updated Py suite + AAI + Amator's with PyCoalTBaA and a dozen or two other assorted simpler mods. (Stock) Boilers only output 120 degree steam, presumably from Amator's power overhaul, as Py coke is unuseable for steam production. Any chance of a quick and easy fix or should I just mod Py steam input requirements to be 120 degrees again?

Aside from that everything seems to be working remarkably smoothly.
Hi, this will be fixed in the next Version,
I already had a report for this -> ... 003ea77e81
A fix is already in my repo -> ... 5c5acc893b

The update will go online this night, but I don't have an exact time for you.
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Re: PyCoalTBaA or the PyCoal Touched by an Angel Compatibility Patch

Post by kingarthur »

AmatorPhasma wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 8:04 pm
Irsmert wrote: Sat May 25, 2019 7:31 pm Having issues getting to 165 degree steam with an updated Py suite + AAI + Amator's with PyCoalTBaA and a dozen or two other assorted simpler mods. (Stock) Boilers only output 120 degree steam, presumably from Amator's power overhaul, as Py coke is unuseable for steam production. Any chance of a quick and easy fix or should I just mod Py steam input requirements to be 120 degrees again?

Aside from that everything seems to be working remarkably smoothly.
Hi, this will be fixed in the next Version,
I already had a report for this -> ... 003ea77e81
A fix is already in my repo -> ... 5c5acc893b

The update will go online this night, but I don't have an exact time for you.
yay me i problem i dont have to fix. not sure if you have noticed but we just added a oil/ fluid based boiler to pyph recently that will also probably need adjusted if youve changed the steam temps as it was set to 165 degrees
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