pY HighTech Discussion

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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by zx64 »

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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by Demosthenex »

With the new fuel fluids for the glass works, where is the MJ/fluid listed?

The standard crafting screen does not show it. We have WIIRUF installed and it doesn't show it. The only place I've found is looking at a Glassworks actively burning a fluid.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by immortal_sniper1 »

Demosthenex wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:36 pm With the new fuel fluids for the glass works, where is the MJ/fluid listed?

The standard crafting screen does not show it. We have WIIRUF installed and it doesn't show it. The only place I've found is looking at a Glassworks actively burning a fluid.
it is in mod files , and it is displaied in the building after you input some
hellmod after it gets a update can calculate the usage
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by Demosthenex »

Py Hightech 1.5.8

Exploring the power options, we have previously been using fuel rods mk1 (recently nerfed) and crude oil -> fuel oil -> combustion gas 800C for power.

We were trying out new options, and discovered that natural gas directly from a derrick is worth 1 MJ of fuel in an oil burner. By comparison the fuel value of 800C combustion gas made from fuel oil is approximately 330 KW.

Is that right? We have a field of oil and a refining system to make fuel oil and combustion gas that puts out 140MW, but now I can just spam 80 oil burners directly on a derrick and get more?

Either my math is wrong, or this is still being balanced.

EDIT: Looking around, it seems that Syngas (refined from natural gas) is only 400kj. Coal gas is 200kj. Crude oil is 82kj, while fuel oil is 1.5 MJ. Maybe natural gas was supposed to be 100kj and there was a typo with an extra 0?

EDIT2: So making 300 fuel oil /s = 450 MJ if I burn it, where the same amount made into combustion gas caps out at about 140MW? Wow.
Last edited by Demosthenex on Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by Demosthenex »

immortal_sniper1 wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:19 pm it is in mod files , and it is displaied in the building after you input some
hellmod after it gets a update can calculate the usage
Turns out that pipes and tanks with the fluid display it when you click on them.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by zx64 »

Combustion turbines Mk1 and Mk2 also suffer from having sub-100% efficiency, so are worse than oil burners for turning fuel oil into power.

Last time I ran the numbers, one 25k tank of fuel oil at 1.5MJ is 37.5GJ if burned with an oil burner, 12.4GJ when feeding the converted 800C combustion fluid to a mk1 turbine, 28.05GJ for mk2 and 43.33GJ for mk3.
(Of course, by the time you get mk3 turbines, you're probably able to switch over to the 1000C combustion fluid recipe which has the added throughput bonus of emitting more combustion fluid per craft).

Edit: fixed units
Last edited by zx64 on Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by Demosthenex »

zx64 wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:56 pm Combustion turbines Mk1 and Mk2 also suffer from having sub-100% efficiency, so are worse than oil burners for turning fuel oil into power.

Last time I ran the numbers, one 25k tank of fuel oil is 37.5MJ if burned with an oil burner, 12.4MJ when feeding the converted 800C combustion fluid to a mk1 turbine, 28.05MJ for mk2 and 43.33MJ for mk3.
(Of course, by the time you get mk3 turbines, you're probably able to switch over to the 1000C combustion fluid recipe which has the added throughput bonus of emitting more combustion fluid per craft).
Thanks for the feedback. I hadn't known oil burners were an option previously, so maybe we'll just start burning fuel oil. I think that natural gas is likely to get nerfed shortly. I hadn't realized the combustion turbines were quite so bad early.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by zx64 »

Since this is the HT thread, it's worth noting that oil burners are a PH thing (as is fuel oil...)
As for the combustion turbines, yeah, they get a double whammy of low efficiency and 800C combustion fluid losing you 20% of the listed power output.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by aklesey1 »

Hey people? what do u think is it right that the recipe for making fiber from raw fiber must be done in vanilla centrifuge? Its strange and vanilla centrifuge is costly bcuz requires 100 engines, and vanilla centrifuge doesn't have any tiers like another py buildings
May be this recipes can be moved to py automated factory?
and if PY Alien life is deteced it can be moved to bio factory may be
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by Iskabis »

I started up a game with all the Py mods except for high tech, and was having fun with the Py alien life stuff, until I discovered that for some reason, a bunch of Alien Life critters require Moondrops, and the Moondrop recipe is in HighTech, not AlienLife. Not wanting to miss out on all those critters, I went ahead and added the HIghTech mod to my game of some 50-ish hours and continued along.

