Who doesn't like big machines

(turret module seems to be not all right

A wise man once said: "Don't be greedy, or you will regret it"

Type: Mod
Name: The Underground
Description: Adds the possibility to travel underground. A place with great riches, but dangers never seen before.
License: None. So if you wish to use my mod to learn modding feel free to use parts of it in your mod

Version: 0.0.9
Release: 26.7.16
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.11
Category: Game Changing
Tags: New Surface, dangers, enemies, mining
Do NOT download this mod if you are afraid for your save. Hence the reason why this mod is in the WIP section

Remember to save before entering a hole the first time as sometimes you may spawn on lava and instadie. If you die just move the hole around until you find a place where the opening will be spawning on land. (fix to come)
Also remember that this mod may still have bugs

https://mods.factorio.com/mods/jorgen19 ... nderground
Due to the harsh conditions in The Underground, biters down there have evolved differently than those normally found on the overworld.....

PS: Notes from engineers who have ventured down there have told us that the most commonly used weaponry is highly uneffective against them.
Mod is ready for download for those of you who are eager to trye it out

Please note that this is only fully functional for player 1. But it will work on multiplayer. However as of now only player 1 will trigger the changetiles functions!
How to enter the underground?
You have to first place down a hole then next to it. Prefferably on its sides place a button. Then destroy the button in whichever way you would like and you will be teleported.
Now to transfer items between the underground and the normal surface, you have to place down a container of whatever type you like close to it. Then place a connector, then hover onto the hole and then when it says hole/opening found. Hover over the chest you want as output!(multiple outputs for faster speeds should be possible, but i have yet to test it myself) Do that for both the hole and the opening. As the hole and the opening are both inputs!
PS worldgen happens first after you have placed something down. That is because or else everything becomes lava since it cant wait for other tiles to spawn before

How to transfer items between the underground and the normal world?
After you have placed down a hole you can connect it to containers, for example a chest. Then place down a connnector, hover over the hole you want to add an output to then hover over a container.
The same can be done for an opening so then first hover over an opening then a chest. It will tell you if something was registered.
Now your opening will be input for items going to the surface and the hole will be input for items going to the Underground.
Modular Mining Machine

(it will be rerendered soon, but right now it will be ok until i got the code for the mining machine done

cause right now you just get an occasional iron ore and it turns the tiles into grass not cracked stone. #WIP

Currently there are 4 Modules. Drill head, Turret Module(WIP, so no turrets), storage module and rail laying module
To build it you have to first lay out the machine the way you want it, but it has to start with a drill head then a rail layer and then end with a storage module!.
To complete it you have to after you have built it to the way you want it to look. Place down a Modular Mining Machine connector and then following the instructions. Please be a little quick and not selecting any of the ones you selected last(will fix that)

Now things to know is that the return button will make the machine drive backwards, BUT it wont stop. Though that is temporary and will be fixed when i add a way for emptying it much quicker. Imagine a thing in the ground. that takes all the ores out of the machine and empties it all to a nearby container. Then a crane is used to automatically lift up the machine and move it a little up and then reassemble the machine. Then it sends it away once again!
Plans For the Mining Machine:
Refinery module for getting special rare stuff such as Helium 3 when mining on the moon(upcomming)
Add in the possibility for the machine to lay down belts instead of tracks(i'm debating wether it would be more ennjoyable if it layed down tracks and belts or only belts for ore transport. Because i'm thinking of the tracks as a way to help spread the weight of it so that it doesnt get stuck. Because you have to consider the fact that it has dug up the stone beneath it. So the ground will be very unstable.
Comming Next Big Version!
The Fire Shooting Mech

No texture as of showing this picture, but hope you like it

Also it is not yet implemented in game.
What is to come soon?
--Automatic emptying of the storage modules. Then a big pusher pushes the mining machine up or down depending on how YOU have chosen it do it

--Mech Entity first implementation. Just having it move because i just thought well if i split it into two entities i will be able to have it both be able to move its legs(car entity where direction is used to animate it) AND move its top body to focus on what it kills(basically a turret entity)

What is to come later?
--It is neccecary to have oxygen supply with you and a cooling device in your powerarmour(cooling device im not so sure how to do, but il trye)!
--Drilling that hole takes time.
--Research facilities that can be explored to find and unlock recipies! (and yes i do plan to make it so that there is a self destruct mechanism if you trye and break something

--Integration with the new and improved RSO version by Yeganer(on hold until he got it done)!
--The mining machine causes the underground to crack and that may have some unforseen dangers. Let them be free!(optional difficulty level, because i'm not that evil)(comming when the main features are done)

--Creating an addon for when this mod is installed with UsefulSpace to then let you the player mine the moon for its He-3

Fatmice. Do you have any plans on creating a fusion reactor

What are my plans for the mod?
Currently i'm wanting to create this mod as a mod that can be used by other mods to for example put some of their special ores in the underground. Like for example to get diamonds at a much greater rate you have to travel undeground. Or the only way to get cobalt is to get it from the underground.
--The next way of mining!
No more the need for creating a new mining outpost when a mine runs out. Why? Because you have the possibility to destroy the underground(or the normal world if you wish to

Mechs - Because i need a model for my next game that i will be creating for my school project(my third game). Why? Because the other games i have look like this:

You may be unlucky and spawn on lava so please save before entering the hole
Biters will want to attack the opening so trye and enter the area as quickly as possible before the biters destroy the opening. I will come with a fix as soon as possible.
There may occasionally be some grass tiles. I wil fix them soon, but they arent on my priority right now since they are fairly uncommon
Credit for the Resource overhaul mod goes to the great Orzelekt and the original author Dark!