- a turret that shoots all capsule types currently in the game
- Magazines for the capsules (so you can still throw the capsules)
Quickstart Cheat
The game is never supposed to crash hard.Peppe wrote:I was looking to update use this in .12.
Looks like all it needed was some tweaks to use the new turrets and the capsule data structure changed a little bit.
All capsule magazines work and function as you would expect -- pretty neat, but I get a weird crash on hover of the turret.
When I hover over the capsule turret it hard crashes, but only when it has defender, destroyer, or distractor magazines in it. The other new magizine don't crash on hover.
What happens on hover and can it be disabled or modified? Is the game trying to calculate the ammo stats or something that maybe modules have not set or are set to zero, so it tries a divide by zero?
Factorio log cuts off before logging any stack trace:
Error seems to be in ntdll.dll Exception code: 0xc0000005 logged in event viewer -> application log