Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems.
Please provide - only if it makes sense of course - a blueprint of your creation.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by nuhll »

nuhll wrote:Im tryin your blueprint book for firs ttime.

Depot is clear.

But stations, you say replace this with this.

You mean like right click remove it and add new? Or how should it look?

Its not clear to me how u need to do it. I want to request 20000 iron, so i removed the 2. signal and put there -20.000 iron. The other is the stack, so i put 200 there?! No S and X there anymore, is that correct!?!?
Also, is there an easy way to stop requesting from universal requester instead of from bulk loading? I set prio on universal requester to 0 and bulk loading 1, but since universal requester shows more then bulk loading... it requests still from requester...

Can you disable certain items?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by nuhll »

Also, i use the universal provider, and it loads the items from before into the wagons from the next trip.. is there a option im missing?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Yinyang107 »

nuhll wrote:Im tryin your blueprint book for firs ttime.

Depot is clear.

But stations, you say replace this with this.

You mean like right click remove it and add new? Or how should it look?

Its not clear to me how u need to do it. I want to request 20000 iron, so i removed the 2. signal and put there -20.000 iron. The other is the stack, so i put 200 there?! No S and X there anymore, is that correct!?!?
Remove the "X" signal, and replace it with a signal for one of the item you want delivered. In this case, 1 iron.

Change the "S" signal so that its value is the stack size, in negative. In this case, -200.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by bomberchibbi »

Ican't seem to get the mining outpost to work, no matter the orientation I get a no signal error message. I tried making a parallel line so that the mining outpost is basically a waiting bay and the other trains can pass freely. Could someone maybe post their setup? Would be great since the outpost also doesnt fit the normal station blueprints.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by nuhll »

Yeah, i found it out myself thru testing already. Thanks!

Problem left is: how the fugg i tell universal provider/requester to ignore specific items?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by nuhll »

The problem is i would like a universal requester and universal prodiver in base... they are just looping :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by mrvn »

nuhll wrote:The problem is i would like a universal requester and universal prodiver in base... they are just looping :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
You have to give them

a) different length of trains


b) different network IDs
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Civrock »

Mine-Outpost Station with automatic Re-Supply (Ammo,Repair-Kit, Bots etc.)
How exactly do I go about providing materials to the part of the outpost? Do I need a supply station or is there a way to do this from my depot?

Edit: I created a provider station at my depot as that seemed like the logical thing to do and attached it to my robo-network, have provider chests supplying all the things that the outpost is requesting like walls and turrets and whatnot, but my trains just stop going to that outpost and LTN says not station supplying ore can be found. If I remove the decider on the outpost that controls the supply of turrets then everything goes back to normal with trains running routes and supplying ore, however, LTN complains nonstop about there being no station to supply turrets and walls. This is my first step into trains and using something complex like this so there is probably something fundamental I am missing but I just can't figure it out.

Also, how do I prevent resource mixing? I have an area that is a bulk dropoff for solid fuel. But sometimes it backs up and the depot keeps sending trains to deliver fuel anyways. Eventually I end up with a cargo cars that have fuel in it which screws up the loaders when it is sent to a different resource outpost.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by nuhll »

check if all stations/trains have the correct lenght ;)
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Civrock »

nuhll wrote:check if all stations/trains have the correct lenght ;)
Hmmm. Looks like the main outpost that sends ore has a train length of 6, while the part that requests the items at the outpost had a train length of 4. I'm guessing this is so that you can have trains of different lengths doing different jobs on the same network? Regardless, I switched that part over to length of 6 and linked up some inserters to remove into storage chests for the length of 6. Once I get a little more experienced with the game I will start experimenting with different length trains for different tasks.

Thanks a lot for your help!
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by commanderbehr »

I hate to sound like an idiot but I cant figure out how to install the demo, is it \scenarios? If so when I put in there and go into the scenarios in game it doesn't show up...

The reason I want to see the demo is because I can't figure out how to load up my iron plates, am I required to have a depot? I'm a complete newb, i only started playing two weeks ago. They will not load past the stack filter inserters.

Im an idiot, the wires weren't set right because i didn't research the LTN train stop and i installed the blueprint before hand. Re-uploaded the blueprint and it works fine. Took me a min to realize i had to set the receiving station to iron/copper at their individual spots.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by CzBuCHi »

Great prints for great mod!

My inner OCD :twisted: found one disturbing bug in all stations: When first train arives in station it tears apart red and green wires because theyre too low over the track... and she screams at me a lot when see that (ofc she is she, because frankly he would give a **** :) So im forced to fix that (wip) :mrgreen: /s
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by peterx2 »

Hi I been using ur blueprint as a practical example to learn the LTN but I was blown away by how good it was. I was wondering if your still active and if you would make any updated versions to this blueprint? I also wanted to ask you about some of your circuit set ups work.

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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by dorthak »

I'm having trouble with the universal requester and provider stations. The descriptions in the OP seem to refer to S signals, but I don't see any place for those in the current BPs. I've placed the universal requester station, set the constant combinator that had Xs in it to what I want sent to the station (see first image), and changed the request threshold to 50. I placed the universal provider, and didn't change anything except changing the provider threshold to 50 (see second image). I end up with trains being dispatched, but the request chests on the provider are never set to anything, so nothing is ever delivered to the trains - they just run back and forth, empty....

Is there anything else I need to set up? There's a combinator in the provider station that has some number signals (circled in green) that's not hooked up to anything. This seems important? Should it do something?

requester1.png (1.11 MiB) Viewed 11336 times
provider1.png (1.89 MiB) Viewed 11336 times
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by dorthak »

Apparently the images didn't post with my question. fixed.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by sadris »

What are the number signals with huge values in the universal provider station? (0 = -2.1billion, 1 = 1billion, 2 = 0.5billion, etc)

That combinator is not even connected to anything...
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by altodor »

Does anyone else have an issue where one corner of the bulk loaders/unloaders belts doesn't get built because it overlaps with the track hitbox?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Ringkeeper »

altodor wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:06 am Does anyone else have an issue where one corner of the bulk loaders/unloaders belts doesn't get built because it overlaps with the track hitbox?
Yes, as the curved track was made 1 tile bigger in 0.17 . You need to change the belts and off-set one underground further out... looks stupid, but no other way.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by supercore23 »

If anyone is still having issues, I made an updated blueprint book with a fix for the belts colliding with the tracks and the Universal Provider missing a signal. I've uploaded the latest to Factorio Prints. I think there's one or two more small bugs that I may try to figure out later. I'm bad with circuits but I can muddle my way through with enough time.

Factorio Prints link:
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by smalltalk »

Hello. is there an issue with the depots?

The fuel requester is fine, but the stack inserter is disabled when "0" is a negative number. I dont understand what these different signals mean and there is no cable connecting these constant values to the fueling inserters.
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