This mod makes use of some features recently added to Factorio (teleporting cars across surfaces, setting the color of cars, setting weapons control to driver or passenger), so you'll need Factorio 0.17.73 or later to use it!
Is your vehicle always where you are not, especially when you need it? Do you regularly waste time running to your vehicle because you need something from its trunk? Then let it come to you instead!
This mod is based on Gizmos Car Keys by aodgizmo. It should work with most modded vehicles (except trains and trains in disguise) -- not just cars.
If you use the keys on the ground (or on water, if you have a boat) the vehicle will be summoned there -- if it can be placed there, and if that position is within your character's reach. Usually, your reach will be limited during this action to the vanilla game settings (10 tiles) even if you have mods installed that extend your reach. I consider using long reach as extremely cheaty because you can also summon a car if you are in it -- with long reach enabled, your vehicle keys would become your personal mobile teleporter! Nevertheless, if you insist on using the keys with long reach, there should be a startup option hidden somewhere …
In contrast to the original mod, this one also supports vehicle grids and everything else a vehicle might contain. It also is possible to summon vehicles to another surface; driver and player will be teleported along with the vehicle unless they have chosen to be left on the original surface via a per-player runtime setting.
Other than the original mod, this one should be safe to use in multiplayer games.
There have been no reports yet that this mod would cause errors if used together with another mod, so I guess it's safe to use.
Supported mods
- If this mod is installed, the keys will also be unlocked by researching "Ships".

- aodgizmo: for the original mod -- I used the code (and changed, added to, or removed parts of it) and the car-key graphics (which I also used for the mod thumbnail) in my mod.
- Zahnfeechen: for Gizmos Car Keys - Zahnfeechen Patch (which updated aodgizmo's mod for Factorio 0.17) -- I happily played with this mod myself until I decided to make my own version. Because this mod shares a lot of code with mine, it is not only unnecessary to have both active at the same time, it could even lead to unforeseeable results because both mods act on the same events. I therefore decided to let my mod conflict with this one.
- Dragonling: for the Russian localization -- thanks a lot!
This mod is based on Gizmos Car Keys by aodgizmo. It should work with most modded vehicles (except trains and trains in disguise) -- not just cars.
After you've researched Automobilism (or Ships, if Cargo Ships is active), the keys are available. Use them on a vehicle to make it yours. Using them again on the same vehicle will lock/unlock the vehicle. By using them on another vehicle, you give up your previous vehicle and claim the new one. (Hint: If you want to exchange vehicles but are afraid that other players might take something from your vehicle, or the vehicle itself, lock it before you give it up! Only you will be able to claim it in this state.)If you use the keys on the ground (or on water, if you have a boat) the vehicle will be summoned there -- if it can be placed there, and if that position is within your character's reach. Usually, your reach will be limited during this action to the vanilla game settings (10 tiles) even if you have mods installed that extend your reach. I consider using long reach as extremely cheaty because you can also summon a car if you are in it -- with long reach enabled, your vehicle keys would become your personal mobile teleporter! Nevertheless, if you insist on using the keys with long reach, there should be a startup option hidden somewhere …
In contrast to the original mod, this one also supports vehicle grids and everything else a vehicle might contain. It also is possible to summon vehicles to another surface; driver and player will be teleported along with the vehicle unless they have chosen to be left on the original surface via a per-player runtime setting.
Other than the original mod, this one should be safe to use in multiplayer games.
Does it work with other mods?
Incompatible modsThere have been no reports yet that this mod would cause errors if used together with another mod, so I guess it's safe to use.
Supported mods
- Remove the "autodrive-passenger" character from vehicles before the vehicle is locked.
- Turn over weapons control to the driver, if present, or to the passenger otherwise. That way, the gunner set by Autodrive will always be able to actually use the weapons.
- WARNING: You can use the Radio Control to drive your vehicle to another location and still use your keys with it. However, if you lock your vehicle, you effectively turn it off. It will stop immediately, and if you have put the Enemy Sensor into its grid, the vehicle won't shoot even if it has ammo and is under attack. After you've unlocked it, the vehicle will resume driving on the calculated path and fight back.
(TLDR: Don't lock a vehicle and expect it to react to commands transmitted via Radio Control!)
- If this mod is installed, the keys will also be unlocked by researching "Ships".
Supported languages
- English
- German
- Russian (Dragonling fetches and translates new/changed strings from other mods and includes them in his. I'll eventually integrate his changes, but you'll get new translations faster if you also have his translations-pack mod installed!)

Help needed
I've spent quite some time on testing this mod to make sure it's safe to use in multiplayer mode. However, doing these tests locally may not be reliable. So I'm interested in any feedback on issues while playing multiplayer games!Credits
Credits go to- aodgizmo: for the original mod -- I used the code (and changed, added to, or removed parts of it) and the car-key graphics (which I also used for the mod thumbnail) in my mod.
- Zahnfeechen: for Gizmos Car Keys - Zahnfeechen Patch (which updated aodgizmo's mod for Factorio 0.17) -- I happily played with this mod myself until I decided to make my own version. Because this mod shares a lot of code with mine, it is not only unnecessary to have both active at the same time, it could even lead to unforeseeable results because both mods act on the same events. I therefore decided to let my mod conflict with this one.
- Dragonling: for the Russian localization -- thanks a lot!
- Mod settings
- GCKI_01-settings.png (57.56 KiB) Viewed 6414 times
- Works with boats from Cargo Ships
- GCKI_02-boat_owned.png (2.75 MiB) Viewed 6414 times
- Some other vehicles it should work with
- GCKI_03-vehicles.png (3.64 MiB) Viewed 6414 times
- Trying to summon the car too far away from your location
- GCKI_04-summon_long_distance.png (3.59 MiB) Viewed 6414 times
- Trying to summon the car to a location where it can't be placed
- GCKI_05-summon_wrong_place.png (3.56 MiB) Viewed 6414 times
- Another player trying to claim a car we previously owned and locked
- GCKI_06-claim_locked.png (3.53 MiB) Viewed 6414 times
- Another player trying to claim the crawler we currently own
- GCKI_07-claim_owned.png (3.51 MiB) Viewed 6414 times
- Another player trying to enter a car we locked
- GCKI_08-enter-locked.png (3.61 MiB) Viewed 6414 times
- Another player has entered our crawler because it wasn't locked.
- GCKI_09-entered_owned.png (3.62 MiB) Viewed 6414 times
- The player has left our vehicle again, so it has changed its color to the owner's color (ours). The vehicle is unlocked, so he can steal it ...
- GCKI_10-left_owned_unlocked.png (3.6 MiB) Viewed 6414 times