Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Energy production, weapons, handling fluids and much more - excellent graphics.

Moderator: YuokiTani

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Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

The mod/addon is about transform energy, generate energy and waste/use energy ...
in development over time it shows this is not enough, so this mod provides also Ammunition, new Gun-Turrets, Walls, new Accumulators, some Pipe-/Flow-Handling (Valves), some Machines and process for materials. Also new Storeages, and a way to get Alien-Artifacts without killing many of biter-spawners.
Fatmice wrote:Isn't figuring things out half the fun of Factorio?
It seems that it is not clear to you all that there isn't a "progression" to Yuoki Industries. There are dependencies to certain recipes, but the rest is just bits and bobs that fill in certain needs that's not supplied by vanilla Factorio. The mod has its own economy. Figure it out and use it to your advantage.
Fatmice describe perfectly the mod.

No Base/Vanilla/Standard-Recipes would be changed !
all things provided as additional stuff.

please see the thread and view the screenshots for more informations or give the following links a chance
a table-sheet that shows some of the additional machines you can build -> Value Sheet V2.19 - X215-0104

some things maybe hard to understand - so here some help videos
Link to Youtube-Channel: ->Jump<-

Try also the Addons if you like the Mod and Have Fun playing it.
Last edited by YuokiTani on Sun May 10, 2015 1:18 pm, edited 75 times in total.
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by YuokiTani »

updated the mod just now ...

- added a better boiler - you can test and compare this by using the blue-energy-load ... its a lamp with 500kW usage
- added Archaeology-Site, there you can obtain dirt
- added Dirt-Washer, wash the dirt and found fossils/alien-artifacts

you maybe think this is cheating, but you need 900 dirt to get 1 alien-artifact.
screenshot for this things
Last edited by YuokiTani on Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Airat9000 »

good work! waiting for release, be sure to test!
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by YuokiTani »

you can use the download-link to test it. you can use this in a test-world. - the downside by adding to a game-world maybe the problem, if a recipe later change, the game not update this recipe.
beside that its curently full playable.

ohh - maybe the wrong place, and i should move this post to mod-section

last update for this weekend ...
use the download-link in first-post - file-size now ~ 1.6 MB

- added a steam-turbine
okay that sounds not epic, but it looks like ;)
the best thing about is, the steam-turbine produces 900 kW (~76% more energy), the downside the fluid consum increse by 40%. you need surely 2 standard-boilers or 1 advanced boiler.

the gears at the steam-turbine rotate ingame

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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Sleeeper »

Mod replaces vanilla recipe of alien artifacts, making small pieces of artifacts almost useless. Would be nice to have both of recipes.
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by YuokiTani »

ohoh ... sorry for that.

i have change the recipe, no longer effects the alien-artifacts ... (in code is no small-artifact)
you get 1 x alien-science-pack directly by washing 300 dirt.
the orginal-recipe is also aviable (10 small -> 1 big)

* updated the download-file.
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Baleur »

I would love a mini-version of this mod with only the new lights!
Or could you tell me what i can edit to only keep the lights? :D
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Airat9000 »

1 is too easy getting technology :) more to resources for this style of education and longer time ..
and even then add 3 artifact research that that blue ..

2 where to get this card to create this thing is not randomized ..
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by YuokiTani »

hmm, okay i think about this ...
- you can edit the mod-files and keep the first 3 entries in every file, named "tiny-lamp", "power-lamp", "bodenlampe" ...
- in enties.lua you can tweak energy_use and light_radius

* 1
- the original-plan was to search/split dirt for fossil or other mod-compatible metals (silver, zinc ...). i dont want add more mineable ressources, because not all spawn correctly in my game with different mods.
- i my longplay world i would not attack a biter-nest for these small-alien-pearls ... it's for me to much work - and i won't die ;) ... if you have a idea for change of the recipe - i wish to hear it, and i change the recipe in next version.
- all things need a simply research, but for now and testing ... i will keep the simple way :)

* 2
- this symbol means endless, because in the recipe is no ingredient used to build this - except energy
- i am not sure if i understanding you right about this ... sorry

new version uploaded
- fixed size of steam-turbine, no more overlapping - replace recommend
- some little tweaks to some recipe
- dirtwasher has a new icon because new things happend

- recipe for washing copper and iron to get purified copper and purifed iron
5x ore + 8 water -> 3x purified ore + 8 contaminated Water
- recipe for smelting purified ores
1x purified ore -> 2 ore plates

quick-maths^^ = 5 ore + water + energy = 6 plates (20% ore profit)

but you have the contaminated Water ... this have a higher heat-capacity and temperature ... the game handle this not very correct i think ...

