I apologize for my double post, idk where to put it
I need some help about this free multiplayer features.
First of all i would like to thank the creator of that staff...really very helpfull.
Now lets talk about my problem. I started playing with my friend yesterday and i have frequently lag. The game is running very well on my laptop (60fps in max) without fps drop. i tryied 3 different internet connections, 2 of them mobile (4G & 3G ea) and on from home. Im getting on all connections lag. The only thing that i can understand is pressing F4 FPS/UPS. FPS are stable at 60fps but UPS sometimes when it lags it drops for a moment and goes up to 140(?!?) until the game synchronize. Near the alien vests, the lag is much more worst. By pressing F5, i cant understand anything so if you need any information from there, just ask me what to share with you here
Laptop details

Just notice that Factorio's installation location is on my SSD
and here is my internet connection

Just notice that my friend doesnt have any problem he has zero lag