Bugs & FAQ

Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by kingarthur »

Skovsende wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:12 pm Hmm I have at strang bug with Angel's Smelting:

I can't research Cement Processing 1 (https://ibb.co/BjJWzk0) the research button is grayed out stating "Some prerequisite technologies are not researched" - but that tech don't have any prerequisite.

Any ideas? :)
something has been hidden but is still set as a prerequisite for that tech.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Skovsende »

kingarthur wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:41 pm
Skovsende wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:12 pm Hmm I have at strang bug with Angel's Smelting:

I can't research Cement Processing 1 (https://ibb.co/BjJWzk0) the research button is grayed out stating "Some prerequisite technologies are not researched" - but that tech don't have any prerequisite.

Any ideas? :)
something has been hidden but is still set as a prerequisite for that tech.
How to fix? :D (If you have any idea :) )

Edit (20 minuts later :) ) Tried to look in the mod files - the tech required "water-washing-1" - but that tech is missing. Deleted that prerequisite, and make it work. But still need "water-washing-1" to get the building to make the ressources for clay bricks... Damn :)

Edit (10 minuts later: ) Found out by using this command: /c game.player.force.technologies['water-washing-1'].enabled=true - it all worked :) (viewtopic.php?t=87340&p=503860)
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by lovely_santa »

valneq wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:36 pm
DaemonEleuel wrote: Mon Sep 14, 2020 10:51 am Ok, I tried all I could but at this point I have to ask
Alien plant life samples are my bane. I am playing a death rail world, it is pretty much impossible to get to a garden or tree safely enough to get them (the whole map is a nice bright red).
Is there a workaround for this situation? From what I've seen modules are locked behind the ability to farm (to get the crystals).
Am I missing anything obvious?
Angel's is not balanced for deathworld. It never was, iirc. Angel's mods are not even really balanced for regular biter settings. Recent editions of Angel's Refining deactivate biters by default. And even if you re-activate them, the biter evolution settings were drastically tuned down, and the starting area drastically increased for the "Standard" preset. This is a stark contrast to the idea behind a deathworld.

Not sure how to make a proper deathworld with all of Angel's mods realistically feasible. Or why anyone would want to try.

Maybe you could get it to work it if you also load in lots of mods that make the game easier. I am not talking about simple QoL. I am talking "totally OP" easier. Then it might work out somehow. But even then not sure.

As a workaround, you can always deactivate Angel's Bioprocessing. Most production chains from Bioprocessing (algae, farming, fish) will typically require lots of space that you don't have in a deathworld anyways. Without Bioprocessing, modules don't require crystals – just gems.

[edit]: You could cheat some gardens and special trees into your inventory to kickstart Bioprocessing. But even then, I would expect that you run out of space before you actually get production chains from Bioprocessing going.
This is a big part of angels exploration that we do want to balance, when we come around to that. We do want exploration to give biters a use, however, in the meantime, you could cheat in some plant life samples, but I expect you to have alot of problems with the biters before a decent sized base defence setup.
PanzerTanzer wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 1:24 pm
kingarthur wrote: Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:55 pm
PanzerTanzer wrote: Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:28 am
kingarthur wrote: Wed Sep 16, 2020 3:40 am
PanzerTanzer wrote: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:19 pm Seems that Angels Industries brakes the Deuterium Fuel Cell 2 of Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates. I get an not working Use Deuterium Fuel Cell that is diffrent then the one of the Deuterium Fuel Cell and cant be recyceled (no recipe to do so).
can you provide a save to sync with please
The bugged version should sit in the red boxes west of the nuclear powerplant. The recycling is a bit more south. Both are on the east coast of the island. Could be a naming issue for the item.
https://www.file-upload.net/download-14 ... 0.zip.html
its not a just naming issue there a bit more to it and ill need to get with the rest of the team as i didnt do anything with the nuclear overhual so i dont know there exact plans. you have bobs deuterium fuel cell 2 and and angel doesnt have anything for fuel cell 2 they just replaced fuel cell 1. angels fuel cell 1 is made in a chem plant and not an assembler.
Thx for searching the failure.
The exact reason is that bob added this recipe after the latest release. In the next release, this recipe will receive an angel overhaul. Depending on your mod configuration the end result may vary (equivalent recipe or just be hidden).
valneq wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 1:58 am
lorddaedra wrote: Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:09 am First of all, thank you for your mods. Base game is good starting point but a little bit boring (IMHO) without Bob & Angel mods.

