Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Energy production, weapons, handling fluids and much more - excellent graphics.

Moderator: YuokiTani

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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Neotix »

I have a little request. Could you add recipe for FramedFarm to produce Raw Wood from Germlings? I'm using TreeFarm Fields but they cause lag every 2sec and it's really annoying. Additionally I think that Fields are too OP because they don't need power or water.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by orzelek »

Neotix wrote:I have a little request. Could you add recipe for FramedFarm to produce Raw Wood from Germlings? I'm using TreeFarm Fields but they cause lag every 2sec and it's really annoying. Additionally I think that Fields are too OP because they don't need power or water.
Take a look at greenhouse mod. It was made to make wood without treefarm lag - has 100kW energy cost per greenhouse and makes wood with similar speed to treefarm.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

Darloth wrote:Your storage bunkers are not accessible by the circuit network - clicking them with a circuit on the cursor just opens them.
Edit: Also, the shadow on the UPS flywheel is too dark compared to other shadows in the game.
fixed in next yi-version
- logistic-chest/bunker accept cable
- reworked UPS graphic (more little details, changed some colors)
Neotix wrote:I have a little request. Could you add recipe for FramedFarm to produce Raw Wood from Germlings? I'm using TreeFarm Fields but they cause lag every 2sec and it's really annoying. Additionally I think that Fields are too OP because they don't need power or water.
it's not planed, because the current wood-production is only as last option if you don't have enough wood. if you need much wood you can use the cimota-restructor and transmutate something into wood. it's also intended if you don't have a wood-mod like treefarm (in this case you had also no germlings).
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Fatmice »

You don't need Treefarm :P There are much better alternatives in Yuoki's.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Cooolaid »

YuokiTani wrote:
MantisShrimp wrote:Speaking of 0.12, super fast update btw, are the module slots on all the machine supposed to disappear? Crushers, pressers, miners and such. They don't have previous module slots. I only noticed because all of the sudden my factory exploded in a cloud of pollution.
no i will check this, but crushers had no before. i had revisited this in preparation for 0.12 and had made some changes - as example Alien Infuser uses now 100 MW and in this now Modules should work.
This 0.2.30 version is to contine your savegames and gameplay with factorio 0.12 without a gap ;) - and not polished.

i still need fixing some graphics (fluid-tanks) ...
next version includes the new turrets ... just yet finished ...
I REALLY wish that Factorio game developers would hire you to do ALL their ingame graphics.
I would love to see a graphics overhaul of the original game. LOVE your graphics. <3
Thank you for being part of this community. makes being part of this community so great with you here. :D
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by FiFtHeLeMeNt »

First I should thank you for this great mod, the graphics and the value that this mod adds to the game is amazing.
I have some suggestions based on my gameplay and would love to hear your opinion on them.
First I think the atomics are energy unbalanced. for example raw wood has 4MJ energy which can be turned into coal with 8MJ energy but if you do it in reverse, you would lose a lot of value.
It's the same with Dry Mud Ball, it has 10MJ energy but 30 of it is required to make an M-A2 which equates to 300MJ, but if you turn it to wood, you would get only 20 which equates to 80MJ which is a huge loss of energy.
Also I think making "Dry Mud Ball" is not worth the effort right now. I much prefer to just put a void pipe on the washer and get rid of contaminated water, because with 10MJ energy value of Mud Balls, they are not worth burning and you are not making enough to support a large base, and with 30 required to make an M-A2, they are not worth for making M-A2s.
I am currently experimenting with balancing to see what kind of game impact it has on my game play, but I would love to hear your opinion about this matter. how are you using your Mud Balls ? burning them ? or make M-A2s ? what was your approach to balance the game ?
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

