We support Ukraine

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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

enterisys wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:15 pm Never seen so much bullshit. Look at Donbass border. 0 advance from your great army kekw
2 March , no advance at all.

_123492192_ukraine_russian_control_areas_map_03_02_x2640-nc.png.jpeg (206.86 KiB) Viewed 4017 times
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

FuryoftheStars wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:23 pm Ah, yes, because it actually takes someone to say "I'm at war with you" for a full on military incursion and people dying all over the place to actually be considered a "war".
This is a normal practice introduced by the USA. Everyone here knows about case law?

If Ukraine does not want civilians to die, why not evacuate them from cities
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:23 pm
Exactly 0 advance at Donbass which was primary goal of this war no?
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:29 pm
FuryoftheStars wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:23 pm Ah, yes, because it actually takes someone to say "I'm at war with you" for a full on military incursion and people dying all over the place to actually be considered a "war".
This is a normal practice introduced by the USA. Everyone here knows about case law?
Again, "they did it" isn't a valid excuse, and I don't support the US doing it, either.
Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:29 pm If Ukraine does not want civilians to die, why not evacuate them from cities
FuryoftheStars wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:16 pm How about that some of these civilians simply don't want to leave?
Or are afraid of coming out of the bunkers in an effort to escape when the shelling doesn't stop? (Despite agreeing to a cease-fire to allow civilians to escape, for at least 2 days in a row the Russians have broken that cease fire... with artillery.)
Or how about that the "escape corridors" the Russians are leaving open mostly lead to Russia or their allies?
Or that some are too old, sick, frail, or injured and unable to be evacuated, and some people volunteered to stay behind to take care of them?
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

FuryoftheStars wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:20 pm So that's a valid reason to support the invasion? Even if it were true that the Ukrainian soldiers are hiding behind their civilians, your logic is even sicker.
Russia will stop 'in a moment' if Ukraine meets terms

-Kremlin says it insists on neutrality for Ukraine

-Russia "will finish" demilitarisation of the country

-Wants Kyiv to recognise breakaway regions, loss of Crimea

If you know peaceful solutions to the conflict with the pro-American Ukrainian authorities, write.

I don't support the third point, but I and you don't live there and I can't say how much the residents needed it.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

FuryoftheStars wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:34 pm Again, "they did it" isn't a valid excuse, and I don't support the US doing it, either.
Unfortunately, the world does not live by concepts, it lives by laws, no matter how bad they are.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by jodokus31 »

Tertius wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:44 pm
Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:06 pm And you will choose those newspapers where everyone writes your truths.
There are fundamental differences in how people from "the west" perceive newspapers (and news in general) and how people from "the east" perceive them. In "the west", the press is free and independent by law. The press isn't controlled by a (mysterious) 3rd party. It's allowed (and encouraged) to print whatever it wants, regardless of what the government or warlord wants. This does not mean every press is serious and accurate - it's just allowed to write what it wants. And this actually happens: you get a large amount of good information, and a large amount of junk as well. You have to read multiple different sources to get to the bottom of it.
The big mass media in the west are often financed by "mysterious" private organizations/persons. What do you think, what they do report? Independent from whom? People who speak against the ruling opinion, won't end in jail, that's good. But there are more subtle ways to suppress uncomfortable opinions.
It has been proven in the last 70 years that the press is really independent, because every time politicians tried to suppress information or putting pressure upon the press, courts were involved, the politicians lost their case, and the most important thing: the politicians accepted that ruling. You can find these rulings. You are able to study journalism and learn about the rights you can enforce against the government.
This argument basically says, some politicians couldn't get away with lies, so everyone couldn't get away with it. But, you won't hear much about those, who get away, because well... they got away with it.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