I would like to play with bobclasses, I selected Fighter class. And now I can't progress because of I have no Stone furnaces in my inventory to create Iron, I have no Iron plates in my inventory (but I can loot 8 Iron Plates in this location), and I can't create Iron plates myself. I need 3 x Construction block 1, I can create only 2 of them with 8 Iron plates... Please add 2 more Iron plates to Spaceship Wreck if bobplates is installed and Fighter class is selected and Components overhaul settings is enabled.
For the moment you will have to accept that the Components Overhaul is in beta and mod compatiblility was not the top priority.

However, I can confirm: the player is 2 iron plates short of progressing – if Components Overhaul is active and the Fighter class is selected. Presence or absence of bobplates appears to be irrelevant.

All other character classes are fine:
  • standard class starts with mining drill + furnace in inventory
  • miner class starts with 2x mining drill, but can smelt ores by hand
  • builder starts with mining drill + furnace in inventory
The fighter class starts with an SMG + lots of ammo, but neither mining drill nor furnace.

Copied this report over to the bug tracker on github:
Thanks for the report, this should be fixed for the next release.
jgilmore42 wrote: Mon Sep 21, 2020 3:32 am I'm new to the mods. And I just spent SEVERAL HOURS of my time figuring out WHICH FUCKING MOD WAS DISABLING ENEMIES.

And it's angels refining.

I would have disabled it if it was something minor, but it's a very major part of the modded gameplay, and I really quite enjoyed the extra complexity! So I came here to report the bug and hopefully get it fixed so my second play-through would actually have enemies.

Only to discover that it's not a bug, it's a feature!

Now, I can understand that this mod set is practically impossible with standard enemy bases, pollution, etc. settings. And I'm actually kind of glad that my first play through didn't have standard settings. But this really, really, really, needs better in-game documentation, or better default settings, or something. Seriously, "set "angels enemy multiplier to greater than 100%, or no enemies will be generated" is rather counter-intuitive.

Given that it took me 200 hours of play time to get almost all research done, compared to ~50 for a base run (taking plenty of time) it's likely that values of 1/4 the base game may be appropriate. i.e. 10 for time factor, 2 for pollution factor, and the "angels enemy multiplier" set to what is now 150%, which seems to give about 1/4 the base games density of enemy bases. Or maybe something even lower for the enemy base density would be appropriate?

May I suggest that future versions of this mod have those defaults?

I would also like to know what the rational is for adding an additional toggle to the base enemy frequency/size configuration. What exactly does this setting add? What's the reason behind adding another setting instead of adjusting the effect of the default settings? I.E. wouldn't it make more sense to adjust the effect of the vanilla "enemy bases" setting so that 100% size/frequency was a reasonable default (say, 1/4 the size/frequency) for angels?

I would also like to suggest that it would have been much easier to find this information if the enemy settings were in a separate mod. "angels enemy settings" or something. Or even had a reference to that in the base mod's description "adds ore refining to the game. Compound ores have to be refined before you are able to smelt and cast them into plates. Works best in conjunction with Angels Industries and/or Bobmods and supports additional mods like Youki Industries, Uranium Power and Nucular" doesn't say ANYTHING to indicate that it also, by default, and unless you know which settings to tweak, completely removes enemy bases.

That's a pretty major effect on gameplay to not even be mentioned in the mod description!

(Rant now finished, I'd like to thank you for this set of mods. The additional difficulty and complexity was JUST what I needed to freshen what had become rather stale gameplay. Kudos! Good job!)
Thanks for the feedback, the next update will have a message for when you play without angels exploration and thus alternative default settings.
DarkyPupu wrote: Mon Sep 21, 2020 8:04 am BA-game :
When constructing a burner mining drill, it costs
2 stone furnaces
6 mechanical parts
6 construction frames

When i take it back, i have only half of those in inventory.

All other buildings seems to work ok (100% back)
Building cost x10, expensive recipes, if that matters.

No significant other mods i think.
This is the current intended behaviour, we can't really differentiate between normal and expensive mode at this point. We are however looking at possible alternative solutions for this.
nOObe wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:42 pm Angel's Petro Chemical Processing
I think the check valve does not check.

Using seablock, so perhaps thats a thing.
but the "Non Return valve" from Angels refining does work.

