Then, in order to change the in-game display of my username, I logged into the website and changed my username and password.
Username was not updated in game, so I logged out of Factorio from the in-game: Settings -> Other page.
Now, I can no longer access the mod portal nor log in from within the game.
Going to the "Install" tab of the in-game mod portal immediately gives the following error:
"Failed to reach auth server. Code: 520. Error: schannel: failed to receive handshake, SSL/TLS connection failed."
Going to Settings -> Other -> then selecting Log In, produces the same error.
I am able to login and download mods from the mod portal WEB SITE with no problems using my new username and password.
I have uninstalled, renamed the appdata/roaming/factorio folder, and reinstalled a few times, rebooted, and still get the error.
I'm running version 7.79.1 of CUrl, but I don't think this is the problem since I had no issues at all just moments before updating my Factorio username and password.
Relevant log lines (log attached):
26.202 Factorio initialised
26.206 Steam Storage Quota: 4591/4768
32.213 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:372: Performing TLS check.
32.214 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading
32.325 Error HttpSharedState.cpp:138: CURL failed: code:35, 23; Send failure: Connection was reset
32.325 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:147: Downloading
32.325 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:148: Status code: 0
32.325 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:384: TLS check failed.
32.325 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading
32.325 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:54: Downloading
32.419 Error HttpSharedState.cpp:138: CURL failed: code:35, 23; Send failure: Connection was reset
32.419 Error HttpSharedState.cpp:138: CURL failed: code:35, 23; Send failure: Connection was reset 32.419 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:147: Downloading
32.419 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:148: Status code: 0
32.419 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:147: Downloading
32.419 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:148: Status code: 0
32.419 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:18: Failed to reach auth server: code(520) message(Send failure: Connection was reset)
32.419 Error AppManagerStates.cpp
This started yesterday after updating my username and password. About 12 hours has gone by and I'm still having the same issue.