Priority of Construction/Deconstuction

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Priority of Construction/Deconstuction

Post by ssilk »

There are other suggestions that also state, that there should be a build-priority.

For construction: (of course to be discussed/tested...)

- Poles/Electricity
- Roboports
- Towers, Walls, Weapons, Radar
- Combinators, Lamps and other Connections
- Devices (Furnace, Assembly, Oil Rigg, ...)
- Rails, Chests, Pipes, Fuel Tanks
- Inserters and Pumps
- Belts, Rail Signals, Train stops, Power Production (Steam engine, solar, accu)
- Modules, Beacon
- Floor/Ground

For deconstruction:

- Inserters (and content), pumps
- Modules
- Chests (and content, it would be useful if the chests behave then also like active providers, so that logistic bots can work on that, too)
- Belts (and content), Pipes, Fuel Tanks
- Devices, Beacon, Rails, Train stops
- Rail signals,
- Combinators, Lamps and other Connections
- Floor/Ground
- Towers, Walls, Weapons, Radar
- Poles/Electricity
- Roboports

The idea here is, that the Roboports are fully charged and the remaining energy is enough to deconstruct roboports.

And again, the best order needs to be discussed. :)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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