[Dominik][0.17.3] Crash when trying to force forbidden pipe connection: "FluidBox::onDestroy" REOPENED

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2017 6:28 am

[Dominik][0.17.3] Crash when trying to force forbidden pipe connection: "FluidBox::onDestroy" REOPENED

Post by PolarZero »

Crash confirmed on Single/Multi Player.

Huge Crash Happened : trying to Offshore-pump mading surfur-Acid. it FAILED and Crash happened.
Can Mis-used for Server Dis-function. Quick-fix Required :|

Code: Select all

   0.008 2019-03-01 22:59:57; Factorio 0.17.3 (build 43128, win64, steam)
   0.008 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1803) 
   0.008 Program arguments: "D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" 
   0.009 Read data path: D:/Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.009 Write data path: C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [57692/244070MB]
   0.009 Binaries path: D:/Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.049 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz, 8 cores, RAM: 4596/16308 MB, page: 5964/18740 MB, virtual: 4329/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
   0.049 Display options: [FullScreen: 0] [VSync: 1] [UIScale: automatic (100.0%)] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255] [Lang: ko]
   0.103 Available displays: 1
   0.103  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 {0x05, [0,0], 1920x1280, 32bit, 60Hz}
   0.216 Display: 0 -> Adapter: 0, Output: 0
   0.219 Verbose GraphicsInterfaceDX11.cpp:228: DXGI 1.5 detected, Allow tearing is supported
   0.225 Verbose GraphicsInterfaceDX11.cpp:259:  [0]: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 (
   0.231 Verbose GraphicsInterfaceDX11.cpp:259:  [1]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 (
   0.238 Verbose GraphicsInterfaceDX11.cpp:259:  [2]: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (10.0.17134.619)
   0.351 Initialised Direct3D[0]: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620; driver: igdumdim64.dll
   0.351   D3D Feature Level: 11.1, DXGI 1.5+
   0.351   [Local Video Memory] Budget: 7339MB, CurrentUsage: 0MB, Reservation: 0/3873MB
   0.351   [Non-Local Vid.Mem.] Budget: 0MB, CurrentUsage: 0MB, Reservation: 0/0MB
   0.351   Tiled resources: Tier 2
   0.351   Unified Memory Architecture: Yes
   0.351   BGR 565 Supported: Yes
   0.352   MaximumFrameLatency: 3, GPUThreadPriority: 0
   0.437 Verbose PipelineStateObject.cpp:82: Time to load shaders: 0.079163 seconds.
   0.447 Desktop composition is active.
   0.447 Graphics settings preset: medium-with-low-vram
   0.447   Dedicated video memory size 128 MB
   0.447 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: low] [Light scale: 100%] [DXT: low-quality]
   0.447                   [Max load threads: 32] [Max texture size: 0] [Tex.Stream.: 1] [Low quality rotation: 1]
   0.555 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
   0.556 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=34528
   0.888 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   1.247 Loading mod base 0.17.3 (data.lua)
   1.950 Verbose PipelineStateObject.cpp:74: Time to load shaders in background: 1.512946 seconds.
   2.144 Loading mod base 0.17.3 (data-updates.lua)
   2.449 Checksum for core: 3928040144
   2.449 Checksum of base: 260351520
   4.718 Verbose ModManager.cpp:466: Time to load mods: 3.88312
   4.850 Loading sounds...
   5.450 Info PlayerData.cpp:69: Local player-data.json unavailable
   5.450 Info PlayerData.cpp:72: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1551442839
   5.904 Crop bitmaps.
  13.023 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 7)
  16.994 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
  16.995 Created atlas bitmap 16384x208 [none]
  16.995 Created atlas bitmap 16384x688 [decal]
  16.996 Created atlas bitmap 16384x1104 [low-object]
  16.997 Created atlas bitmap 16384x656 [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
  16.998 Created atlas bitmap 16384x2096 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level, no-crop]
  16.999 Created atlas bitmap 16384x480 [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
  16.999 Created atlas bitmap 16384x456 [not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
  17.000 Created atlas bitmap 16384x216 [alpha-mask]
  17.003 Created atlas bitmap 16384x3180 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
  17.003 Created atlas bitmap 16384x384 [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
  17.090 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:197: Created virtual atlas page 4096x4096 [none]
  17.154 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:197: Created virtual atlas page 4096x4096 [none]
  17.225 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:197: Created virtual atlas page 4096x4096 [none]
  17.278 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:197: Created virtual atlas page 4096x4096 [none]
  17.329 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:197: Created virtual atlas page 4096x4096 [none]
  17.384 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:197: Created virtual atlas page 4096x4096 [none]
  17.439 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:197: Created virtual atlas page 4096x4096 [none]
  17.455 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:197: Created virtual atlas page 4096x1536 [none]
  17.455 Created virtual atlas pages 4096x4096x8
  17.469 Verbose TextureProcessor.cpp:818: GPU accelerated compression test: Time 10.848 ms; YCoCg_DXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
  17.469 Texture processor created. GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
  19.271 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 7)
  23.519 Sprites loaded
  23.733 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x1104
  23.840 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x656
  23.945 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x2096
  24.030 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x480
  24.094 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x456
  24.127 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 16384x384
  24.334 Generated mipmaps for virtual atlas of size 8192x16384
  24.334 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:803: Virtual atlas mipmaps generated in 0.206463 seconds.
  24.334 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:806: Atlas memory size: 139.78MB; 619.50MB (virtual)
  24.334 Verbose AtlasSystem.cpp:807: Size of sprites outside of atlas: 0.00MB
  24.345 Custom inputs active: 0
  24.451 Factorio initialised
 141.912 Loading map C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\cr__003.zip: 1705696 bytes.
 142.131 Loading Level.dat: 1813171 bytes.
 142.148 Info Scenario.cpp:147: Map version 0.17.3-0
 142.261 Verbose BlueprintLibrary.cpp:245: Loaded library shelves:
