Any flaws in this design? I am here at 126/138= 91,3 %
14 miners, 10 chests, 2 power poles, no unused space
I love this design and I'm trying to implement it but the poles don't seem to cover all the miners or connect to other poles when tiling. What am I missing? I followed the diagram and the ...
yeah that's where I'm at now. I'm over it and moving on but an easy solution for clarity would be this: change the icon for angel's cellulose-fiber-board to match bob's wooden board. the recipe for the cellulose fiber board would remain the same and it would be clear what you need to do. Idk if I ...
wait... this is the 0.15 topic. Are you still using 0.15?
I honestly don't think about 0.15 much, in fact just today I was talking about 0.17 updates. Although I'm fairly sure what I posted is true for 0.15, it was all from the 0.16 build.
yeah what you posted is correct. it seems angel's or ...
Hello, really enjoying your mod. I posted a Bug on the page before seeing the forum link and don't know how to delete it. I know you don't get notifications there so I'll just leave this here :)
" I've been explaining this for days so hopefully I've gotten better at it.
okay i have to ask. how do i get a research building when it requires a basic circuit board that requires a wooden board i can't craft by hand? i tried the wooden board in angel's bio tab but it's different and didn't work. i can't build an assembler without automation research and i need an ...
wait... this is the 0.15 topic. Are you still using 0.15?
I honestly don't think about 0.15 much, in fact just today I was talking about 0.17 updates. Although I'm fairly sure what I posted is true for 0.15, it was all from the 0.16 build.
yeah what you posted is correct. it seems angel's or ...
okay i have to ask. how do i get a research building when it requires a basic circuit board that requires a wooden board i can't craft by hand? i tried the wooden board in angel's bio tab but it's different and didn't work. i can't build an assembler without automation research and i need an ...
I tried to use the incorrect icon one earlier but i will try it again. Either way it's worth noting that FNEI doesn't list it as part of the circuit board recipe and there is absolutely nothing suggesting it should be that one and only things pointing to the other. And...nope. I cheated myself ...
even with just the mods in the sea block pack the issue persists. only the wooden boards needed by bob's basic circuit board are not handcraftable. the other wooden board and fiber board dont work for his recipe.
The wooden board from angels bioprocessing should work, even if the icon is ...
Wooden boards are in the electronics category { type = "recipe", name = "wooden-board", category = "electronics", ingredients = { {"wood", 1}, }, result = "wooden-board", result_count = 2 }, which should be added to the player bobmods.lib.machine.type_if_add_category("player", "crafting ...
okay i have to ask. how do i get a research building when it requires a basic circuit board that requires a wooden board i can't craft by hand? i tried the wooden board in angel's bio tab but it's different and didn't work. i can't build an assembler without automation research and i need an ...
hey bob, thanks for your mods! I'm really enjoying playing them with the Sea Block pack. There is one issue I ran into where I can't progress. The wooden board needed for the basic circuit board cannot be built by hand. I need circuit boards to get a research lab but i can't do any of that without ...
Not sure if I may do this... but here is a changed version of bioprocessing which makes seablock playable for me. It adds a recipe to make 3 cellulose fibers from 1 algea ball...
when you say playable do you actually mean less grindy? or is there another problem I ...
okay i have to ask. how do i get a research building when it requires a basic circuit board that requires a wooden board i can't craft by hand? i tried the wooden board in angel's bio tab but it's different and didn't work. i can't build an assembler without automation research and i need an ...
okay i have to ask. how do i get a research building when it requires a basic circuit board that requires a wooden board i can't craft by hand? i tried the wooden board in angel's bio tab but it's different and didn't work. i can't build an assembler without automation research and i need an ...
Hello. Love the mod. If anyone is having an issue between research queue and this for 0.15 just change the icon sizes to 64x64 in dark-matter-replicators\graphics\icons
You'll need to extract the mod, edit the images with something like Gimp/Photoshop to 64x64 and export/replace the original images ...