enterisys wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:30 pm Exactly 0 advance at Donbass which was primary goal of this war no?
Where you find this? Donbass was target of diplomatic conversation before so called " special operation" . Reason for operation I am already posted.
Last edited by Djmixxx on Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:51 pm
enterisys wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:30 pm Exactly 0 advance at Donbass which was primary goal of this war no?
Where you find this? Donbass was target of diplomatic conversation before so called " military operation" . Reason for operation I am already posted.
Well you clearly missed it, aswell as Nazi agenda. Already giving up?
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by mmmPI »

jodokus31 wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:50 pm
The big mass media in the west are often financed by "mysterious" private organizations/persons. What do you think, what they do report? Independent from whom? People who speak against the ruling opinion, won't end in jail, that's good. But there are more subtle ways to suppress uncomfortable opinions.
The "mainstream" media is a term everyboody uses without a clear definition. It is those that do not have schocking view for the masses. Sometimes the truth is indeed schocking and concealed away from the "maintream" media.

Sometimes media concentration leads to unrepresentative views.

https://www.allsides.com/blog/historian ... an-history

I think this is an example of attempts to not do stupid one-sided propaganda.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Tertius »

Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:50 pm I agree with you that there is a free press. But it is not main world press. Only small and local. If you know any big free press, please send me link.
Since I am German, I usually read German sources. Main sources are https://www.faz.net/, a somewhat conservative media with own reporters, and https://www.n-tv.de/, a more trashy and dpa message distributing ticker-like media, but with their own reporters as well. Other sources are mostly IT newstickers, which also take part in some political articles: https://www.heise.de/ and https://www.golem.de/
I'm not following any Twitter, Whatsapp, Telegram or Facebook stuff, however I read single posts other media refers to. It's all a big web of links that span the whole world.
Unfortunately, I don't read Russian media. Automatic Google Translator within the Chrome browser is fantastic and makes all Russian text well understandable, but I wasn't able to find independent media, so I gave up.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by enterisys »

Tertius wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:03 pm Unfortunately, I don't read Russian media. Automatic Google Translator within the Chrome browser is fantastic and makes all Russian text well understandable, but I wasn't able to find independent media, so I gave up.
You can check https://meduza.io/en and https://tvrain.ru/news/
Thats the last independent news from russia that were banned a couple days ago and now work from abroad.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by gi-joe-moto »

I just want to say thank you to the Factorio team for a lot of things.

First off, I want to thank Factorio for being a Czech game company. As an American of Czech decent I take a strange pride in knowing that one of my favorite games of all time is made in the country where most of my family originated from. If I'd have known you were based in Prague I may have randomly showed up for autographs when I was last there!

Second, I'd like to thank you for making a great game. I found this game after I broken my leg while in Ukraine. This game helped occupy my mind and my time while I healed up. I am part of the Army National Guard in the United States. I lived at the Yavoriv Combat Training Center for a year helping train units for the front line. Many people in the US forget that Ukraine has been at war with Russia for a long time now, since 2014 when the invasion began. I honestly mark the start when the people rose during the Maidan Revolution and kicked out the pro-Russian government.

Lastly to the people who believe Russian propaganda:
Those that say this is not a war are wrong. You can call it a special operation if you want but it doesn't change that fact that is also a war and has been for over 8 years.

Ukrainians do not want Russian rule and they are willing to fight and die for their democracy. By this simple standard that Ukrainians do not want Russians in their country alone provides all the evidence needed to say that there is no justification anyone can give to vindicate the actions of Russia. There is no valid justification for this invasion. Pointing to the past atrocities of others, pointing to the bombing of enemy troops that have been occupying the Donbass (sovereign territory of Ukraine) for 8 years, talking about the collateral damage caused by tanks, saying there is “darkness on both sides”, accusations of genocide… these are all strawman arguments.

Bottom line: The war and violence can end tomorrow if Putin removes troops from Ukraine. Therefore, it is easy and obvious to anyone who the evil one is.

