If I have legendary refined concrete in inventory and I use the pipette tool on a placed (normal quality) refined concrete tile, I end up holding a stack of legendary refined concrete (I would expect normal quality refined concrete). It doesn't make a difference if I have the normal RC or not. I've tried on several planets, saving and exiting and trying again. Thank you, love this game.
Edit: log
made a brand new save and used /editor to confirm:
[2.0.33] Pipette tool used on normal quality refined concrete puts legendary refined concrete into hand
Re: [2.0.33] Pipette tool used on normal quality refined concrete puts legendary refined concrete into hand
Follow-up: In that same test save, I confirmed that for stone brick, concrete, hazard concrete, refined concrete, refined hazard concrete, and landfill that using pipette tool on placed tile will result in the highest quality tier item currently in inventory, rather than the normal quality, always.
Re: [2.0.33] Pipette tool used on normal quality refined concrete puts legendary refined concrete into hand
Welcome to the forum, and thank you for the report.
According to 116952 Pipette on quality concrete/brick item in assembler gives normal item ghost, this may work as intended?
According to 116952 Pipette on quality concrete/brick item in assembler gives normal item ghost, this may work as intended?
Pipetting from a [place] with no quality selector [...] will pick the best quality in your inventory [...].
This was how pipetting entity items worked before, and now works the same for all item types (including tiles).
Re: [2.0.33] Pipette tool used on normal quality refined concrete puts legendary refined concrete into hand
Ah... I saw that post, but it looked to me like it was more about items that were tile-types as ingredients in recipes, and pipetting in remote view. I had not seen the part you highlighted from StrangePan, which is a real bummer. I came very close to placing a couple of hundred legendary refined concrete in my fulgora base because of this. Considering that a placed quality tile is instantly gone, I'd consider pipetting a placed tile and ending up with non-normal quality undesirable.
Re: [2.0.33] Pipette tool used on normal quality refined concrete puts legendary refined concrete into hand
I think I have had enough with this bug now [2.0.39]. I have placed legendary bricks or concrete or refined concrete too many times, including just now—it's not intuitive to behave one way for pipetting tiles, but another for entities.
Please either
Having a mixture of epic bricks (for epic furnaces, etc) and normal bricks (for placement) doesn't work out well for me doing this.
Me, about to lose my next best bricks, to illustrate: Bricks this rare are very hard to get in 2025

- preserve the
quality when we place a tile down (
I assume this is impractical for performance reasons)
- forbid the engineer from placing >= · normal tiles down (or, have an
optional setting to control this)
exclude tiles from the pipette if they have a different
quality (my preferred option)
Having a mixture of epic bricks (for epic furnaces, etc) and normal bricks (for placement) doesn't work out well for me doing this.
Me, about to lose my next best bricks, to illustrate: Bricks this rare are very hard to get in 2025