Thank you for your mods
This is fixed for the next release.

<to be continued>
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by lovely_santa »

jindale wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:08 pm
valneq wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:20 pm
jindale wrote: Tue Oct 13, 2020 6:57 pm Used Coolant don't flow from Casting Machine in any motor casting recipies.
The recipes for to make Motor casing 1 from Molten iron and Reusable mold takes fresh coolant, not used coolant. You need to cool the used coolant down in a cooling tower and filter it to make it re-usable again. However the last step is lossy, so you will need to re-supply the entire metal casting with fresh coolant.

If you think you have a different issue, we would need more concrete information: screenshots or a savefile.
I have no problem with fresh coolant, used coolant don't leave casting machine. I can see it in pipes, but used coolant don't flow to the cooling tower.

This is fixed for the next release.
valneq wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:29 pm
destroyerangel wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:53 pm Hello,

I have noticed that when Factorissimo 2 is installed, concrete bricks and reinforced concrete bricks place landfill instead of their normal concrete grid tiles. (Strangely, the landfill can only be placed on land, and not water.) The bricks still work as crafting ingredients though. Does anyone know what exactly is going on?

You say this happens only with Factorissimo2 installed. I am guessing that therefore the Angel's devs can likely not do anything about that. Maybe report it to Factorissimo2's devs?
This seems to be a Factorissimo 2 bug indeed, nothing angels related.
fatallight wrote: Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:06 pm I have a pretty simple question. I just unlocked Red science analyzer but I can't find any way to actually research with it. My only research options require a Red science analyzer and a Basic datacore. But my only research buildings available are Basic Lab and Tech Archive 1 and 2. None of those accept both a red science analyzer and a basic datacore. So I seem to be stuck...
That is weird... Are you sure you don't have any researched available that JUST take in red and grey analyzers, in order to research new labs? It should be done in a Tech Archive 2.
Skovsende wrote: Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:07 am
kingarthur wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:41 pm
Skovsende wrote: Sat Oct 24, 2020 7:12 pm Hmm I have at strang bug with Angel's Smelting:

I can't research Cement Processing 1 (https://ibb.co/BjJWzk0) the research button is grayed out stating "Some prerequisite technologies are not researched" - but that tech don't have any prerequisite.

Any ideas? :)
something has been hidden but is still set as a prerequisite for that tech.
How to fix? :D (If you have any idea :) )

Edit (20 minuts later :) ) Tried to look in the mod files - the tech required "water-washing-1" - but that tech is missing. Deleted that prerequisite, and make it work. But still need "water-washing-1" to get the building to make the ressources for clay bricks... Damn :)

Edit (10 minuts later: ) Found out by using this command: /c game.player.force.technologies['water-washing-1'].enabled=true - it all worked :) (viewtopic.php?t=87340&p=503860)
Same answer as before, I think it might be fixed in the next release...
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Angel's Refining - attempt to index local 'pack' (a nil value)

Post by eddye »


I'm trying to run Factorio with Angel and Bob's after some time without playing.
I'm crashing immediately when opening the game, reporting an error in angelsrefining:

Code: Select all

  20.468 Mods to disable:Falha ao carregar mods: __angelsrefining__/prototypes/override-functions.lua:946: attempt to index local 'pack' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	__angelsrefining__/prototypes/override-functions.lua:946: in function 'execute'
	__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:41: in main chunk

Mods para serem desativados:
• angelsrefining (0.11.16)
  36.221 Quitting: user-quit.
  36.329 Steam API shutdown.
  36.332 Goodbye
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Re: Angel's Refining - attempt to index local 'pack' (a nil value)

Post by valneq »

eddye wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:56 am Hello.

I'm trying to run Factorio with Angel and Bob's after some time without playing.
I'm crashing immediately when opening the game, reporting an error in angelsrefining:

Code: Select all

  20.468 Mods to disable:Falha ao carregar mods: __angelsrefining__/prototypes/override-functions.lua:946: attempt to index local 'pack' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	__angelsrefining__/prototypes/override-functions.lua:946: in function 'execute'
	__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:41: in main chunk

Mods para serem desativados:
• angelsrefining (0.11.16)
  36.221 Quitting: user-quit.
  36.329 Steam API shutdown.
  36.332 Goodbye
Cannot reproduce: for me Bob's + Angel's works fine. Is there any additional information you could provide, so we can reproduce? Which mods exactly are you running? Are they all up to date? Are you using special mod settings or all default? Does the crash not happen when you load a reduced set of mods? What is the minimal set of mods to cause the crash, and at which versions and with which settings?
If you happen to have a save file that requires your set of mods and therefore crashes upon loading, that might be useful and convenient for all of us. If you uploaded such a save, we could sync mods to that save and reproduce the error for better troubleshooting.
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Re: Angel's Refining - attempt to index local 'pack' (a nil value)

Post by eddye »

valneq wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:30 am
eddye wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 3:56 am Hello.

