We have 3 very long and 100% compressed belts.
As soon as I power up the system, inserters start collect copper as fast as it arrives. Throughput is limited by the bottlenecks.
Central belt has no bottleneck, thus it have 100% throughput.
I cut off the power when end of copper on the middle line reaches finish line.
Test 1: Straight belt vs Split & Rejoin vs Fast corners

Straight: 1260
split & rejoin: 1264
Fast corners: 1241
Results are the same as in previous test, just more accurate.
Split & rejoin is as fast as the straight belt - no loss of compression at all.
Fast corners lose 2 - 3%, which is acceptable for the most cases.
Now to the interesting part:
Straight belt vs Slow corners vs Belt rebalancer.

Visual representation:

Straight: 1312
Slow corners: 869 = 34% throughput loss
Belt Rebalancer: 840 = 36% throughput loss
So... belt rebalancer is not your friend.
Save file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/343 ... test_2.zip