[2.0.8] Blueprints with recipe parameters shared with circuits allow selection of all recipes

Things that has been reported already before.
Comrade Questions
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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[2.0.8] Blueprints with recipe parameters shared with circuits allow selection of all recipes

Post by Comrade Questions »

What did you do?
  1. Create blueprint of machine with a recipe and another entity with a signal sharing the same item. Parameterise the recipe.
  2. Paste blueprint down, suddenly you can select all items, even locked ones.
  3. Profit? The machine will craft if you feed it the correct ingredients.
What happened?
  • Machine gets set with the locked recipe without complaint.
What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
  • If you try to parameterise only an assembler, you are only shown unlocked items. I imagine that its giving you all circuit signals since you've merged the recipe parameter with a circuit one.
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
  • I've recreated with all module types and some other items from locked planets (heating tower, biolab, ect.)
  • Some recipes don't work (lighning rod, cryochamber, ect.) the only guess I have for those is that they are also crafted in locked buildings?
  • You can also choose recipes that can't be made in an assembler - they wont do anything when selected though.
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