[2.0.11] Items accumulating on a belt

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[2.0.11] Items accumulating on a belt

Post by Rwn »

For some reason steel bars accumulated on a single belt tile. When I removed it to clean it, I got like 800 steel bars from that single tile.

I don't know how that happened. I deleted and rebuilt the tile and it seems to have solved the problem.

I believe I encountered the bug in 2.0.9 or 2.0.10 initially, but if I load the save in 2.0.11 I can still see this belt accumulation.

Screenshot & save attached.

_SA10 Bug.zip
(6.73 MiB) Downloaded 21 times
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Re: [2.0.11] Items accumulating on a belt

Post by boskid »

This looks like an artifact that happens when transport lines fail to correctly expand on load. Given the proximity of the undergrounds i can predict this is the same bug as 117119 which got partially fixed by reloading save file and so the items are on this one transport belt. Nothing interesting anymore. Duplicate of 117119
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