I'm trying to run Factorio with Angel and Bob's after some time without playing.
I'm crashing immediately when opening the game, reporting an error in angelsrefining:

Code: Select all

  20.468 Mods to disable:Falha ao carregar mods: __angelsrefining__/prototypes/override-functions.lua:946: attempt to index local 'pack' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
	__angelsrefining__/prototypes/override-functions.lua:946: in function 'execute'
	__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:41: in main chunk

Mods para serem desativados:
• angelsrefining (0.11.16)
  36.221 Quitting: user-quit.
  36.329 Steam API shutdown.
  36.332 Goodbye
Cannot reproduce: for me Bob's + Angel's works fine. Is there any additional information you could provide, so we can reproduce? Which mods exactly are you running? Are they all up to date? Are you using special mod settings or all default? Does the crash not happen when you load a reduced set of mods? What is the minimal set of mods to cause the crash, and at which versions and with which settings?
If you happen to have a save file that requires your set of mods and therefore crashes upon loading, that might be useful and convenient for all of us. If you uploaded such a save, we could sync mods to that save and reproduce the error for better troubleshooting.
Hello, your response was very helpful.
I managed to isolate the problematic mod, activating only the essentials (Angel's and Bob's) and the crash didn't happen.

So I started to activate the mods gradually and the mod that was causing this conflict was "SPM No Military Science" (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Super_Pin ... NoMilitary).

I have no intention of playing with biters in this gameplay and my goal was to disable military recipes. But as this mod is causing this conflict I will disable it.

Thank you for your great help, valneq.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

eddye wrote: Tue Oct 27, 2020 4:09 pm So I started to activate the mods gradually and the mod that was causing this conflict was "SPM No Military Science" (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Super_Pin ... NoMilitary).
Feel free to report the incompatibility to the mod author on the mod portal:
https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Super_Pin ... discussion
However, be aware that the mod does not state any intentions to be compatible with major overhaul mods like Angel's mods, Bob's mods, or Krastorio 2. So the mod author might not want to implement special fixes for such complicated cases and advise you not to use this mod such combination instead.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Dahlaron »

6.12 Angel's Smelting is missing an image file. Causes cascading mods to not load.
AngelsSmeltingMissingFile.png (45.85 KiB) Viewed 6531 times
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by kirazy »

Dahlaron wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:45 am6.12 Angel's Smelting is missing an image file. Causes cascading mods to not load.
This is a bug with ShinyAngelGFX as a result of updated graphics for Angel's Smelting. You can use this mod in tandem with ShinyAngelGFX if you're interested and it will load. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for Zombiee to release a fix.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by marginoferror »

I've started a new game with Bob's and Angel's mods, but I think I've found a bug or else have an unsupported set of mods.

I'm unable to make basic electronics; resin, required for electronics, is unobtainable because it's made in the bio processor, which requires electronics to craft.

Here's the portion of my mod list that I think is relevant; I've removed mods that have absolutely nothing to do with the techs in question (Rampant, Angel's Warehouse, etc.)

- Bio Processing
- Petro Chemical Processing
- Refining
- Smelting

- Assembling Machines
- Electronics
- Functions Library
- Logistics
- Metals/Chemicals/Intermediates
- Mining
- Ores
- Power
- Revamp
- Technology

Is there a mod I should add or remove?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by RandomBlaze »

Updated after crash to the new Angels mods and I am getting a mod load error.
20201029223739_1.jpg (54.51 KiB) Viewed 6499 times
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

RandomBlaze wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:42 am Updated after crash to the new Angels mods and I am getting a mod load error.20201029223739_1.jpg
This is an issue with Seablock, not with Angel's. See also
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

marginoferror wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:30 am I've started a new game with Bob's and Angel's mods, but I think I've found a bug or else have an unsupported set of mods.

