Just realized that I have a biter stucked in the middle of my military pack base. It is properly shown on the map as red and does a vibration, not moving (like move a bit then back then start again).
I have a savegame if needed. No idea how long it is there. I have no mods or sciprts, but a huge map and low FPS. Had many minor biter attacks (they set to mimimum) inclduing this area. I have no attack alerts, it does no damage.
It was killed properly when I moved there with my spider.
Maybe my robots put the substation on the biter?
See screenshot.
[Oxyd] [1.1.42] Biter stuck on underground belt
[Oxyd] [1.1.42] Biter stuck on underground belt
- Attachments
- biterstucked.png (1.32 MiB) Viewed 4135 times
Last edited by Belter on Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: A biter stucked and vibrating doing no damage
Post the save, see 3638.
Re: A biter stucked and vibrating doing no damage
See https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
- save
- log
- pics to find it on the map
- save
- log
- pics to find it on the map
Re: [Oxyd] [1.1.42] Biter stuck on underground belt
Thanks, fixed in 1.1.50.