Cooolaid wrote:Thank you for being part of this community. makes being part of this community so great with you here. :D
Thank You Very Much ... for you and others see new screenshots below what's come with next version very soon :)
FiFtHeLeMeNt wrote:@Yuoki
First I should thank you for this great mod, the graphics and the value that this mod adds to the game is amazing.
I have some suggestions based on my gameplay and would love to hear your opinion on them.
First I think the atomics are energy unbalanced. for example raw wood has 4MJ energy which can be turned into coal with 8MJ energy but if you do it in reverse, you would lose a lot of value.
It's the same with Dry Mud Ball, it has 10MJ energy but 30 of it is required to make an M-A2 which equates to 300MJ, but if you turn it to wood, you would get only 20 which equates to 80MJ which is a huge loss of energy.
Also I think making "Dry Mud Ball" is not worth the effort right now. I much prefer to just put a void pipe on the washer and get rid of contaminated water, because with 10MJ energy value of Mud Balls, they are not worth burning and you are not making enough to support a large base, and with 30 required to make an M-A2, they are not worth for making M-A2s.
I am currently experimenting with balancing to see what kind of game impact it has on my game play, but I would love to hear your opinion about this matter. how are you using your Mud Balls ? burning them ? or make M-A2s ? what was your approach to balance the game ?
- wood -> coal equals the old-treefarm transition (wood 4MJ -> coke 10MJ) - also it's more the way you need coal for plastic-bar or make petroleum-gas from wood
- burning A2 is expensive it equals 20 units (or 10 crude-oil) of all possible other ressources
- transmutation is for storeing stuff or bridge ressource-shortages or recycle unneeded ressources
- with the mud-balls you missed 2 products ;) - walls and infused mud - Infused Mud has 80 MJ and can easy supply the power-hunger of big factorys if you find a good way for a cheap infusion-setup.

original balanced on treefarm fuel-values, but the game has only 4 ressources wood, stone, copper, iron, (oil) - so it's now balanced on UC-A2 with a fixed exchange-rate. if you burn 20 wood/coal you burn 20 iron/copper/stone - so it depends more on personal preference how you play. if you have no wood anymore and you need to walk like 5 minutes in a direction to get some, i think then you prefer the cimota to make wood. other example is maybe you have a nice plastic-bar production and no coal nearby - so you empty all your old chests and make from stone and wood some coal ;)
UC-A2 gives you a chance to store huge amount of ressources in a small area or chest for later use. but it cost you energy.

now to some new things in next version ... i love it :) and i wonder why factorio not added by default.
with circuit you can make lamps on/off ... boring - YI gives you colored lamps to make a proper indicator for whats going on. now i can really setup lamps for chest empty, or all fine or yellow as warning level.
needless to say all YI-Lamps now support the circuit-network

at night with some glow
at day - and mapoverview - i think good visible outzoomed
Image Image

and new chest-gfx - i will rework all graphics for a better play-experience ;)
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Fatmice »

Oh pretty color lamps. :D
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

Fatmice wrote:Oh pretty color lamps. :D
jep, and very useful i think.

new version 0.2.32 is aviable.
short video shows new stuff in game ... -> Youtube

major changes:
- added 4 colored lamps
- added 3 walkways/roads
- added 2x2 requester and provider-chest
- changed accumulator capacitys
- old YI-Chest break into new YI-Chests (smart chests)
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by RadioMan »

I am completely lost..... made some reputations because I read on this forum that you can turn that into unlimited energy or probably alot of energy, now I don't see any recipe where you can use this and when I try to use it as fuel it says reputation can't be used as fuel, can somebody please explain this to me because I made this be rich and show this machine, but I don't see any further use there. Am I missing something or is this something that has no further use in the mod?