 142.261 Verbose BlueprintLibrary.cpp:867: Game shelf: playerIndex = 65535, nextRecordID = 0; timestamp = 0; records:
 142.262 Verbose BlueprintLibrary.cpp:869: Player shelf: playerIndex = 0, nextRecordID = 120; timestamp = 1551442839; records: (id: 0, 73; label: "밸런서", preview: false, empty: false; book [id: 0, 8; label: "1 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 9; label: "1 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 10; label: "1 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 11; label: "1 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 12; label: "1 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 13; label: "1 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 14; label: "1 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 15; label: "1 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 16; label: "2 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 17; label: "2 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 18; label: "2 to 3 (Long)", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 19; label: "2 to 3 (Wide)", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 20; label: "2 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 21; label: "2 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 22; label: "2 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 23; label: "2 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 24; label: "2 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 25; label: "3 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 26; label: "3 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 27; label: "3 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 28; label: "3 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 29; label: "3 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 30; label: "3 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 31; label: "3 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 32; label: "3 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 33; label: "4 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 34; label: "4 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 35; label: "4 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 36; label: "4 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 37; label: "4 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 38; label: "4 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 39; label: "4 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 40; label: "4 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 41; label: "5 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 42; label: "5 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 43; label: "5 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 44; label: "5 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 45; label: "5 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 46; label: "5 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 47; label: "5 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 48; label: "5 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 49; label: "6 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 50; label: "6 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 51; label: "6 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 52; label: "6 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 53; label: "6 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 54; label: "6 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 55; label: "6 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 56; label: "6 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 57; label: "7 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 58; label: "7 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 59; label: "7 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 60; label: "7 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 61; label: "7 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 62; label: "7 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 63; label: "7 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 64; label: "7 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 65; label: "8 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 66; label: "8 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 67; label: "8 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 68; label: "8 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 69; label: "8 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 70; label: "8 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 71; label: "8 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 72; label: "8 to 8", preview: false, empty: false]) (id: 0, 100; label: "철도교본", preview: false, empty: false; book [id: 0, 117; label: "", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 96; label: "철도 교차로", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 97; label: "철도 교차로", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 103; label: "철도 내부", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 102; label: "철도 상차 V2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 107; label: "철도 하차 V3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 105; label: "추가 정거장", preview: false, empty: false]) (id: 0, 90; label: "Sandbox Set", preview: false, empty: false; book [id: 0, 3; label: "Sandbox Set", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 91; label: "Sandbox Set V2", preview: false, empty: false]) (id: 0, 110; label: "", preview: false, empty: false; single) (id: 0, 115; label: "", preview: false, empty: false; single) (id: 0, 118; label: "", preview: false, empty: false; single) (id: 0, 119; label: "", preview: false, empty: false; single) (id: 0, 109; label: "태양열", preview: false, empty: false; single
 142.263 Verbose Scenario.cpp:179: Loading level.dat finished: 0.113940 seconds.
