[1.1.53] "Select new blueprint contents for blueprint" overwrites the blueprint even when not saved

Things that has been reported already before.
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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[1.1.53] "Select new blueprint contents for blueprint" overwrites the blueprint even when not saved

Post by Soul-Burn »

"Select new blueprint contents for blueprint" and "Upgrade items and entities in the blueprint" automatically save the blueprint, even though escape/cancel is pressed, without clicking "Save blueprint" or clicking "E". This is confusing compared to right-clicking entities, changing name, icons or description that do not automatically save.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a blueprint
2. Right click the blueprint
3. Click "select new contents for this blueprint"
4. Select new contents
5. Press escape or X in the top right

Expected: Blueprint isn't changed

Actual: Blueprint now has the new contents, even though it was not saved

Similarly "upgrade items and entities in the blueprint" is immediately saved.

Issue can be seen in this video
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Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 61
Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:07 pm

Re: [1.1.53] "Select new blueprint contents for blueprint" overwrites the blueprint even when not saved

Post by Soul-Burn »

Thanks. Couldn't find it in my search.
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