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Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

nuhll wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:58 pm I tried every machine which is listed under FNEI, but i cant clean the filters from air scrubbing....
You know you can right click an item/fluid in FNEI and it will give you a list of all the recipes this item is used in, right?
Right clicking "Used lime filter" leads you directly to the "Acid gas" recipe which is made in liquifyers or chemical plants.

The locale does not make a difference in that regard: in English the recipe name does not mention lime filters either. In that sense it is just "as well hidden" in English.

[edit] So can you turn used filters into acid gas in liquifyers/chemplants, or is the recipe actually not there? The latter can happen when you add/remove mods for an existing save. Starting a new game of Angel's should have that recipe unlocked by Sulfur processing 3 – at least this is the case on my machine.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by emp_zealoth »

What is the point of new Garden Cultivation? I thought it was supposed to be a way to generate samples for research/upgrades, but if I did the math right, the process actually is net-negative on that.
Actually giving us a way to reasonably generate samples from very little exploration would be a nice bonus for marathon-type games (finding 5x the amount of gardens is just pain)
Or let us sacrifice puffer nests instead, they are everywhere :evil:

Is it just kinda pointless way to try and get different gardens before mutation?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

emp_zealoth wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:06 pm Is it just kinda pointless way to try and get different gardens before mutation?
Garden mutations should not exist anymore.
Angel's Bioprocessing 0.7.9 changelog wrote:
  • Special gardens are now easier to (re)produce:
    • Reduces requirement to explore big sections of the map for gardens
    • Replaced Garden Mutation with Garden Cultivation, which is now red science
    • Altered the Garden duplication recipes to give certainly more gardens as output
Garden cultivation is negative on plant life samples, but garden duplication is positive. Those are different recipes. The latter one is unlocked by the specialized farming techs. Therefore you still need a couple of gardens to kickstart the entire process.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by whoster »

In my current map, I see the Hatchery technology research requires the exploration (pink) datacore, but also requires the alien plant life sample. There is no lab I can find which accepts this combination. With the tech revamp, I was hoping those alien tech things would disappear completely. Please advise!

Garden duplication is taking ages to get to, btw. I died in a peaceful map hunting all those gardens for the prerequisite technologies. :oops: Having thermal water bore require the production block 4 vs blocks 1 and 2 for the other ingredients pushes the red algae production out past the prod 4 unlock. Currently, the prod block 2 is the highest that's unlocked at this point in my map, so I can't even use it for another 2 tiers of data analyzer unlocks after red algae. This is worse than the upgraded temperate farm requiring prod block 3 well before it is unlocked.

I can see the tech being assigned to exploration in the global-tech-base-cores file:
core_replace("bio-refugium-hatchery", "processing", "exploration")

But I still haven't found where it gets the alien plant life sample...
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Doradan »

The Hatchery needing exploration tokens but beeing researched in a lab that doesnt accept these tokens is a know error (it is listed on github)

If you want to get into biter production before this is fixed you can just give yourself the technology via console commands, at least thats the way I did it :oops:
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by lovely_santa »

jshi wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:59 pm Now that hydrogen fluoride gas exists, may we have the fluorite ore processing recipe create hydrogen fluoride gas instead of hydrofluoric acid?

This seems more faithful to real-world industrial processing. From what I can find, it looks like the reaction is CaF2 (s) + H2SO4 (l) -> CaSO4 (s) + HF (g).

It would also make it easier for me to keep using fluorite ore in my ethylbenzene/rubber production :D .
Let's not make it too real world-ish, like we say a lot. I'm not a 100% sure, but I think we mix the fluorite ore with a liquid? hence why it's a liquid result, but I have to double check. If it's a gas, I'm happy to change it.
whoster wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:28 am In my current map, I see the Hatchery technology research requires the exploration (pink) datacore, but also requires the alien plant life sample. There is no lab I can find which accepts this combination. With the tech revamp, I was hoping those alien tech things would disappear completely. Please advise!

Garden duplication is taking ages to get to, btw. I died in a peaceful map hunting all those gardens for the prerequisite technologies. :oops: Having thermal water bore require the production block 4 vs blocks 1 and 2 for the other ingredients pushes the red algae production out past the prod 4 unlock. Currently, the prod block 2 is the highest that's unlocked at this point in my map, so I can't even use it for another 2 tiers of data analyzer unlocks after red algae. This is worse than the upgraded temperate farm requiring prod block 3 well before it is unlocked.

