Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Energy production, weapons, handling fluids and much more - excellent graphics.

Moderator: YuokiTani

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by SuperSandro2000 »

ralle030583 wrote:rlly nice mod, just need to figure how everthing work, but
what i have tested so far is working fine :)

have it running with treefarm mod together , im used to have dytech also but the 2 mods (yours and dytech in current versions) conflict with each other

P.S. Wenn mal einen Tester für etwas suchst, kannst mich hier oder über steam anschreiben, gleicher nick :)
Write Dysoch.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by ralle030583 »

SuperSandro2000 wrote:
ralle030583 wrote: ...
have it running with treefarm mod together , im used to have dytech also but the 2 mods (yours and dytech in current versions) conflict with each other
Write Dysoch.
think he wanted to release today (or soon) a new version with some bugfixes, will do when problem still appear, will test it with the bugfixed version

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

SuperSandro2000 wrote:Write Dysoch.
a good idea :) - but i think dysoch wouldn't regard this mod. (dytech it's to big and so it's own standard.)

the only conflict i guess comes from importing bobores (same namespace for ores as dytech-ores )
in yuoki/prototypes/data.lua - remove lines 3-7 or comment them out -> this removes ore-imports and maybe the conflict.
nearly all other items of my mod, have a präfix- before item-name - so it should be clear separated.

but i will check this.

i had no problems running bob-stuff, dytech 1.0 and yuoki 2.23 (+yi 0.7) or loading savegames.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by ralle030583 »

Ok installed dytech core 1.0.1 and machine 1.0.1

Factorio 0.11.13
Dytech Core 1.0.1
Dytech Maschine 1.0.1
Dytech Power 1.0.0
Dytech War 1.0.0
Yuoiki 0.2.23
Treefarm Lite 0.1.2
Treffarm AC 0.1.1

Error Msg: edit* replaced error msg with Logfile

Code: Select all

16924.929497  Info Logger.cpp:149: 2015-01-29 20:38:41; Factorio 0.11.13 (Build 13133, win64)
16924.929553  Info Logger.cpp:153: Operating system: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
16924.929576  Info Paths.cpp:202: Read data path: E
16924.929593  Info Paths.cpp:203: Write data path: C
16924.929608  Info Paths.cpp:204: Binaries path: E
16925.127067  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
16925.143121  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod base 0.11.13 (data.lua)
16925.405135  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod CORE-DyTech-Core 1.0.1 (data.lua)
16926.397480  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod Treefarm-Lite 0.1.2 (data.lua)
16926.713851  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod Yuoki 0.2.23 (data.lua)
16927.814616  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod MAIN-DyTech-Machine 1.0.1 (data.lua)
16933.257954  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod MAIN-DyTech-Power 1.0.0 (data.lua)
16934.084757  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod MAIN-DyTech-War 1.0.0 (data.lua)
16935.228740  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod Treefarm-AC 0.1.1 (data.lua)
16936.040355  Info ModManager.cpp:204: Loading mod base 0.11.13 (data-updates.lua)
16939.116187  Error Util.cpp:43: Error in assignID, 'nickel-ore' was not recognized id of item
and just tested again its working when i remove yuoki

i added bobores_0.6.3 and now game is loading fine :facepalm

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

i don't know why the selection if a mod present or not - not really works and i don't know a better way.
all this unfinished, bad documented stuff (or i'am to lazy to search ?) is annoying. in my opinion thats the reason why modders don't work together. no modder can be sure the next version of factorio supports the own mod, never mind a dependency to a other mod.

reuploaded version 0.2.23 - removes bobores support, and added changes from fatmice
(to enable you need removed comment in data.lua)

every little step to integrate other mods or support them brings only trouble - so in future no support for other mods

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

just finished the animation for the huge-electric-generator (7x3 tiles) ... now the big-electric-generators looks a little bit tiny ^^ - for size comparsion a screenshot of all engines (i forgot the steam-power-plant and rensiur - to late sry)
(included in next version)

test-outputs with obninsk and 2 water pipe-lines ~ 15 MW, with hydro-force (yi-engines) easy ~ 16 MW - designed output 14.7 MW

recipe at the end not to hard, similar to beg - but this big thing make only sense if you need this power-output. and another drawback if you want is a efficency-balance to its size. bigger and direct means lesser efficency. if you want efficency you need to stay with steam-engines or steam-turbines. the whole electric-generators are only if you don't worry about efficency (later in game).
some crazy-experimental setup

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by Neotix »

It's would looks awesome when we could combine your Steam Turbine with BEG and HEG.
I don't know if it would be possible to program in Factiorio such generator that need turbine to produce energy.
Something like that:

water -> Boiler -> steam -> Turbine -> torque (Nm) -> Generator -> electricity

So Turbine transform hot water into torque. Generator transform torque into electricity. So if we had powerful turbine, we could connect few generators but generator itself wouldn't generate energy.


