Texture Mapped 3D rendering in Factorio

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Texture Mapped 3D rendering in Factorio

Post by Hell2o »

I built a texture mapped 3D renderer in Factorio

Link to the video: https://youtu.be/CU-oku9cK_M

All the calculations use a fixed precision representation with 10 bits after the point.
It can currently handle up to 4 textures with a texture resolution of 32 by 32.
it can render an arbitrary number of triangles and is currently set up to render a cube using 12 triangles.
The screen is 64 by 32 and has 8 colours.

05355.png (2.76 MiB) Viewed 1851 times
Map download:
3D renderer 2.zip
(19.83 MiB) Downloaded 122 times
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Re: Texture Mapped 3D rendering in Factorio

Post by adamwong246 »

This is amazing.
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Re: Texture Mapped 3D rendering in Factorio

Post by Impatient »

You are a wizard my friend.
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