I can see the tech being assigned to exploration in the global-tech-base-cores file:
core_replace("bio-refugium-hatchery", "processing", "exploration")

But I still haven't found where it gets the alien plant life sample...
It's already fixed in the dev branch for the next release, it has to do with the ignores on the bottom of the lab definition. An easy fix for you could be to just comment the line you found, then it will require processing datacores instead.
valneq wrote: Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:42 am
emp_zealoth wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:06 pm Is it just kinda pointless way to try and get different gardens before mutation?
Garden mutations should not exist anymore.
Angel's Bioprocessing 0.7.9 changelog wrote:
  • Special gardens are now easier to (re)produce:
    • Reduces requirement to explore big sections of the map for gardens
    • Replaced Garden Mutation with Garden Cultivation, which is now red science
    • Altered the Garden duplication recipes to give certainly more gardens as output
Garden cultivation is negative on plant life samples, but garden duplication is positive. Those are different recipes. The latter one is unlocked by the specialized farming techs. Therefore you still need a couple of gardens to kickstart the entire process.
I want to stress that Garden Mutation did not increase the yield of the gardens, it's just a (lossy) way of creating one type of garden out of another. The same goes for the new garden cultivation. I've just moved it to red science, so it's available earlier on, instead of purple science. Due to the tech shift, I altered the recipe appropriately.

The garden duplication just shifted technologies, which was initialy unlocked by the farming tech now has moved to their respective specialized farming tech. The motiviation for this was that otherwise that tech unlocked nothing worthy other than the first farming recipes. This way it's (hopefully) a bit more obvious how to duplicate that specific type of garden in order to create the farming upgrades.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

I realized that small logistic zone expanders don't require electricity.

Their tooltip says they do, because they have have robot charging points: 0 × 0 W.
Nonethelessn, they don't show yellow blinking "I don't have power!" symbols.

Is that a bug in Angel's or is that an actual limitation provided by the base game?
If the latter is the case, maybe we should file a vanilla bug report for the erroneous tooltip?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by lovely_santa »

valneq wrote: Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:58 pm I realized that small logistic zone expanders don't require electricity.

Their tooltip says they do, because they have have robot charging points: 0 × 0 W.
Nonethelessn, they don't show yellow blinking "I don't have power!" symbols.

Is that a bug in Angel's or is that an actual limitation provided by the base game?
If the latter is the case, maybe we should file a vanilla bug report for the erroneous tooltip?
It must have an energy source defined, yes that's base game limitation.
But I could maybe set it to a void source, so it doesn't show as 'consuming energy'... It will however keep saying 0 x 0 W charging stations.

I've added a note on github to track this.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by nuhll »

valneq wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:59 pm
nuhll wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:58 pm I tried every machine which is listed under FNEI, but i cant clean the filters from air scrubbing....
You know you can right click an item/fluid in FNEI and it will give you a list of all the recipes this item is used in, right?
Right clicking "Used lime filter" leads you directly to the "Acid gas" recipe which is made in liquifyers or chemical plants.

The locale does not make a difference in that regard: in English the recipe name does not mention lime filters either. In that sense it is just "as well hidden" in English.

[edit] So can you turn used filters into acid gas in liquifyers/chemplants, or is the recipe actually not there? The latter can happen when you add/remove mods for an existing save. Starting a new game of Angel's should have that recipe unlocked by Sulfur processing 3 – at least this is the case on my machine.
Yes, i know that. FNEI displays multiple machines. (and it only seems to work in liquifyers) and you can find the recipe if you dont magically know it.

Whta ever, is it too much asked to give it a correct name?

Its literally called in german: "SAURES GAS" and i guess in english "SAUR GAS".

Why is it not "Clean used Airfilters" Wouldnt that make sense?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by dentist2904 »

Failed to load mods: __angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: __angelsrefining__/prototypes/angels-functions.lua:1045: attempt to concatenate field 'order' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
__angelsrefining__/prototypes/angels-functions.lua:1045: in function 'make_void'
__angelsrefining__/prototypes/refining-generate.lua:15: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: in main chunk

Mods to be disabled:
• angelsrefining (0.11.13)

anyone know what could cause this im using PyCoal Touched By an Angel
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

nuhll wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:19 pm
valneq wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:59 pm
nuhll wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:58 pm I tried every machine which is listed under FNEI, but i cant clean the filters from air scrubbing....
You know you can right click an item/fluid in FNEI and it will give you a list of all the recipes this item is used in, right?
Right clicking "Used lime filter" leads you directly to the "Acid gas" recipe which is made in liquifyers or chemical plants.

