[MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by arbarbonif »

The new 0.18 version errors for me on load.

12.695 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: __rusty-locale__/prototypes.lua:21: table index is nil
stack traceback:
__rusty-locale__/prototypes.lua:21: in function 'inherits'
__rusty-locale__/prototypes.lua:29: in function 'find'
__rusty-locale__/locale.lua:54: in function 'f'
__rusty-locale__/util.lua:10: in function '__index'
__rusty-locale__/locale.lua:57: in function 'f'
__rusty-locale__/util.lua:10: in function '__index'
__crafting_combinator__/data-final-fixes.lua:128: in function 'make_signal_for_recipe'
__crafting_combinator__/data-final-fixes.lua:142: in function 'process_recipe'
__crafting_combinator__/data-final-fixes.lua:173: in main chunk

EDIT: It also looks like the latest Bottleneck update broke stuff. The API was changed.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by theRustyKnife »

arbarbonif wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:08 pm ...
Seems like I missed something in the main product logic... Could I have your modlist, so I can find the offending recipe?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by theRustyKnife »

arbarbonif wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2020 11:08 pm ...
I fixed an issue that could cause this in rusty-locale 1.0.1 - let me know if it's still broken after updating.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by arbarbonif »

That appears to have fixed it. Thanks!
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by caribou666 »


Sorry for my english, i'm not fluent at all :/

Well, i'd like to propose a feature to the mod, an option which could prevent to stop the manufacturing in progress if there a new recipe incoming or machine empty. I saw a solution with a timer and some calculation, but i'm not clever enought to do it.

Thanks for that incredible mod.
Stay safe.

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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by theRustyKnife »

caribou666 wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:38 am ...
Do I understand correctly that you'd want the combinator to wait for the current craft to finish before switching the recipe?

If that's the case then I'm afraid it's not happening. There are a few reasons, but the main issue is that there is no event for when machines finish crafting. To be clear, it's possible with the current api, but it will require a pretty big rewrite and probably cause performance issues (which there are enough of already :|), so I just don't find it worth the time and effort...
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by caribou666 »

Yes you understood perfectly. As the combinator can read the speed and some people do it with some other calculators i thought it was possible. I'll wait for an update of the API :mrgreen:
Thanks for your answer.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by Kiu »

Updated to 0.18 today, got that crash while loading a 0.17 game.
Removing and readding the mod seems to fix the issue, game can still be loeaded after readding all the combinators to the map, so it is not a big issue...
2020-06-06 18_04_17-Factorio 0.18.30.png
2020-06-06 18_04_17-Factorio 0.18.30.png (71.79 KiB) Viewed 8405 times
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by theRustyKnife »

Kiu wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:17 pm ...
I feel like broken migrations are going to become my legacy at this point... I'll have a look at it when I get to working on the mod again, but for now it's a low priority thing since, as you said, it's not a big issue. There were also some semi-breaking changes in 0.15.0, so there's a good chance something would break anyway.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by Eclipt »

I, and many other people had to update the game to 1.0 lately. I get the same error message as Kiu and it stops me from opening my over 400h heavily modded save. I can`t disable the crafting combinator since it is integral to some of my builds. I suppose there are many people in similar situation. It would be great if this bug was fixed if you have the time and energy to come back to the mod.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by theRustyKnife »

Eclipt wrote: Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:43 am ...
Alright, I'll see what I can do about it. It would be quite helpful if I could have the save tho, since I don't really have one of my own that would be good for testing this kind of thing and replicating all the possible scenarios by hand would take forever...

Also, I can't really promise anything, since as I said multiple times already, there were some pretty major changes so it's possible there are things that I just can't make reasonable migrations for. I should at least be able to get it to load tho, so you can at least go in and fix things manually if it comes to that...
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by SHOOROOP »

I have not found information anywhere on how to use the Recipe Combinator. I gave the usual signals and signals from the mod, but nothing happened. Can you explain please
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by gex87 »

Block A works like it should but is not fully what i want
Block C and D are set up with the Multiplicator and the Multiplication is working BUT the recipe combinator get the multiplied Product Count (in this case the Product is Multiplied with 3) but also get the Multiplier M and because of this the recipe combinator is not working. I had to get rid of the M Constant in the Input of the Recipe Combinator

