Train Stop offset switch

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Train Stop offset switch

Post by mp0011 »

Simple 3 position slider to offset Train Stop braking spot (-1 tile/no offset/+1 tile).
What ?
It's almost impossible to make two-way single-platform station for 1+4+1, 1+4, 2+4 etc. trains, or station for variable length trains.
eg, 1+4 train stops at station "drop coal near-end", train 2+6 at "drop coal middle-end", 2+8+1 at "drop coal far-end" - almost always wagons do not match infrastructure.

I understand, train tracks must have bigger grid, that's fine.

But that simple 3-position switch will fix this issue, allowing fine-tune trains position at the station by 1 tile in both directions (or at least in one direction).
Now, if I want to expand/reverse station, I need to either move all loaders by one tile, or expand it by even number of wagons in any direction, so trains/station are too small, or too big...
Why ?
With this switch I could make station that accepts any train length/combinations, with simple, standard 6-tile loaders/unloaders...
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Re: Train Stop offset switch

Post by BHakluyt »

I think I get what you are talking about... I only use 4x inserters on a side for load/offload to avoid stamping down and picking up blueprints to avoid that annoying 1 tile shift that stations do. Your idea is nice, but perhaps incorporate it as a simple setting on the train stop gui...?
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Re: Train Stop offset switch

Post by mp0011 »

BHakluyt wrote:perhaps incorporate it as a simple setting on the train stop gui...?
That's what I want to suggest. Just little "tick" under station color sliders...
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Re: Train Stop offset switch

Post by BHakluyt »

I guess what happens with trains is sort of a "bug" due to how tracks being 2 tiles wide... so having a gui tick/fill box/section slider would be a hack but I dont see any other way. So just put a decent tooltip. I would love for this to be implemented. After placing a blueprint all you need to do is check how the train fit, toggle station setting accordingly and you're set.
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Re: Train Stop offset switch

Post by pleegwat »

Actually, it's caused by the combination of rails on a double-size grid and train cars having effective length 7. If cars were changed to be 5 or 7 long, or the inter-car area increased to 2, so effective length is even, this would resolve the problem.

Meanwhile, building a double-headed train with an odd number of cars allows setting up stops in both direction where the cars end up at the same places.
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