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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

Neotix wrote:It's would looks awesome when we could combine your Steam Turbine with BEG and HEG.
I don't know if it would be possible to program in Factiorio such generator that need turbine to produce energy.
Something like that:
water -> Boiler -> steam -> Turbine -> torque (Nm) -> Generator -> electricity
So Turbine transform hot water into torque. Generator transform torque into electricity. So if we had powerful turbine, we could connect few generators but generator itself wouldn't generate energy.
you should try YI-Engines ;)
you can test also older versions with steam-output.
sample build
the described cycle is not possible except you can live with torque is a fluid. and thats simple to imagine if you think that transmission is hydraulic (converter-gears). and this is in the yi_engines mod.

engine generates hydro-force (torque or rpm) -> gearbox (game reasons) changes rpm/torque -> generator consumes torque

for all steps its possible to change graphics, so as gearbox can also work the steam-turbine.
so good it's sounds i think its to radical and not every player would understand this at the end.

but there is also a good news, yi-engines tends more this way - and as a addon for main-mod.
but also i can't break the game-mechanics it'self, so the vanilla steam-engine eat torque and not generate them.

but at the moment i think about how i can a make a ingame particle accelerator like the CERN ^^

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by Neotix »

I was thinking about some "nasty" tricks.
You probably know Filtered Splitters mod. In that mod each segment can detect neighbor and move items between them.
Maybe it would be possible to make that turbine and connected generators are detect each other and while they're connected, turbine consume steam to generate torque and Generators take torque (inside code) to generate electricity.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

Neotix wrote:I was thinking about some "nasty" tricks.
You probably know Filtered Splitters mod. In that mod each segment can detect neighbor and move items between them.
Maybe it would be possible to make that turbine and connected generators are detect each other and while they're connected, turbine consume steam to generate torque and Generators take torque (inside code) to generate electricity.
there is only 1 problem ... i'am not a fan of code here because it needs stable version and a good documentation. most code-related things going obsolete if the version change, or generating some hard to solve errors. if you want to code here, you need a good amount of anti-frust-drugs.

if you want to code, good luck and have fun.

ps. the whole mod-"code" can be easy generated by editor - need programmed (easy), but for this you need the chart/documentation what methods every type of entinity/item/recipe make visible to lua, what a must have is, what optional and what not.
i can't imagine that the developers not use a generating tool and write this all with hand.
the only thing i want to code here is a gfx-placer that helps to find out the shift and provides a ingame-view of gfx without loading the game, and the generating-tool that make adding mod-item, entities clickable, and provides a clean list with dependencys and so on.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

Would it be possible to make a special pipe that only the liquid torque could flow through that would be textured to look like a spinning axle? The more liquid torque flowing throw said pipe, the faster its animation would spin.

Just a thought using the hack-y method.

Better turbines would output more liquid torque faster, and bigger 'pipes' would have to be made to accommodate the throughput, (stronger, thicker, faster spinning axles).

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

CreeperDaReeper wrote:Would it be possible to make a special pipe that only the liquid torque could flow through that would be textured to look like a spinning axle? The more liquid torque flowing throw said pipe, the faster its animation would spin.
Just a thought using the hack-y method.
Better turbines would output more liquid torque faster, and bigger 'pipes' would have to be made to accommodate the throughput, (stronger, thicker, faster spinning axles).
not really without code i think, but i following this path by setting pipes with max-flow 1 (basic 10) - but i have not changed all graphics at the moment. and changed the fluid-flow to min, so it nearly stucks in pipe. my planed gfx are shaft fpr straight, and ball-bearing intersections or short joint-shafts. of course not all is possible so i need fake this this gfx to make a good illusion ;)

a single shaft, needs still a gear or other spinning indicator.

its a technical experiment, but at the end it needs still useable, understandable and playable.

needs maybe some more fine-tuning, but you got the idea (atm no underground-transmission but can be useful ...)
possible upload this week together with yuoki_0.2.24 ...