 142.383 Verbose BlueprintLibrary.cpp:64: Loaded external blueprint storage: playerIndex = 0, nextRecordID = 120; timestamp = 1551442839; records: (id: 0, 73; label: "밸런서", preview: false, empty: false; book [id: 0, 8; label: "1 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 9; label: "1 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 10; label: "1 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 11; label: "1 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 12; label: "1 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 13; label: "1 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 14; label: "1 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 15; label: "1 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 16; label: "2 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 17; label: "2 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 18; label: "2 to 3 (Long)", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 19; label: "2 to 3 (Wide)", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 20; label: "2 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 21; label: "2 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 22; label: "2 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 23; label: "2 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 24; label: "2 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 25; label: "3 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 26; label: "3 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 27; label: "3 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 28; label: "3 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 29; label: "3 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 30; label: "3 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 31; label: "3 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 32; label: "3 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 33; label: "4 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 34; label: "4 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 35; label: "4 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 36; label: "4 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 37; label: "4 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 38; label: "4 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 39; label: "4 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 40; label: "4 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 41; label: "5 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 42; label: "5 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 43; label: "5 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 44; label: "5 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 45; label: "5 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 46; label: "5 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 47; label: "5 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 48; label: "5 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 49; label: "6 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 50; label: "6 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 51; label: "6 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 52; label: "6 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 53; label: "6 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 54; label: "6 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 55; label: "6 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 56; label: "6 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 57; label: "7 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 58; label: "7 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 59; label: "7 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 60; label: "7 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 61; label: "7 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 62; label: "7 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 63; label: "7 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 64; label: "7 to 8", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 65; label: "8 to 1", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 66; label: "8 to 2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 67; label: "8 to 3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 68; label: "8 to 4", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 69; label: "8 to 5", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 70; label: "8 to 6", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 71; label: "8 to 7", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 72; label: "8 to 8", preview: false, empty: false]) (id: 0, 100; label: "철도교본", preview: false, empty: false; book [id: 0, 117; label: "", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 96; label: "철도 교차로", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 97; label: "철도 교차로", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 103; label: "철도 내부", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 102; label: "철도 상차 V2", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 107; label: "철도 하차 V3", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 105; label: "추가 정거장", preview: false, empty: false]) (id: 0, 90; label: "Sandbox Set", preview: false, empty: false; book [id: 0, 3; label: "Sandbox Set", preview: false, empty: false] [id: 0, 91; label: "Sandbox Set V2", preview: false, empty: false]) (id: 0, 110; label: "", preview: false, empty: false; single) (id: 0, 115; label: "", preview: false, empty: false; single) (id: 0, 118; label: "", preview: false, empty: false; single) (id: 0, 119; label: "", preview: false, empty: false; single) (id: 0, 109; label: "태양열", preview: false, empty: false; single
 142.384 Verbose Scenario.cpp:226: Entities setup finished: 0.121766 seconds.
 142.385 Loading script.dat: 118 bytes.
 142.410 Checksum for script C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 3981119991
 142.429 Verbose Scenario.cpp:267: Map setup finished: 0.516731 seconds.
 161.086 Error CrashHandler.cpp:376: Exception Code: c0000005, Address: 0x00007ff65ad3669b
ModuleBase: 0x00007ff65aac0000, ImageSize: 0155c000, RelativeAddress: 0027669b
 161.087 Error CrashHandler.cpp:382: Access Violation: Write at address 0000000000000004
 161.087 Error CrashHandler.cpp:396: Exception Context:
rax=0000000000000000, rbx=000001cfa4b77570, rcx=000001cffe260000,
rdx=000001cffe260000, rsi=0000000000000001, rdi=000001cfa4b76c80,
rip=00007ff65ad3669b, rsp=00000051d8cfe8b0, rbp=00000051d8cfe9b0,
 r8=000001cffe364980,  r9=0000000000008000, r10=0000000000000000,
r11=0000000000000000, r12=0000000000000000, r13=0000000000000000,
r14=000000000000ffff, r15=0000000000000000
 161.087 Crashed in D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe (0x00007ff65aac0000 - 0x00007ff65c01c000)
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (924): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\util\logger.cpp (405): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\util\logger.cpp (515): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (169): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (423): CrashHandler::SehHandler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAA998BDD0)
00007FFAA998BDD0 (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAAC8D3167)
00007FFAAC8D3167 (ntdll): (filename not available): memset
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAAC8BB5E6)
00007FFAAC8BB5E6 (ntdll): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAAC8CF7DD)
00007FFAAC8CF7DD (ntdll): (filename not available): _chkstk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAAC83D856)
00007FFAAC83D856 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlWalkFrameChain
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAAC8CE70E)
00007FFAAC8CE70E (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\fluid\fluidbox.cpp (827): FluidBox::onDestroy
