Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Energy production, weapons, handling fluids and much more - excellent graphics.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.25 (11.17)

Post by YuokiTani »

darkshadow1809 wrote:One of my users pulled this one of :)

Oh, I also found a funny but useless exploit with coal stacks from Yuoki, when using the machines to craft it using the coal>dust>bricket>stack instead of the strait coal>stack, because it produces stacks with way less coal.
Basically, instead of using 50 coal for a stack, you can turn 4 coal into 2 stacks.
Due to the recipe of converting back into coal providing 50 coal, you basically get 100 coal for the cost of 4.

Sure, the machines consume a fir amount of energy, but in turn, you can use all that surplus (either in coal or coal stack form) to power a low of steam machineries, without any need to ever mine coal ever again.
It feels a bit cheap, but I'm still using it, because I had fun setting it up when I was experimenting what I could do.

~Slay Mithos
this looks like a side-effect from a other mod ... because
4 coal (32 MJ) = 6 coal-dust (36 MJ) = 2 briquette (38 MJ) = 2/3 stack (38 MJ) (full-stack 57 MJ)

3 dust = 1 briquette its wrong in current state (3=3)
changed ! in next update
i have no recipe from coal-stack to coal.

the only current direct cheating way is using cimota to make wood -> synthese into petroleum-gas -> cimota -> uc2, gives a plus about 40% uc2 with 6 chemical-plants, works with coal too but lesser efficency.
all other recipes burn your stuff so in a very long game you would loose all material ;) without treefarm or exploring new mining/oil fields. even if you use solar-energy because solar-panels itself cost material and energy consumed by transformation not aviable for other assemblys.
(ok i ignored the special-drill too)
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.25 (11.17)

Post by darkshadow1809 »

YuokiTani wrote:
darkshadow1809 wrote:One of my users pulled this one of :)

Oh, I also found a funny but useless exploit with coal stacks from Yuoki, when using the machines to craft it using the coal>dust>bricket>stack instead of the strait coal>stack, because it produces stacks with way less coal.
Basically, instead of using 50 coal for a stack, you can turn 4 coal into 2 stacks.
Due to the recipe of converting back into coal providing 50 coal, you basically get 100 coal for the cost of 4.

Sure, the machines consume a fir amount of energy, but in turn, you can use all that surplus (either in coal or coal stack form) to power a low of steam machineries, without any need to ever mine coal ever again.
It feels a bit cheap, but I'm still using it, because I had fun setting it up when I was experimenting what I could do.

~Slay Mithos
this looks like a side-effect from a other mod ... because
4 coal (32 MJ) = 6 coal-dust (36 MJ) = 2 briquette (38 MJ) = 2/3 stack (38 MJ) (full-stack 57 MJ)

3 dust = 1 briquette its wrong in current state (3=3)
changed ! in next update
i have no recipe from coal-stack to coal.

the only current direct cheating way is using cimota to make wood -> synthese into petroleum-gas -> cimota -> uc2, gives a plus about 40% uc2 with 6 chemical-plants, works with coal too but lesser efficency.
all other recipes burn your stuff so in a very long game you would loose all material ;) without treefarm or exploring new mining/oil fields. even if you use solar-energy because solar-panels itself cost material and energy consumed by transformation not aviable for other assemblys.
(ok i ignored the special-drill too)
Haha okay:) If you want this bug fixed. Ill look around for the mod thats causing it :P Otherwise ill leave it be! Thank you for the fast response :) Hope you dont mind me linking potential bugs your way if i catch them!
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.25 (11.17)

Post by YuokiTani »

darkshadow1809 wrote: Haha okay:) If you want this bug fixed. Ill look around for the mod thats causing it :P Otherwise ill leave it be! Thank you for the fast response :) Hope you dont mind me linking potential bugs your way if i catch them!
all bugs, cheats, exploits, hints welcome ;)

have this in the current version 0.2.26 fixed & changed, also now the changed gfx included.

beside that, createing Unicomp from dirt (nothing) or washing and use by-products is also like cheating. but for me the game cheats itself with provideing free-energy through solar-panels. so its a personal playstyle using this type of cheating or another type. as long as i not provide transform energy direct into unicomp i think all it's okay.

some process-line give you a small benefits like the coal-process-line. but mostly this lines more efficent with energy-reduce moduls. last stage is only a storeage-stage without MJ-bonus. this specific process-line (wood also) bumps more your stored MJ (in stacksizes 0.6 kMJ coal-dust, 15.2 kMJ briquettes, 14.25 kMJ Stack) for later use, instead of haveing a dircet bonus (burntime excluded).
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.26 (11.17+)

Post by YuokiTani »

i saw a video about gear-city (car-game) and this reminds me at Maxis Oldtimer - Game from 1996? ... factorio has similar gfx and in this game you also store material and develop & produce cars. around 2009 or 2010 i mixed this old concept to a browsergame Death-Trader in which you produce weapons and ammo to sell this to everyone who needs. the inspiration came from movie Lord of War. I had to less time to make the game better and later i lost the scource-code and the mysql-database.

but now i think factorio provides a good platform to mix in all together and i try to make a trade-addon. of course only useful for people who want bigger factorys, complicated lines etc.