We need to continue to talk about this issue, do not listen to those who would silence the importance of such a significant world event. There is an obvious right and wrong side of this conflict, and we need to continue to support Ukraine. We must stand together in solidarity as the free peoples of the democracies of the world to say, “This is wrong and we will not be silent, this is wrong and we will not stand idly by, this is wrong, and we will work to stop it.”

I think daily about my friends in Ukraine and hope every day the remain safe and alive. It is hard to know they are risking their lives everyday and not being able to do more.

Slava Ukraini!
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

enterisys wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:07 pm You can check https://meduza.io/en and https://tvrain.ru/news/
Thats the last independent news from russia that were banned a couple days ago and now work from abroad.
Confirm. It was free press just past month, which can read all Russia (but russian marked it , as financed from US) how RT was marked as financed by Russia
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

Tertius wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:03 pm Since I am German, I usually read German
If you read the Latvian press, Germany is sometimes either flooded or there are riots all around, arranged by emigrants. :lol:
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by jodokus31 »

Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:17 pm
Tertius wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:03 pm Since I am German, I usually read German
If you read the Latvian press, Germany is sometimes either flooded or there are riots all around, arranged by emigrants. :lol:
In summer, there a was an extremely severe flooding in middle-west of germany.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Tertius »

Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:17 pm
Tertius wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 4:03 pm Since I am German, I usually read German
If you read the Latvian press, Germany is sometimes either flooded or there are riots all around, arranged by emigrants. :lol:
Funny/interesting to see the outside view.

From the inside, the floods were tiny compared to the whole area of Germany (single small valleys or a small area around a river). Since usually nothing important is happening in Germany, these events get big attention. The damage (in Euro) of such events is always high, because Germany is a highly industrialized and densely populated country with every square kilometer full of villages.

If you mention riots, you probably mean the demonstrations by vaccination refusers and right wing supporters who refuse to follow the orders to wear Corona masks and keep distance during the demo. The demonstrations were against Corona measures, and the riots were against the police who try to make the people wear Corona masks. In my opinion, this was really harmless. Not even brawls. You can probably take your 3 year old daughter and walk right through such a "riot" without a single issue. It's way more dangerous to visit the Frankfurt Bahnhofsviertel at night. The last real riots were years ago (against globalization/G7/G8 summits) or even against Startbahn West (runway) for Frankfurt Airport to prevent a large deforestation in the 1980ies.

This is a good example that you need different views on some topic: there is the information that something happens, and there is a classification what this is actually about. My explanations are also biased - another German will probably tell slightly different stories. It's important that everyone is allowed to do this and nobody is censored, and this is what is lacking and being suppressed in Russia.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by ravage666 »

Last edited by ravage666 on Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by Djmixxx »

ravage666 wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:24 pm This lead me to think you didn't check my post and give you opinion.
I have the same impression, that information for some people reaches through a very strict internal firewall.
As the head of a team of 60 people, each of my conversations with an employee ends with the question: "Now tell me how did you understand what I explained"
I think your are confusing my opinion with the truth.
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Re: We support Ukraine

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:42 pm
FuryoftheStars wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:20 pm So that's a valid reason to support the invasion? Even if it were true that the Ukrainian soldiers are hiding behind their civilians, your logic is even sicker.
Russia will stop 'in a moment' if Ukraine meets terms

-Kremlin says it insists on neutrality for Ukraine

-Russia "will finish" demilitarisation of the country

-Wants Kyiv to recognise breakaway regions, loss of Crimea

If you know peaceful solutions to the conflict with the pro-American Ukrainian authorities, write.

I don't support the third point, but I and you don't live there and I can't say how much the residents needed it.
:lol: Just like they said they weren't going to invade and it was all just "training exercises", right? ;)

Still doesn't excuse their actions, though.
Djmixxx wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:45 pm Unfortunately, the world does not live by concepts, it lives by laws, no matter how bad they are.
There's more to the term "war" than the mere legal declaration of being "at war". You're right, Russia has not declared as being "at war", but that doesn't mean that the conflict isn't a "war".
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