Show the blue power availability "radii" when placing chests. I guess it is normally only shown for objects that require power.What ?
Almost all of the time, you need to place an inserter in order to fill a chest (I think the only exception is receiver chests?). Inserters require electricity, so there are only certain places that make sense to place a chest. But you can't see those places when placing a chest, because the power overlay is not shown, probably because the chest itself does not require power.The way it is now, I constantly experience this process:
- start placing a chest
- "guess" where there is available power
- often, I'm off-by-one (or even more), and the place that now requires an inserter is unpowered
- place an unpowered inserter
- place a second technically unnecessary power pole to power the inserter that could have been powered if it was in a different place
- alternatively, try to memorize the power layout, and then pickup the chest and try again
- alternatively, place the inserter first, which will result in one or more items from the belt ending up in your inventory
Instead, it would be nice if I could do this:
- start placing a chest
- determine a suitable place for the chest based on where an associated inserter will have power, and other factors
- place the chest, and then place an inserter that is immediately powered with a place to receive the items it grabs