The locale does not make a difference in that regard: in English the recipe name does not mention lime filters either. In that sense it is just "as well hidden" in English.

[edit] So can you turn used filters into acid gas in liquifyers/chemplants, or is the recipe actually not there? The latter can happen when you add/remove mods for an existing save. Starting a new game of Angel's should have that recipe unlocked by Sulfur processing 3 – at least this is the case on my machine.
Yes, i know that. FNEI displays multiple machines. (and it only seems to work in liquifyers) and you can find the recipe if you dont magically know it.

Whta ever, is it too much asked to give it a correct name?

Its literally called in german: "SAURES GAS" and i guess in english "SAUR GAS".

Why is it not "Clean used Airfilters" Wouldnt that make sense?
As I wrote earlier, the English name is "Acid gas". Regarding the translation of the gas itself, see also Wikipedia:

Your first post sounded as if there was a bug. But apparently there is no bug. It's only the recipe name being confusing. Thank you for pointing this out. The English locale of Angel's mods would benefit from more attention, indeed. There are more instances where the recipes don't have proper names, but instead use the name (and icon) of their primary product. Not ideal, but it kind of works.
If you find more inconsistencies, please add here:
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

dentist2904 wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:38 pm Failed to load mods: __angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: __angelsrefining__/prototypes/angels-functions.lua:1045: attempt to concatenate field 'order' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
__angelsrefining__/prototypes/angels-functions.lua:1045: in function 'make_void'
__angelsrefining__/prototypes/refining-generate.lua:15: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: in main chunk

Mods to be disabled:
• angelsrefining (0.11.13)

anyone know what could cause this im using PyCoal Touched By an Angel
There is several issues with Angel+Py at the moment. Kingarthur is being flooded with bug reports, while re-writing PyCoalTBaA from the ground up. There was a recent report that looked very similar to yours:
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by lovely_santa »

nuhll wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:19 pm
valneq wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:59 pm
nuhll wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:58 pm I tried every machine which is listed under FNEI, but i cant clean the filters from air scrubbing....
You know you can right click an item/fluid in FNEI and it will give you a list of all the recipes this item is used in, right?
Right clicking "Used lime filter" leads you directly to the "Acid gas" recipe which is made in liquifyers or chemical plants.

The locale does not make a difference in that regard: in English the recipe name does not mention lime filters either. In that sense it is just "as well hidden" in English.

[edit] So can you turn used filters into acid gas in liquifyers/chemplants, or is the recipe actually not there? The latter can happen when you add/remove mods for an existing save. Starting a new game of Angel's should have that recipe unlocked by Sulfur processing 3 – at least this is the case on my machine.
Yes, i know that. FNEI displays multiple machines. (and it only seems to work in liquifyers) and you can find the recipe if you dont magically know it.

Whta ever, is it too much asked to give it a correct name?

Its literally called in german: "SAURES GAS" and i guess in english "SAUR GAS".

Why is it not "Clean used Airfilters" Wouldnt that make sense?
This was linked in this issue report and I've changed the name (and icon) a bit for the next release.
valneq wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:46 am
dentist2904 wrote: Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:38 pm Failed to load mods: __angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: __angelsrefining__/prototypes/angels-functions.lua:1045: attempt to concatenate field 'order' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
__angelsrefining__/prototypes/angels-functions.lua:1045: in function 'make_void'
__angelsrefining__/prototypes/refining-generate.lua:15: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
__angelsrefining__/data-updates.lua:36: in main chunk

Mods to be disabled:
• angelsrefining (0.11.13)

anyone know what could cause this im using PyCoal Touched By an Angel
There is several issues with Angel+Py at the moment. Kingarthur is being flooded with bug reports, while re-writing PyCoalTBaA from the ground up. There was a recent report that looked very similar to yours:
This error was already reported in 497868 and linked on github. It has been fixed for the next release.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by natekill117 »

Using the angelbob mod pack, Ive progressed to the point that I make filter inserters, but I cant set them to the base game ores (copper, iron, etc) something to do with them being removed from the game yet not really because ore sorting facilitys can still produce them, anyone know of a fix for this?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

natekill117 wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:34 pm Using the angelbob mod pack, Ive progressed to the point that I make filter inserters, but I cant set them to the base game ores (copper, iron, etc) something to do with them being removed from the game yet not really because ore sorting facilitys can still produce them, anyone know of a fix for this?
While I cannot reproduce this, it is likely caused by this change:
Version 0.18.32 wrote:Show only unlocked items in filter selection (inventory and quickbar) and logistic/trash requests. Other selections like signal selection/upgrade selection are not affected. New interface settings (off by default) bypasses this and allows the player to see all items as before.
Not seeing iron ore sounds like this (base game) issue here – which is solved for the next release:

You can check
Settings → Interface → Interaction → Show all items in selection lists
to be sure you can select anything you want.