Edit: Nevermind, I found it, you can craft a Fuel Cell C with it inside the laika gate.
Last edited by RadioMan on Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

RadioMan wrote:I am completely lost..... made some reputations because I read on this forum that you can turn that into unlimited energy or probably alot of energy, now I don't see any recipe where you can use this and when I try to use it as fuel it says reputation can't be used as fuel, can somebody please explain this to me because I made this be rich and show this machine, but I don't see any further use there. Am I missing something or is this something that has no further use in the mod?
You need a Laika-Gate (Stargate) - This allow trade your hard earned reputation into fuel-cells from outer-space.
for the moment no other use of reputation.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by RadioMan »

Yeah I just edited my post because I found it myself.... but thanks for the help..... really enjoy your mod.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Nanobytez »

Is there a "sweet spot" for the number of boilers to Rensuir turbines? I like these ones cuz they don't eat space as much as the 14.7s do. I'm not a fan changing power setups cuz of blackouts. Any help would greatly be appreciated. :D

Also you're removing the crystal accumulator? -Pets my Crystal Accumulator- Shh baby I won't let them take you... I absolutely love this one. It just looks so fitting. :( Also I worked hard to make my one and only one of it lol.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by MantisShrimp »


I favor the red and blue turbines more, simply because of how they look. Though so far, this is about the most Rensuir turbines I can get running. I don't know what kind of black magic Fatmice is using in those pictures he post a couple pages back, but nothing I've tried runs that many Rensuirs. I've tried adding more water pumps but even when the extreme capacity pipes it's still not enough, the pumps end up stopping because the pipes are full of water. It's not that the boilers aren't getting enough water, they're sitting at 1.1k-1.5k of water, it's that they're not putting out hot water fast enough. I think I'm going to try a buffer of tanks for the hot water and see if I can get more generator going. I added another of those power stack and I think it generates 150 MW or something, just barely enough to run the infusers, all of which are -80% power and 275% speed (I think). They make more than enough crystals to keep the boilers running. Needless to say, these things produce MASSIVE amount of pollution.

I'm going to try Instable Quantium or whatever in that spinny machine thing to generate mechanical power. I just love how that thing look.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

Nanobytez wrote:Is there a "sweet spot" for the number of boilers to Rensuir turbines? I like these ones cuz they don't eat space as much as the 14.7s do. I'm not a fan changing power setups cuz of blackouts. Any help would greatly be appreciated. :D
Also you're removing the crystal accumulator? -Pets my Crystal Accumulator- Shh baby I won't let them take you... I absolutely love this one. It just looks so fitting. :( Also I worked hard to make my one and only one of it lol.
only the recipe is hidden, i want to overhaul the whole thing and concept - it's undecided. you still can use your unique crystal-accumulator :)

the other question can done by math ^^ ... rensuir-turbines have 135% efficency ~ 11 MW out = ~ 8.15 MW Heat needed. Depending on boiler (eff ingame-shown ) you can see the how much heat 1 boiler can deliver. as example 1M8/3 - 72%, 1.8 MW = ~1.3 MW net -> 8.15 MW / 1.3 MW ~ 6.3 1M8/3 Boilers needed. Steamy/Turbines-Things have above 100% eff, Generators below.
another example the 14.7-S has max. Output of 14.7 MW but needs 16.7 MW heat because it has 88% eff at generator-side - but looks nicer ;)
MantisShrimp wrote: I favor the red and blue turbines more, simply because of how they look. Though so far, this is about the most Rensuir turbines I can get running. I don't know what kind of black magic Fatmice is using in those pictures he post a couple pages back, but nothing I've tried runs that many Rensuirs. I've tried adding more water pumps but even when the extreme capacity pipes it's still not enough, the pumps end up stopping because the pipes are full of water. It's not that the boilers aren't getting enough water, they're sitting at 1.1k-1.5k of water, it's that they're not putting out hot water fast enough. I think I'm going to try a buffer of tanks for the hot water and see if I can get more generator going. I added another of those power stack and I think it generates 150 MW or something, just barely enough to run the infusers, all of which are -80% power and 275% speed (I think). They make more than enough crystals to keep the boilers running. Needless to say, these things produce MASSIVE amount of pollution.

