Simple 3 position slider to offset Train Stop braking spot (-1 tile/no offset/+1 tile).What ?
It's almost impossible to make two-way single-platform station for 1+4+1, 1+4, 2+4 etc. trains, or station for variable length, 1+4 train stops at station "drop coal near-end", train 2+6 at "drop coal middle-end", 2+8+1 at "drop coal far-end" - almost always wagons do not match infrastructure.
I understand, train tracks must have bigger grid, that's fine.
But that simple 3-position switch will fix this issue, allowing fine-tune trains position at the station by 1 tile in both directions (or at least in one direction).
Now, if I want to expand/reverse station, I need to either move all loaders by one tile, or expand it by even number of wagons in any direction, so trains/station are too small, or too big...