my idea was i/you can use this water/dust to refine a solid fuel for the boilers ... image - alien planet, alien materials with some sort of energy dust ^^ ... you can think uranium/other nuclear material if you want but there is an nuclear mod in wip - so i think i must go another way. And of course nuclear energy provides not enough pollution ;)

okay the point ...
you can use/store/handle/heaten the contaminated Water as almost normal water, but because the effect of contamination it can provide/store more energy ... see the screenshots.
i know that is physically not correct. suggestions are welcome :)

the normal/typical way ... ~ hot water 100° - 510 kW per Steam Engine

with contaminated Water ... 105° - 540 kW per Steam Engine (temperature has no effect, i have tried also 110 and 115° ... the temperature you can see its more to make it more realistic ^^ - it's a change about the heat_capacity)
added 20% more ore effect - i think not a bad thing, but i'am can be wrong.
Last edited by YuokiTani on Wed May 14, 2014 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Airat9000 »

I did not understand where to find the Dirt for production .. it would be nice to do it as a resource on the map ..

for technology simply legkovat (lost interest in the game, I just people about it) at the maximum speed .. play like a bunch of enemies and pray '..
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by YuokiTani »

Airat9000 wrote:I did not understand where to find the Dirt for production .. it would be nice to do it as a resource on the map ..

for technology simply legkovat (lost interest in the game, I just people about it) at the maximum speed .. play like a bunch of enemies and pray '..
ahh okay, now understand ...
my idea was more you dig at any point and get some dirt and fossils ... its more a chance to find something if you move enough dirt (with a excavator). To make this visible and focussing i added the Archaeology Site (icon left from arrow 2) that moves the dirt for you.
okay not the best way to balance something, but i think energy is almost endless. the best way to make me/you build more energy-sites (solar or steam engines) and protect them from biters - was more energy consume.

it's easy to add more recipes-steps to get a product-result, but hard to balance to get not boring or angry.

* next update more graphical changes (weekend planed)
Last edited by YuokiTani on Wed May 14, 2014 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Airat9000 »

very good! good work!

i am find bug

my invent even after the configuration editor I have left a lot of things in the Inventory at the beginning of the game, ie too easy ..
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by YuokiTani »

Airat9000 wrote:my invent even after the configuration editor I have left a lot of things in the Inventory at the beginning of the game, ie too easy ..
please try again, i can't replicate this.

new version up ~ 2 MB because ...

- new small steam turbine - with 1 boiler and 2 small steam engines ~ 440 kW possible - vanilla-steam-enginge ~390 kW (1 boiler feeds 1 small steam turbine )
- there is an test-boiler (2x2) in, but the graphics not final
- change some icons

the small steam-turbine (some parts spin)

There is no way to drop items with recipes. The plan was to dump this contamineted water into underground. I don't want force you to store this waste and clear it in tanks manually.
Now a new recipe allow you to dry/condense this water to mud and refine the mud to burn in boilers.

all my experiments to change the fluids, heat_capacity, flows, temperatures have no realy effect in game. it is possible to make steam and power the steam-engines, but the fuel-cosume-ratio ist equal. this means i can create a steam-(fluid) with 110 or 200°C, but the game need to heat this like the water. 110°C no engine runs, heat this with boiler to 115°C or more the engine runs.

screenshot contamineted water reuse process
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Airat9000 »

bug more items!
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by YuokiTani »

okay, to solve this i need install dytech + f-mod first ...
i use only tree-mod, large-chest, industrio
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Airat9000 »

list my mods

and please dirt resurse limit in territory (unlimited in vanilla, very easy in game play)

arrow me in screen full work mods (i am testing)


problem: more items in inventory

screen in mods
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by drs9999 »

I do not think that this mod is causing this.

I normally use a function in my mods that gives me more starting-items for easier debuging and tend to forget outcommenting it before release. So my best guess is that airat uses an outdated version of any of my mods where this "bug" exists (it do not appear in the latest releases) or another modder made this mistake in his/her mod.
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Airat9000 »

drs9999 wrote:I do not think that this mod is causing this.

I normally use a function in my mods that gives me more starting-items for easier debuging and tend to forget outcommenting it before release. So my best guess is that airat uses an outdated version of any of my mods where this "bug" exists (it do not appear in the latest releases) or another modder made this mistake in his/her mod.
who is mod?
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by drs9999 »

I do not know how other modders handle it, but for my mods (Treefarm and resource-monitor in your list) you can check the control.lua file; in the onInit function the line "giveItems()" should be commented out (having "--" in front of it).
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Re: Yuoki Industries

Post by Airat9000 »

drs9999 wrote:I do not know how other modders handle it, but for my mods (Treefarm and resource-monitor in your list) you can check the control.lua file; in the onInit function the line "giveItems()" should be commented out (having "--" in front of it).
I did not understand where to find items in the beginning is given.
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