So true! The cuircuit system is severely underpowered. Sure, it is turing complete and you can make a video player with it. But doing anything more advanced than controlling a cracking plant takes way too much space, is definitely not fun to do and a real pita to debug. There are mods implementing µC combinators - at least one of them even supports programming in simple assembly language. But some programmable µC combinator should be part of vanilla (and would probably also allow more UPS-friendly modding of them).Mike5000 wrote: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:15 am Factorio is like programming. In FORTRAN. An obscure dialect of FORTRAN with only one level of subroutines allowed. And you can have arrays and you can have floating point but you can't have floating point arrays. In fact forget FORTRAN. Factorio is like a crappy BASIC on an 8080.
You might want to try using mods to make your bots even more usefull, than they are already. And as you are a programmer, you can even make them yourself if the existing ones are not giving you enough automation freedom. You could start with mini loaders and altering roboports to have more recharge slots. That combination should give you as much throughput, as you could ever wish for. Or go straight for creative mode - because its just a tiny step further...Mike5000 wrote: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:15 am Factorio is all about automation. But don't automate too much. Because? OP!
Yeah, they put them into the game because everyone has them in his game. It indeed should be all about automation and not handmining stuff with axes. I am glad, they finally decided to axe them.Mike5000 wrote: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:15 am Axes are just one small symptom of counterproductive dev attitudes.
Terrain already is interesting - and there are additionally mods for that. Opponents are indeed pretty lame and will never become more advanced in vanilla (they want them to be cannon fodder and to not distract from the base building too much). But there are already mods for that too (unsurprisingly none of it seems to try adding diplomacy though).Mike5000 wrote: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:15 am Interesting terrain, interesting opponents, a story, and once you're researched them you can combine chassis/reactors/weapons/armor/specials in pretty much any combination without some annoying dev popping up and screaming OP!
Combination of different parts into variations of stuff should be possible to mod. Would probably have to use equipment grids or module slots on some generic chassis to emulate the customizability and then script the creation and display of the item or entity. Or you just create all combinations as different recipes (that is, what vanilla did for the inserters - they could also have made only one inserter with module slots for power source, speed, reach, capacity - and would have had a more flexible inserter wich probably also would be harder to use by unexperienced players).