Unfortunately, I soon discovered the "Complex Circuit Board" has no recipe and can't be made. If I start a brand new game with my current set of mods (all of the Py ones), the recipe for that item exists. But my current game, where I added HighTech after the game had been going for a while, there's no recipe.

Is adding a Py mod to an already-running game just something that isn't supported? Is there anything I can do to somehow get that recipe? I'd really rather not start over from scratch if I can avoid it...

Edit: I appear to have solved my problem via a console command: "/c game.player.force.technologies['basic-electronics'].researched=true". Even though that technology wasn't in my tech tree at all, that command made it appear (with all its children) and gives me the recipe for the circuit.
Last edited by Iskabis on Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by kingarthur »

Iskabis wrote: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:05 am I started up a game with all the Py mods except for high tech, and was having fun with the Py alien life stuff, until I discovered that for some reason, a bunch of Alien Life critters require Moondrops, and the Moondrop recipe is in HighTech, not AlienLife. Not wanting to miss out on all those critters, I went ahead and added the HIghTech mod to my game of some 50-ish hours and continued along.

Unfortunately, I soon discovered the "Complex Circuit Board" has no recipe and can't be made. If I start a brand new game with my current set of mods (all of the Py ones), the recipe for that item exists. But my current game, where I added HighTech after the game had been going for a while, there's no recipe.

Is adding a Py mod to an already-running game just something that isn't supported? Is there anything I can do to somehow get that recipe? I'd really rather not start over from scratch if I can avoid it...
There's only so much that can be done when your adding things mid game. Try this and it should fix it

Code: Select all

  /c for _,player in pairs(game.players) do player.force.reset_recipes() player.force.reset_technologies() player.force.reset_technology_effects()end
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by Iskabis »

Thanks; I ran the command you listed as well, just in case my ad-hoc attempt to fix it didn't work as well as I hoped.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by CH2CH3NH2 »

How about adding an option to make the resource patches infinite?
EDIT: To specify, Phosphate rock.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by Blokus »

CH2CH3NH2 wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 8:28 pm How about adding an option to make the resource patches infinite?
EDIT: To specify, Phosphate rock.
I'd be shocked if py did this.

Assuming roughly standard richness settings, a good thing to work toward once you get your first circuit 2 is mega phosphate mines. Megamines in general no longer require mega drills, so they're much easier to run now than they used to be.

Before that, I'd recommend sticking to hot air aluminum to avoid the pain of a coupling between your aluminum and your phosphoric acid system.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by CH2CH3NH2 »

Blokus wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 2:05 pm
CH2CH3NH2 wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 8:28 pm How about adding an option to make the resource patches infinite?
EDIT: To specify, Phosphate rock.
I'd be shocked if py did this.

Assuming roughly standard richness settings, a good thing to work toward once you get your first circuit 2 is mega phosphate mines. Megamines in general no longer require mega drills, so they're much easier to run now than they used to be.

Before that, I'd recommend sticking to hot air aluminum to avoid the pain of a coupling between your aluminum and your phosphoric acid system.
I see.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by CH2CH3NH2 »

How about making the second tier of electronics a little cheaper and less convoluted and also make the production of methane in the dewdrop greenhouse able to be sped up with either phosphate rock powder or urea?
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by Nath7009 »

Are the recipes to make urea using auog paddocks disabled when playing with all py mods ?
I can find the recipe in helmod but it seems to be disabled.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by kingarthur »

Nath7009 wrote: Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:12 pm Are the recipes to make urea using auog paddocks disabled when playing with all py mods ?
I can find the recipe in helmod but it seems to be disabled.
If your playing with pyal that has changed and is a different process now.
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by sh901 »

The new train is great, looking forward to updating the capsule train and replacing the original rail with vacuum pipes. :)
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Re: pY HighTech Discussion

Post by ShadowGlass »

New trains look awesome!
One possible issue is, the alignment between the wagons is different from vanilla trains. There's no 1 tile gap between wagons. I don't know if this is intentional (it does look pretty good), but this means we can't use these and regular trains on the same stations.
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