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by Airat9000 »

YuokiTani wrote:
CreeperDaReeper wrote:Would it be possible to make a special pipe that only the liquid torque could flow through that would be textured to look like a spinning axle? The more liquid torque flowing throw said pipe, the faster its animation would spin.
Just a thought using the hack-y method.
Better turbines would output more liquid torque faster, and bigger 'pipes' would have to be made to accommodate the throughput, (stronger, thicker, faster spinning axles).
not really without code i think, but i following this path by setting pipes with max-flow 1 (basic 10) - but i have not changed all graphics at the moment. and changed the fluid-flow to min, so it nearly stucks in pipe. my planed gfx are shaft fpr straight, and ball-bearing intersections or short joint-shafts. of course not all is possible so i need fake this this gfx to make a good illusion ;)

a single shaft, needs still a gear or other spinning indicator.

its a technical experiment, but at the end it needs still useable, understandable and playable.

needs maybe some more fine-tuning, but you got the idea (atm no underground-transmission but can be useful ...)
possible upload this week together with yuoki_0.2.24 ...

good! like!

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by SuperSandro2000 »

Can you make the blue holding thing less frequent? The image is compresses right? (Because they are quiet unclear for me.)

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

SuperSandro2000 wrote:Can you make the blue holding thing less frequent? The image is compresses right? (Because they are quiet unclear for me.)
i was a little to fast with my post.
after the screen was taken and edited i checked again and testing little more ...
it look now nearly uncompressed 1:1 screen

i'am not really happy with the corners (can capsled), but for now i think nothing looks better. still need to make a underground transmission.
technical every window-pipe is now blank shaft without a bearing block. and which is window-pipe and which not decides the game itself ;)

maybe i should exchange window-pipe with non-window-pipe, this can look better, but i need yet figure out if the game always use a end-cap pipe and overlays or not. so maybe a different looking end-shaft is possible.
^^ many things for such a small, specific and rarely used mod.

for the moment i stick with blue, but the underground-transmission-connection become a different color.
apart from actual color it's maybe useful for aestetical reasons have a different color to separate geared and non-geared transmissions.
(fluid 0 °C and 200°C) but this needs placed by the player then.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by SuperSandro2000 »

YuokiTani wrote:it look now nearly uncompressed 1:1 screen

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

slowly but surely i end the current cycle ;) - i aim for weekend-release

link shows: >>LINK<<
- changed gearbox - gfx (need animation yet)
- medium electric generator in Secondary and terciary - configuration
- blue and red transmission shafts (damn i forgot to show the transmission to ground)

spinning generators for fun and eye ;) - at full speed (gif not a round cycle, s-second, t-terciary)
^^ i can't make the pipe (gears) spinning

- in the center is at this test-build a quantrinum-reactor needs a different gfx (obnisk-gfx temporary)
- and for you find a solution to fill this bad-boy and measure it out. maybe it provides 300 MW or 500 MW i don't no, but depends on generators and a good efficent setup

i used these photos for inspiration and reference taken by visit in Ostrava/Česká republika - mining museum
Photo 1 - belt-driven generator - still in working condition
Photo 2 - steam-driven steel-wire-drum for transport ore from mining shaft - i'am sure kovarex can read the warning
Photo 3 - another generator
Last edited by YuokiTani on Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by SuperSandro2000 »

The buildings need shadows, too.
I realy like the spinning blue wheel. I could look at it for hours.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by Degraine »

Yeah, I could watch this for a while too.

Might have to pick this up at some point...

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.23 (11.13)

Post by YuokiTani »

I would say a big Thank You ! to all you guys - which viewed, tested, played this mod and had leave a post/comment.

i didn't expect 40 names but they are here (i think'd more 10 ^^ but good i'am wrong). i'am sure some of you lost patience, fun over time or have other good reasons and playing factorio no longer. but you left a footprint here and so you stand in personal hall of fame.

in order of appearing

some of you are stay here since the first version comes out - at 08-May-2014 - it's a good amount of time

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