However, I can see all the base game ores in my Angel+Bob run with that setting off. Both in the filter for splitters, as well as for (yellow) filter inserters.
Iron and copper ore should be under "Metallurgy smelting", coal should be under "Petro Chemical Refining".

Can you provide a list of mods with version numbers?
Do you use non-standard settings like Angel's new component mode or tech overhaul?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by lovely_santa »

natekill117 wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:34 pm Using the angelbob mod pack, Ive progressed to the point that I make filter inserters, but I cant set them to the base game ores (copper, iron, etc) something to do with them being removed from the game yet not really because ore sorting facilitys can still produce them, anyone know of a fix for this?
Can you upload an empty save game, so I can sync up to your exact modlist? I'm just checking when loading full angels and full bobs, seems like sorting is generating "iron-ore", and the item you can set to the filter inserters (item is located in the metallurgy smelting) is also called "iron-ore"), so it looks the same to me?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by natekill117 »

valneq wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:49 pm
natekill117 wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 9:34 pm Using the angelbob mod pack, Ive progressed to the point that I make filter inserters, but I cant set them to the base game ores (copper, iron, etc) something to do with them being removed from the game yet not really because ore sorting facilitys can still produce them, anyone know of a fix for this?
While I cannot reproduce this, it is likely caused by this change:
Version 0.18.32 wrote:Show only unlocked items in filter selection (inventory and quickbar) and logistic/trash requests. Other selections like signal selection/upgrade selection are not affected. New interface settings (off by default) bypasses this and allows the player to see all items as before.
Not seeing iron ore sounds like this (base game) issue here – which is solved for the next release:

You can check
Settings → Interface → Interaction → Show all items in selection lists
to be sure you can select anything you want.

However, I can see all the base game ores in my Angel+Bob run with that setting off. Both in the filter for splitters, as well as for (yellow) filter inserters.
Iron and copper ore should be under "Metallurgy smelting", coal should be under "Petro Chemical Refining".

Can you provide a list of mods with version numbers?
Do you use non-standard settings like Angel's new component mode or tech overhaul?
ok the ores being under "metallurgy smelting is why couldn't find them, just started with angels mods today and didn't know enough to look there, im feeling a bit dumb. thanks for helping!
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

natekill117 wrote: Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:07 pm ok the ores being under "metallurgy smelting is why couldn't find them, just started with angels mods today and didn't know enough to look there, im feeling a bit dumb. thanks for helping!
I highly recomend using the "search" feature – the magnifying glass in the top right corner. It is really useful when starting out with a complex modpack like Angel+Bob. At least until you learn the logic of the categories.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by curiosity »

What exactly is the purpose of slag/crystal slurry ceramic filtering? Is it solely to be somewhat faster? Because right now you can save 43% of purified/mineral water ingredient by doing coal filtering instead. I would have expected the second fluid ingredient also be halved, as that seems to be the intent behind this recipe.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by valneq »

curiosity wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:49 am What exactly is the purpose of slag/crystal slurry ceramic filtering? Is it solely to be somewhat faster? Because right now you can save 43% of purified/mineral water ingredient by doing coal filtering instead. I would have expected the second fluid ingredient also be halved, as that seems to be the intent behind this recipe.
I usually don't consider purified water to be an issue, as you can get it just from electricit by cooling down steam.

The ratio between mineral slurry to mineral sludge is the same, just as is the ratio between crystal slurry to crystal seedling. So these don't count for the comparison.

The main difference between the recipes is actually sulfur. Imagine you build a loop that recycles the sulfuric waste water and feeds sulfur back into the process to make sulfuric acid for the slurry.

With coal filtering, this cycle is positive on sulfur. In away, this process washes out the sulfur from the coal, just like clean coal to coke does.

With ceramic filtering, this cycle is negative on sulfur. Furthermore, this is not a sink for coal. Coal can be more valuable to turn into coke (for smelting) or solid fuel (for boilers/trains).

There are additional differences as to how much mineralized water you get out, or how much purified water needs to go in, but these liquids are used (or produced) in so many other recipes that it is not really helpful to consider them at this point.

The fact that the filtering itself is faster and thus requires fewer filtration units is counter balanced by the fact that you need more assemblers to wash the used ceramic filters, as compared to putting coal back into the filter frames.
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