Second Problem
Block A is working because the export Inserter is et to the Product Lamp and get the On/Off Signal from the "Order Combinator" on Top of the Screenshot
Block B and therefore C and D (where it should work in the End) the inserter is not working because i don't set the Product in the Enable Condition. I don't want to do the Manually I want that the export inserter is Exporting the Number of Items set in the "Order Combinator" without that i have to set the condition by myself. I thought i can read the recipe with the recipe combinator (like i have don't it for the Material order in the Requester Chest) and give that "Recipe" as enable condition to the inserter.
So when i change the Recipe, the Requester Chest is change the ordered materials (multiplied by the Player given Multiplier) and the exporting inserter is automatic set to the right Product and gets his Amount of exported Products from the "Order Combinator"
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by Trigun »

is possible to disable the autoload feature from the chest?
i want use inserters for loading so i can control the loading
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by mycrazyautomation »

Has anyone had luck using crafting combinator with anything that produces different fluid results? E.g. I'm working with floatation cells in SeaBlock.

I've tried essentially everything I can think of (combinators to pump down the outlets network before switching, circulating fluid, etc.) but no matter what I seem to get a deadlock where the fluid mixture exists in the outlet network and I have no way to empty it automatically.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by sticklord »

Made a tiny little skin for this so they stand from other combinators:
image_2021-10-31_103406.png (558.8 KiB) Viewed 7106 times
add this to the data.lua file and put the image in graphics folder
for _, dir in pairs(rc.multiply_symbol_sprites) do
dir.hr_version.filename = '__crafting_combinator__/graphics/hr-combinator-displays.png'
hr-combinator-displays.png (28.63 KiB) Viewed 7106 times
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by theRustyKnife »

sticklord wrote: Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:35 am...
Damn, wish I'd thought of checking the forum a couple minutes earlier, now I'll have to make another release lol. Either way, thanks for this, it was sorely needed for ages now.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by danbopes »

Would it be possible to have the crafting combinator output a signal (Perhaps a red signal), when the machine is trying to stop. I'd like to have my machine intelligently shutdown by preventing inserters from putting more items in. I currently have one combinator writing the signal to the machine, and another one reading. I'd like to avoid some complicated logic to determine if the current signals contains the current one.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by Trigun »

i think this function can be improved

Code: Select all

function _M:insert_items()
	local inventory = self.inventories.chest
	if not inventory or not inventory.valid or inventory.is_empty() then return; end
	local target = self.inventories.assembler.input
	for i = 1, #inventory do
		local stack = inventory[i]
		if stack.valid_for_read then
			local r = target.insert(stack)
			if r < stack.count then stack.count = stack.count - r
			else stack.clear(); end
if i understand the lua (i don't know lua, only java, javascript and other languages) the for is on all the chest inventory, if u have 100 different items is a for on 100 elements
in the move_items function instead is used this

Code: Select all

if self.assembler.crafting_progress > 0 then
		local success = true
		for _, ing in pairs(self.assembler.get_recipe().ingredients) do
			if ing.type == 'item' then
				if not target then return false, 'no-chest'; end
				local r = target.insert{name = ing.name, count = ing.amount}
				if r < ing.amount then success = false; end
		self.assembler.crafting_progress = 0
		if not success then return false, 'chest-full'; end
so the for is only for the recipe ingredients, much less items
and i noticed a boring thing with the insert_items, if u have a big craft (like the cargo rocket silo on Space exploration) it will drain all the steel/cement and if u have a way for refull the chest automatically, for ex buffer chest, u will end with 20k of steel in the chest, bc every time it will put all the steel on the assembler, the chest get more steel, and this will go in the assembler again, until it say chest is full
tried to switch my signal in pulse for prevent this, it will slow the process but every time it need to craft 1 of the expensives items it will increase the resource

i think the best way should be to get something like

Code: Select all

local r = target.insert{name = ing.name, count = ing.amount*signal_value}
this problem happens with smaller recipes if u share the same chest for multiple assemblers, all assemblers get filled and empty the chest that get reloaed
cc1.png (514.58 KiB) Viewed 5914 times
cc2.png (748.28 KiB) Viewed 5914 times
if u wanna try the mall u need space exploration (or change with normal assemblers), moon logic, crafting combinator, inventory sensor, aai containers & warehouses
this code is for the v2 where i added a tons of combinator for reduce the problem :-D

Code: Select all

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Re: [MOD 0.17] Crafting Combinator

Post by MrVSV »

Is it possible to update recipe list? Too many recipes are missing. AB mods
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