The story behind or motivate you is simple. After you build the Rocket-Defense and Laika-Gate, you have contact to the galactic-empire (or federation) and because aliens everywhere and nobody wants peace the galatic burns in endless war. and this is your chance to get rich until your planet comes in target. but until than you can live as rich person. you only need produce weapons, ammuntions, tanks, cyborgs all that stuff what the war-beast feeds ;)

and i can calm you - you dont feel the extermination if the war-beast reaches you ;)

sounds easy, but you need to import some stuff - because your world have not all needed material. and i think this scenario is a good reason to use a tech-tree to make and develop better weapons.

at the end i need some help with balance and play-testing because i planned 8 different factorys with minimal 10 recipes each = 80 unique weapons ^^ (without versions)
and if each weapon has 3-5 parts then explode this a little - to keep all mind-tracked :)

- Trade/Production-focussed Addon - Late/End Game
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.26 (11.17+)

Post by YuokiTani »

work in progress with the addon ...
i need only to play factorio to balance the first recipes ... and of course make factory-animations

above the inventory is the trade-node (-hub), screen shows example cyborg-recipe ... you need some previous steps to clon, equip and train a cyborg (differences between different cyborgs of course). depending on how complex you go, it needs 3-5 product-steps before and more if you need to trade in material from other planets. first steps let you use vanilla-parts

screenshot shows different factorys, ammunition-recipes, small-weapons, cyborgs, equipment / parts, trade-in material
of course amor-plates needed for cyborg-combat-suits, vehicles, tanks and can sell also directly for lower profit. but only complicated stuff gives access to special trade-in material. sometimes you need to keep your old ammo-production only to exchange ammo with some material until you have a better way.

bigger picture from the trade-node ... in game only 2x2 for now
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Putting this into "big mods"?

Post by ssilk »

As you might have noticed, splwnd is currently creating subforums for big mods.

If nothing speaks against it, I will recommend him, to do this also with this mod, cause I think it is far away from being 'in progress' - in the sense of what is 'in progress' for the rest of the mods. :)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Putting this into "big mods"?

Post by YuokiTani »

ssilk wrote:As you might have noticed, splwnd is currently creating subforums for big mods.
If nothing speaks against it, I will recommend him, to do this also with this mod, cause I think it is far away from being 'in progress' - in the sense of what is 'in progress' for the rest of the mods. :)
sure, can moved ...
- Yuoki-Industries is in principle done/stable (some gfx not perfect)
- experimental stuff is in addons yi-engines - stable+released and yi-pfw - wip

compatible with factorio 0.11.20
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.26 (11.17+)

Post by ssilk »

Moved from work in progress, see above.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.26 (11.17+)

Post by waduk »

Yaaayyy !
Or should i say lol ?
Yuoki finally moved to released section !
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.26 (11.17+)

Post by Vitduo »

Graphical bug. And hello, I've come back!
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.26 (11.17+)

Post by safan »

and now onto the own subforum

since this mod has so many features and building possibilities, it would be easier to manage all the information :)
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.26 (11.17+)

Post by ssilk »

thats the plan. As you may have noticed, splwnd is currently reorganizing mods... and every mod with more than 10 pages of discussion is top candidate to get an own subboard.

off-topic: I think we should remove/rename the "work in progress". My point is, that only a minority puts his mod into a "my mod is buggy" board.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.26 (11.17+)

Post by YuokiTani »

Vitduo wrote:Graphical bug. And hello, I've come back!
welcome back !
i wanted a own mining-animation, but a complete rotating knife/miner graphical not worked good. this 1 animation is to find out, if i like them or not. i think i drop these and make a different, the goal for this gfx was to keep it logical and working - for the next animation i think i drop this princip. i will change this in next update (i got an idea).
ssilk wrote:off-topic: I think we should remove/rename the "work in progress". My point is, that only a minority puts his mod into a "my mod is buggy" board.
for me is "work in progress" - as it is - a unfinished task - with or without errors, balance, gfx etc.
the point for me to take it out from wip is at reaching all planed main-features. (or running out of tab/icon-space in game - like my mod - i don't want players scroll down for recipes)
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by YuokiTani »

wow, i'am fast ;)

new version with fixed miner-animation in all directions is out. (still not perfect)
other changes in 0.2.27:
- i removed most Laika-Gate retrade recipes (such as steam-engines, lights to uc2)
- if i remember correct i had also changed the wood into petroleum-gas rate - less more free uc2 from transformations.
- and stuff i forgot - as always

also first WIP version of Addon YI-PFW (Profit from War/Weapons) it contains not all planed things but gives you the chance to experiment with.
a sheet that explains nothing -> YI-PFW-Sheet
and the downlod-link -> yi_pfw_0.0.1.zip

