[kovarex][2.0.9-1] "Transport line groups are not consistent"

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[kovarex][2.0.9-1] "Transport line groups are not consistent"

Post by EpiXz »

Today I wanted to continue playing my Space Age save wich i already have 33h in but for some reason today i cant load into the world and get the error message "transport line groups are not consistent". This also happens when i try to load my last 3 autosaves. After some browsing on this issue I was able to load the save file again while holding the ctrl button while pressing load. Afterwards I just saved the file under a new name and now it seems to be working again. I will attach both save files, a picture of the error msg and my log files in case devs wanna look into this.
error msg
error msg
image.png (1.57 MiB) Viewed 2517 times
To Infinity and Beyond.zip
1st save file (initial error msg)
(12.97 MiB) Downloaded 33 times
To Infinity and Beyond 2 pls work.zip
2nd save file after i was able to reload the 1st
(12.77 MiB) Downloaded 29 times
(10.18 KiB) Downloaded 30 times
(11.08 KiB) Downloaded 32 times
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Re: [2.0.9-1] "Transport line groups are not consistent"

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report. Do you know what has happened near the position 33.5,-409.5 (attached image)? Ignore the stack of items, thats an artifact of transport lines deserialisation when belts failed to connect properly.

You can temporarily fix this save file by holding Control key while pressing "Load" button and then saving it to a new save file, then loading that new save file it should be working fine.
117119.png (281.03 KiB) Viewed 2495 times
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Re: [2.0.9-1] "Transport line groups are not consistent"

Post by Naitasm »

I had the same error in my world, and I've found steps to reproduce the issue. It seems to be caused by underground belt placement logic with obstacles in specific places.

-Place obstacles and belts like so:
Screenshot 2024-10-24 13.30.39.png
Screenshot 2024-10-24 13.30.39.png (82.85 KiB) Viewed 2466 times
-Drag a line of belts from the bottom to this tile:
Screenshot 2024-10-24 13.30.42.png
Screenshot 2024-10-24 13.30.42.png (102.86 KiB) Viewed 2466 times
-Note there's a second belt placed under the first. Saving and reloading still works fine at this point, it just deletes the belt underneath.
Screenshot 2024-10-24 13.30.47.png
Screenshot 2024-10-24 13.30.47.png (25.84 KiB) Viewed 2466 times
-Rotate this belt, and save. Now the save file causes the "Transport line groups are not consistent" error on reload.
Screenshot 2024-10-24 13.30.50.png
Screenshot 2024-10-24 13.30.50.png (27.82 KiB) Viewed 2466 times
I've attached the minimal broken save, and the log.
(36.73 KiB) Downloaded 37 times
Transport Group Bug.zip
(2.99 MiB) Downloaded 30 times
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Re: [kovarex][2.0.9-1] "Transport line groups are not consistent"

Post by boskid »

Given that reproduction is valid in 2.0.11(under development) and it being related to manual building, i am assigning this to kovarex.

-- edit:

Ref 116226
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Re: [kovarex][2.0.9-1] "Transport line groups are not consistent"

Post by Raist_ »

Likely related issue. 2.0.8 Stable has been our playthru for the last few days, until tonight when I attempted to login (while others were playing) only to get that error message upon login. As others exited the game to verify the problem, they had the same issue. I took the server down for upgrading to 2.0.10. We run a manually installed, dedicated server for a small group of about 5 players. Up time has been about 3 days.

Upon first boot, I logged in successfully. I was the only one on. I started planning Gold Science and used the upgrade tool on our bus lines to start prep. Shortly after, I noticed the upgrade icon over what looked like blue belts here and there where that icon should not be. I then desync'd out (which is highly unusual) and could not login again. Starting the server now gives the included error upon start.
start.png (166.94 KiB) Viewed 2340 times
(16.79 MiB) Downloaded 27 times
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Re: [kovarex][2.0.9-1] "Transport line groups are not consistent"

Post by kovarex »

Hello, thanks for the report, this is now fixed for the next release.
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Easy fix

Post by Jager »

If you want to do a quick and dirty fix, until an update is released that fixes this, then launch your broken save by pressing Control while pressing "load" button, and then finding the broken transport belts by going into your log file which has the coordinates of the broken belts. (you can find your coordinates in game by pressing F4 and selecting "show-detailed-info")

Then just go to all the broken belts, remove them, and then save again, and load the new save.
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