I have sectioned pipe with sulfuric acid inside, and when I tried to reconnect them together I got this message:"Can't connect systems with different fluids"
It's however sulfur acid on both end.... I can even see the logo of sulfur acid
Last edited by isrdum on Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Click each pipe with nothing in your hand and you'll see that one of them has sulfuric acid + something else.
Flush the something else.
If the problem comes back, trace the pipes until you find the device that's pumping in the wrong fluid.
In addition to the above, check every sulfuric acid chemical plant ensure that neither of the two outputs is touching a non-sulfuric acid pipe. Same thing with battery chem plants, ensure that neither of the two inputs is touching a non-sulfuric acid pipe. Same thing with drills mining uranium, ensure that none of their input/outputs are touching a non-sulfuric acid pipe.
This is probably a bug but if you "shift click" the missing piece of pipe in the robots will build it no questions asked, no need to flush. If it is a bug then by the time you read this it will be fixed.
Not a bug, one of the cases of "yep, making this absolutly water proof is not feaseable. Let's accept that and just make it easy to fix instead" for the fluid system.