This is not using the item storage tank. Not with water like you didmrvn wrote: Sun Oct 24, 2021 6:36 pm Well, it has steam tanks. Tanks on wheels. But you aren't using them as such. There is also a lot of heat pipes. I eyeball it at ~175. Which would buffer one refueling cycle. So 2 questions (plus a bonus):

You can download the map and have a more precise count, tbh i just spammed them for they look nice. And added some here and there at the end. There's more than 175 for sure, let's take the top station, there is 8 exchanger one side, separated with pipes, that's at least 24 tiles horizontal, and there is a double row of heat pipes running each side. That's around 50 pipes per horizontal array, so at least 250 heatpipes not counting the verticals. I played with copy pasting arrays on the editor and then added more than was stricly required i think to connect what i thought was ok after the copy pasting.
Given the set up it's easy to add reactors/heat pipes on the right side of the plant. Reactors are not as efficient spacewise as heatpipes to buffer heat, but are faster to transmit it. You could modify the design to make it bigger and replace the vertical array of heat pipes with reactors. Not to feed them, just to move heat 20 tiles in 4 item.
i put fuel until the system is very hot, like 980° i did, then i put the train on automatic. If i ever need to restart, like during testing, i just cut the rail from the stacker to bays. on the very left of the picture ( we can't see the stacker ). it's written in the other post where there's a ton of explication because it could get spammy so i wanted to avoid hijacking this topic.mrvn wrote: Sun Oct 24, 2021 6:36 pm 1) So how do you start this?
A) Do you have the trains sitting in the cold reactor and then manually trigger a refuel till steam starts to fill the trains?
B) Fill the reactors with fuel and when steam comes out the other end remove all fuel and let automatic take over?
C) Drop in exactly N fuel because you know then steam is produced?
this doesn't make sense to me / i don't understand.mrvn wrote: Sun Oct 24, 2021 6:36 pm I imagine you want the reactor to be a bit hotter than minimum. So when trains aren't leaving because power demand is low and the temperature equalizes the reactor doesn't get cold. But not too hot so you have lots of thermal buffer.
You need the reactor to be at (almost) maximum temperature when you start. 980° for example. ( ideal is max-1 full cycle for safety). ( max - 0.70 fuel cycle is ok too)
Then when 1 train pass temperature is 960 ° ( madeup illustrative number), when 2 train pass temperature is 940° , when 11 train have passed you are almost at minium temperature. When the 12th train is passing, you have lost in the ° the equivalent of 1 fuel cycle. It triggers the refuel.
I should try to clarify that: The ideal would be to have 3 cyle of fuel buffer left above 500°. And you aim at oscillating between 1+ and 3-, like 1.8 1.9 2.3 2.4 2.2 1.9. the refuel would occur at lowest point, where only 1 cycle of fuel is left in the buffer. That's because if everything is 500° it's dead. It's meant to always be able to input a precise amount of steam each tick at whatever places.
That's not how it works, when the refuel occur, it means there is 1 fuel cycle worth of energy that was taken out of the initial 980°. If you suddenly stop consuming and wait for the refuel to occur you will have 980° again. Minus 4 trains containing each 82395 steam that gets auto refilled starting even before the refuel is detected, which increase the size buffer and you didn't account for your estimate.mrvn wrote: Sun Oct 24, 2021 6:36 pm
2) Say you have full trains sitting in all the bays. Then one leaves and you pass 12 trains and refuel. No more steam is consumed.
You have 1 empty train so that is 1/12 a fuel cell taken care of as steam. 11/12th of the fuel gets buffered as heat. By my estimate the heat pipes should be enough if the reactor didn't start off too hot.
So how hot and cold does the reactor go?
It's written 670°-980° on the other post that's what i got during my test. It was probably started with 1 fuel cell too many. temp at 950° would have been better. but i wouldn't know until 197 760 train passes... so hey idc really

Also it's hard to talk about temperature, you could have a look at the map yourself, because sometimes if only the top bay is used for 5 6 trains in a row and none of the others, ( very rarely happens randomly) then the temperature in this very top extremity is 670° or so, but then the reactor is 750°, and all the other extremeties are 880 900° and the branch starts giving back heat to the reactor which spread toward the coldest point. Which prevent the ° going under 670, or at least slow and slow and slows the process. Maybe if you voluntarily block 3 bays and only use 1 at the top or bottom for more than a few heat cycle, it would change, but i'm not sure because then the refuel are heating the reactor but not spreading to the other hot area, it sort of target directly the cold area due to heat propagating faster when the ° difference is higher.
No that's a non sense argument it's a test map demonstrating the power plant, not the speed of the train.You are free to add station to turn the train to the direction you want you can download it on the other post, and i'm adding a link here too. But it's true that's something important to mention, train have to enter with the fluid wagon first, otherwise it doesn't work that happened once or twice during testing.mrvn wrote: Sun Oct 24, 2021 6:36 pm Bonus Question:
Trains with a fluid wagon at the front (when your trains go backwards) are really slow, bad wind resistance. Do you have an extra stations in the schedule to turn the trains around so they drive forward for the long distance and backward only to turn around?
There is an extra station on the schedule to stop train coming to refill in if they do not have empty steam same logic as making sure nothing gets in the LTN depot. that's the waypoint at the entrance. If in case by accident i cancel a train that couldn't unload everything as it should in outpost, it comes in with 123 steam, and then it would mess up the perfect clock. Those are prevented from getting to the steam loading area.
You could, and i did at first, add a waypoint on the exit path, to make sure the train has indeed 82395 steam. (As of now the condition for train to leave is = not >= 82395.)
This and rigging an alarm would alert a player if the plant is not functionning properly. I would advise to make >=82350 instead of = 82395 for safety. This way the reactor would overheat very sligthly overtime but i wanted to show you can do it precisely, so you cannot say "meh meh meh inaccuracies meh meh meh overtime death spiral or something like flawed logic

Here is a picture where everything is even smaller so it's even harder to eyeball the number of heatpipe hehe That's how i worked around the storage tank limitation in one outpost but there are few different on the map :
That's not exactly the same as just plopping a few tanks for buffer and reading steam with combinator to change the train limit when the buffer is low.
It's a "fight-for-the-fish". You put a fish in between the 2 inserter and 1 grabs it, then its side own the fish until the train on the same side is empty. When the train leaves, the fish is put to the middle again. Inserter can't play the fish fight if their side has no train, so then it's the other inserter who win the fish fight. And the other train gets filled.
This make sure the one train emptying is emptied till the end before the other is tapped.
Here is the wonderful Smoke-delivering Island map !