I'm unable to make basic electronics; resin, required for electronics, is unobtainable because it's made in the bio processor, which requires electronics to craft.

Here's the portion of my mod list that I think is relevant; I've removed mods that have absolutely nothing to do with the techs in question (Rampant, Angel's Warehouse, etc.)

- Bio Processing
- Petro Chemical Processing
- Refining
- Smelting

- Assembling Machines
- Electronics
- Functions Library
- Logistics
- Metals/Chemicals/Intermediates
- Mining
- Ores
- Power
- Revamp
- Technology

Is there a mod I should add or remove?
I cannot reproduce your observation based on your list of mods.
When I load these mods (default settings), the bio processor requires:
  • Basic electronic board
  • Steel gear wheel
  • Stone brick
  • Steel plate
None of these require resin to make. Keep in mind that a while ago, Angel's added a simplified recipe for solder that requires only lead and tin plate. The latter recipe is unlocked by the technology "Basic solder smelting" from Angel's Smelting.
The earliest you need resin is for phenolic boards and insulated wires. But none of these are typically required that early in the game.

Unless you provide a save with specific settings to sync to, we cannot help you.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by marginoferror »

valneq wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:03 am I cannot reproduce your observation based on your list of mods.
When I load these mods (default settings), the bio processor requires:
  • Basic electronic board
  • Steel gear wheel
  • Stone brick
  • Steel plate
None of these require resin to make. Keep in mind that a while ago, Angel's added a simplified recipe for solder that requires only lead and tin plate. The latter recipe is unlocked by the technology "Basic solder smelting" from Angel's Smelting.
The earliest you need resin is for phenolic boards and insulated wires. But none of these are typically required that early in the game.

Unless you provide a save with specific settings to sync to, we cannot help you.
Oh no! I saw resin as a requirement for materials in the basic electronics tech, but didn't realize it wasn't in the critical path -- it's only a requirement for insulated wire, which is only used later. I did a lot of work to try and get around that for no reason. I'm sorry for wasting your time.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Dahlaron »

kirazy wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:58 am
Dahlaron wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:45 am6.12 Angel's Smelting is missing an image file. Causes cascading mods to not load.
This is a bug with ShinyAngelGFX as a result of updated graphics for Angel's Smelting. You can use this mod in tandem with ShinyAngelGFX if you're interested and it will load. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for Zombiee to release a fix.
Thanks, that worked. On to the next one missing an image...
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Dahlaron »

Angel's Industries, missing a file in 0.4.7. Threw a random png into it, but then, Factorio doesn't load the mod. Done this with others and had no issues, but for some odd reason, Factorio isn't loading the mod when I drop a file in, zip, and drop it in the mod folder.

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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

Dahlaron wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:16 pm Angel's Industries, missing a file in 0.4.7. Threw a random png into it, but then, Factorio doesn't load the mod. Done this with others and had no issues, but for some odd reason, Factorio isn't loading the mod when I drop a file in, zip, and drop it in the mod folder.

The official "PyCoal Touched By an Angel" has not been updated for 7 months. Of course it does not load with yesterday's version of Angel's mods. Development for that compatibility mod was paused a while ago. In any case, please report this to Kingarthur.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by lovely_santa »

RandomBlaze wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 3:42 am Updated after crash to the new Angels mods and I am getting a mod load error.20201029223739_1.jpg
Thanks for the report, I already have an issue for this to fix this for the next release.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by kingarthur »

valneq wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:43 pm
Dahlaron wrote: Fri Oct 30, 2020 2:16 pm Angel's Industries, missing a file in 0.4.7. Threw a random png into it, but then, Factorio doesn't load the mod. Done this with others and had no issues, but for some odd reason, Factorio isn't loading the mod when I drop a file in, zip, and drop it in the mod folder.

The official "PyCoal Touched By an Angel" has not been updated for 7 months. Of course it does not load with yesterday's version of Angel's mods. Development for that compatibility mod was paused a while ago. In any case, please report this to Kingarthur.
i see it. ill look over the most recent version of angels and get something put out this weekend so we can stop getting these very old errors. also it really helps if theres a pycoaltbaa issue that they are reported here: viewtopic.php?f=219&t=59268 or here: viewtopic.php?f=190&t=51967
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