[0.18.26][Modding] Turret.starting_attack_sound behaviour

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[0.18.26][Modding] Turret.starting_attack_sound behaviour

Post by Linver »

Hi again, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but in negative case is better open this topic and move later in the mod interface request.

Using the Turret Prototype and enabling the starting_attack_sound property, the sound will be played even if the turret can't shot (for missing ammo or missing energy) while is aiming an enemy. Mod users found this behaviour like a bug and I don't know if is really a bug.

Thank you for the attention.

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Re: [0.18.26][Modding] Turret.starting_attack_sound behaviour

Post by Rseding91 »

Looking at how the sound is used in base game, it looks like it was added just for worms to make them roar. So, I would guess that it's likely intended to work that way and really is only useful for the exact purpose it was added to base game (worm roars).
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Re: [0.18.26][Modding] Turret.starting_attack_sound behaviour

Post by Linver »

Maybe add something like: "play the starting_attack_sound only if turret can shot" can improve the interface

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