I'm going to try Instable Quantium or whatever in that spinny machine thing to generate mechanical power. I just love how that thing look.
- interesting setup, the WWER-210 should give more power ~ 50 MW, but i will inspect this. (reminds me also to improve the water-gen + rensuir + substation - graphic ^^)
- fatmice used the new overheater -> steam-turbine - setup ... this gives ~ 62 MW stable if you can start and manage this beast :) (sample shown in yi_engines thread with 50 MW generator)
- the spinny thing aka quantrinum-reactor :) - give in factorio 0.11.X ~ 100-120 MW or 200 MW ? i forgot ^^ - but it's changed - so you need some gearboxes to bump the MF to 500 °C. this needs 5 steps, but every step cost you some MF. the total gearbox-output should around 92-96% MF after 5 steps. you can also try with 100°C but every step allow more power/generators behind.
it's here importend to have a buffer tank and keep a small amount stored. maximal power-output only with rensuir-turbines possible (135% eff)
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Nanobytez »

I'm using the standard 1 pump 14 boilers and 10 engines setup, except with two Dytech pumps and my Rensuir turbines. the boilers I'm using come from Dytech and have 200% efficiency and 1.7mw consumption while being the same size as vanilla boilers. I mean, I guess it works but my hot water tanks get completely eaten alive when i turn on my infuser that has two of your efficiency modules in it lol.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Fatmice »

I don't use DyTech, nor do I think anything from that mod is needed to completely run Rensuirs of any number. I can share a few of my power builds after I get home from work.

You probably can tell that I prefer Yuoki's stuffs over any "other" mod, bob's , dysoch's, etc. I like his stuff because it introduces an interesting economy instead of the tedium that are the theme of these "other" mods. That and I like his descriptions on the items. They are horribly misspelled, grammatically incorrect, and hilarious to boot. For example, the description of corn is "Looks foul", or vugar cane, which is really sugarcane, is "tastes sweet"... :lol:
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
Example build - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by orzelek »

I would really like to play with this stuff - I always have problems to find out what goes where and connects to what. I find it easier to put up complete electronics chain in bob's mods then put up one of those generator chains properly :D

There are nice screenshots around here - they don't help that much in understanding what works and how. And for some reason I'm not the one to watch youtube movies - I need a text description :D. And thats hard to find around unless I missed it somewhere?
(And item descriptions had funny stuff in them last time I looked - not helpful to make proper use of them :D)
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by MantisShrimp »

orzelek wrote:I would really like to play with this stuff - I always have problems to find out what goes where and connects to what. I find it easier to put up complete electronics chain in bob's mods then put up one of those generator chains properly :D

There are nice screenshots around here - they don't help that much in understanding what works and how. And for some reason I'm not the one to watch youtube movies - I need a text description :D. And thats hard to find around unless I missed it somewhere?
(And item descriptions had funny stuff in them last time I looked - not helpful to make proper use of them :D)
You pretty much gotta wing it. Personally, I wouldn't start doing YI power until you're more familiar with the mod, it gets complicated. What you need to do first is start mining the blue and green ores that the mod adds to the game. You can totally make the new miners with vanilla resources. Then you need to crush the ores in the Crusher to change the ores into dust. The Crushers need water for this. Then use the Compressor to change the dust into pellets. Then use the Compressor to change the pellets into their final form, some sort of block. Dusts, Pellets and Blocks of the blue/green ores are useful for making a lot of things in YI. Furthermore, you can combine blue dust with green dust to make purple dust, which can be smelt to get Orange plate or compressed to make pink block(the main 'currency' of YI). Once your factory can produce a steady supply of pink blocks, you can build fancier machines to skip directly from ore to pink block.

I posted a picture of my ore/dust/pellet/block factory a couple pages back.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Solar »

Hi there,

I would like to try your mod pack but are you able to release a new version the new stable build for Factorio.yin
Also is it possible to add a dependency list in your download section down the version required including the base game requirement.

I am looking forward in trying out your mod pack, look like a challenge :)


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