You can post any suggestion here. If it is good, maybe nobody will say anything. If not, the forum will discuss it.

The suggestion is then either
- picked up by the devs, (if the forum knows about it it will be put directly into "Ready for implementation"
- further discussed (then it is put into "Backlog (old, but good stuff)" with the target to make a "Forum-Ready Suggestion" out of it.
- Eventually it is so good, that it lands directly into "Forum-Ready Suggestions"
- Eventually it is part of an epic, see down.
- If a suggestion is implemented it is put into "Implemented Suggestions"
- and if not or if the suggestion is outdated or it will have not enough game value: "Outdated/Not implemented".
Game value
Well, this is the biggest criteria for suggestions: What will this suggestion bring for the game-play?
That means, there is always a consideration: How much more complexity will a suggestion bring in vs. how much more game-play? Game-play vs. complexity.
The calculation is simple and in most cases very objective: If the awaited rise in complexity is higher, than the awaited rise in game-play, well, then this is not a good suggestion and without further arguments by the originator or someone else, it will be rejected quite surely. That may be discussed. If there are good arguments, which bring in more game-value, then this can change of course, nothing is fixed here, but the measurement is really this simple line.
We are not counting about afford in development! That is of course an argument, but if a suggestion is good enough it was always so, that it was implemented.
Some example:
A suggestion, which brings in more complexity than game-play: "I suggest a new type of inserter, that can rotate 90 degrees". This can already be done with the game (there are mods, that implement them), but it adds a very high complexity to the game (I need to built so many new types of inserters, or how to choose the right type of inserter?).
A suggestion, which brings in more game-play than complexity: "Female Character". This has a high game value vs. complexity, but is of course complex to implement. But this is not the job of this forum to estimate the afford. Perhaps everything is already finished to implement it right in one day.

[This will be redone soon, see discussion
(that is a new idea, that I will try now)
An epic in the sense of this forum (which can be discussed of course, but I need to make some kind of doing it now) is a collection of suggestions, which are all pointing into one direction.
You can find epics, if you use the advanced search, search for "epic:" under "suggestions" in "topic titles only". (I'll fix it, that they all can be found like so!)
TODO: List of epics. ... mit=Search List epics.
TODO: Move all epic topics in a new subboard.