I have a multilayered icon as shown in the picture below. It is made of two layers: the lower layer is the flare (the red/orange thingy) and the upper layer is made out of the yellow warning sign (in the bottom right). This warning sighn has a slight shift to it (as in, it is not in the center).
The prototype looks like this:
Code: Select all
type = "item",
name = "corpse-flare",
icons = {
icon = "__CorpseFlare__/graphics/icons/corpse-flare-1.png",
icon_size = 176,
scale = 32/176,
icon = "__CorpseFlare__/graphics/icons/corpse-flare-2.png",
icon_size = 500,
scale = 32/500 * .65,
shift = {7.5,7.5},
--flags = {},
subgroup = "tool",
order = "z[mining]-z[shovel]",
stack_size = 1
I've attached the mod in question to test this out.
Kind regards