i try to explain the addon
- it provides a new tab with current ~ 50+ new recipes for production (weapons, material, cyborgs)
- it provides 27 retrade-recipes
- it is designed as production and trade - addon - if you wish you can think factorio is misused for a production & trade scenario
- because many new recipes and material dependencies it's hard to find a - i can all production/automate solution and leads to big factorio builds, its not the fact to solve mass-production like in vanilla more get all dependencies sorted, optimized and automated.
- in optimal case you can develop some good cycles to get a ressource-profit from it, so you can feed your vanilla-production from it.
- it's at this state not balanced especially some retrade-recipes
- it can easy collaps your power-network if you have a vanilla-power-grid

i hope you have fun trying it, and if you like/dislike give some feedback.
eventually help the foreman-program foreman-thread
later i make a video in this i try to solve my own factory-puzzles ^^ (have 1 self-feeding cycle to show)
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by Lishget »

I have made a german translation for Yuoki Industries 0.2.27. I love the humor, have much fun by translating this. :)
Interest to merge in the translation in your mod?

I did this for Profite from War to.
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by YuokiTani »

Lishget wrote:I have made a german translation for Yuoki Industries 0.2.27. I love the humor, have much fun by translating this. :)
Interest to merge in the translation in your mod?
I did this for Profite from War to.
yeah, sure - this is great - i'am from germany but found no time to make a german-translation - and i can't explain why i don't start with german.
post or link this file, and i integrate this as quickly as possible.

before someone try the Profit from War (PFW) - Addon - i suggest, view the video to see if this the right mod for you.

for now i have a new PFW-version linked > here <
updated value-sheet for PFW > value-sheet.pdf <
and to overflow you with information - a video where i try to explain whats going on > Video <

funny - this thread is now back on page one ...
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by Lishget »

Okay, i have uploaded the translation here:
https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=f ... file%2czip

Parts of them was already in german, other parts not. It doesn't matter, now its done. *g*

By the way, i have found a recipe error. I have made a screenshot:
https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=f ... hoto%2cjpg
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by Nagshell »

I found a bug \\('_' )//
There is awesome 4R-inserter, but when you mine it to place in another spot - it changes into normal long handed inserter o.O

Also, can somebody tell me how should I use mechanical power?
Edit: Got it, GearBox "heats" it up.

Another thing, I think you made some mistakes in sheet values, maybe even in recipes.
For example producing: Close Combat Weapons
5 UC-A2 for 7 weapons.
Cost of weapon is 1 steel and 1 UC-N4 pellet (total 7 steel and 7 UC-N4 pellets)
1 steel is 5 iron plate = iron ore
1 UC-N4 pellet is 3 crushed UC-N4 (total 35 iron ore and 21 crushed UC-N4)

2 crushed UC-N4 is 1 unicomp chunk, so we get
5 UC-A2 for 35 iron ore and 10,5 unicomp chunks.
These materials cost 1,75 UC-A2 for iron ore and 1,05 UC-A2 for chunks.
Total of 5 UC-A2 from 2,8 UC-A2.

I could be wrong in math, but it looks like some mistakes happend somewhere in recipe balancing. (I think it's 1 UC-A2 into 20 iron ore that made spreadsheet wrong)
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by YuokiTani »

Nagshell wrote:I found a bug \\('_' )//
There is awesome 4R-inserter, but when you mine it to place in another spot - it changes into normal long handed inserter o.O

Also, can somebody tell me how should I use mechanical power?
Edit: Got it, GearBox "heats" it up.

Another thing, I think you made some mistakes in sheet values, maybe even in recipes.
I could be wrong in math, but it looks like some mistakes happend somewhere in recipe balancing. (I think it's 1 UC-A2 into 20 iron ore that made spreadsheet wrong)
it's a feature, to not fill your inventory with 4R-Inserters because in normal game not many uses of these inserter :) - maybe i should make the recipe cheaper.

i'am thinked the whole time 10 iron plates = 1 steel - has factorio this changed in the past ? - okay than the math is sure wrong. thanks for this hint.
i have changed some recipes, and the pdf-file. (only shows if you reset-recipes until next version)

mechanical force
the idea behind is, to use un-geared MF to power machines like the washer or crusher so it makes at the end more sense. it's a still on the ToDo-List. "heat" the MF is game-related but a good excuse if you can imagine that electrical-generators prefer a constant shaft-speed and shaft-torque for constant power-frequency :)

- recipe-name is fixed (Screenshot)
- included german-translation in pfw (i have changed minor things)
- you have made the translations very good - i must laugh on some things i read (i forgot most i had written in the past ^^)

Yuoki-Industries 0.2.27 and Addon PFW_0.0.2 has now german translation - files updated - download & replace in your mod-folder
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by Lishget »

- recipe-name is fixed (Screenshot)
- included german-translation in pfw (i have changed minor things)
- you have made the translations very good - i must laugh on some things i read (i forgot most i had written in the past ^^)
Thanks. :)
Yes, by some things i was not sure, wether my translation was correct. I made it to the best knowledge and certain. *g*

I have found the engines-addon and translated it too:
https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=f ... file%2czip
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