Iv approached mega base size on my final play, got grid train networks running 8 cargo cars on 5 engines, produced about 500 science per minute on 100% 8 lane buss fed by said trains, adding new lanes as they are used(no splitting as the management of compression is much harder the longer the buss gets). This is more work as I have to monitor the supplies after a few days, but nothing a little circuit networking cant fix.
Im looking for someone to play with, I am by no means a pro or a expert by any means. I have never picked up a game like this before, the closest thing I think I could relate to is Star-Craft 2. I am South African, playing with fibre, my ping to the EU is about 100ms, on a 100mb line. Anyhow, I have the tools and a good old i7 4770K to get me chugging along. Is there anyone looking for a member, I am willing to join discord or Teamspeak. Iv been gaming for 20 years and am 35 years of age. I have a wife and a little boy that keeps me busy from time to time, but I am blessed enough to be able to do what I enjoy, and that is surfing and gaming as much as possible

Thanks for taking the time to read my little inquiry. Best to you all!