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\fluid\fluidbox.cpp (861): FluidBox::onDestroy
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\fluid\fluidbox.cpp (861): FluidBox::onDestroy
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\entity\entity.cpp (284): Entity::forceDestroy
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\manualstorage.cpp (212): ManualStorage::handleMinedEntity
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\manualminer.cpp (123): ManualMiner::performMining
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\controller\godcontroller.cpp (216): GodController::update
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\map\map.cpp (1447): Map::updateEntities
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\game.cpp (189): Game::update
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (1077): Scenario::update
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\mainloop.cpp (1064): MainLoop::gameUpdateStep
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\mainloop.cpp (931): MainLoop::gameUpdateLoop
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-5th2rl\src\util\workerthread.cpp (42): WorkerThread::loop
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\buildtools\vc\tools\msvc\14.15.26726\include\thr\xthread (230): std::_LaunchPad<std::unique_ptr<std::tuple<void (__cdecl RouterBase::*)(void),ClientRouter *>,std::default_delete<std::tuple<void (__cdecl RouterBase::*)(void),ClientRouter *> > > >::_Go
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\buildtools\vc\tools\msvc\14.15.26726\include\thr\xthread (209): std::_Pad::_Call_func
minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\startup\thread.cpp (115): thread_start<unsigned int (__cdecl*)(void * __ptr64)>
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAAC5B3DC4)
00007FFAAC5B3DC4 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFAAC8A3691)
00007FFAAC8A3691 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
Stack trace logging done
 164.970 Error CrashHandler.cpp:174: Map tick at moment of crash: 7074
 164.971 D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WLDAP32.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\GDI32.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\gdi32full.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcp_win.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\USER32.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\win32u.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ole32.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\combase.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\RPCRT4.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\sechost.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\PSAPI.DLL
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\SHELL32.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\msvcrt.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\cfgmgr32.dll
 164.971 D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\steam_api64.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ADVAPI32.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\shcore.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\windows.storage.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\shlwapi.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\kernel.appcore.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\profapi.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\powrprof.dll
 164.971 C:\WINDOWS\System32\FLTLIB.DLL
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\System32\IMM32.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WS2_32.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\System32\CRYPT32.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSASN1.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINTRUST.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\System32\imagehlp.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.17134.619_none_2c3194848af43904\gdiplus.dll
 164.972 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer64.dll
 164.972 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamclient64.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\System32\SETUPAPI.dll
 164.972 C:\WINDOWS\System32\OLEAUT32.dll
 164.972 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\tier0_s64.dll
 164.972 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\vstdlib_s64.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.17134.619_none_fb46a19f3061bf36\comctl32.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WindowsCodecs.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dwmapi.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3dcompiler_47.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSCTF.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\system32\Oleacc.dll
 164.973 C:\WINDOWS\System32\clbcatq.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\system32\explorerframe.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\64zh6293.inf_amd64_fb09e1c260e682a9\igd10iumd64.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\64zh6293.inf_amd64_fb09e1c260e682a9\igc64.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MMDevApi.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DEVOBJ.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\System32\PROPSYS.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\wintypes.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll
 164.974 C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHook64_8C19DDA9-9173-4CC7-B26B-0B5E73F573B5.dll
 164.974 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.17134.619_none_f94ee9553098e03b\COMCTL32.dll
 164.975 C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll
 164.975 C:\Windows\System32\TextInputFramework.dll
 164.975 C:\Windows\System32\InputHost.dll
 164.975 C:\Windows\System32\CoreUIComponents.dll
 164.975 C:\Windows\System32\CoreMessaging.dll
 164.975 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntmarta.dll
 164.975 C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\discord\0.0.304\modules\discord_hook\908b03f8e3\DiscordHook64.dll
 164.975 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\mscms.dll
 164.975 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ColorAdapterClient.dll
 164.975 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\icm32.dll
 164.976 C:\Windows\System32\IME\IMEKR\imkrtip.dll
 164.976 C:\Windows\System32\IME\shared\imetip.dll
 164.976 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DUI70.dll
 164.976 C:\Windows\System32\IME\IMEKR\imkrapi.dll
 164.976 C:\Windows\System32\IME\shared\imjkapi.dll
 164.976 Error Util.cpp:97: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
 166.961 Uploading log file
 166.974 Error CrashHandler.cpp:221: Heap validation: success.
 166.990 Creating crash dump.
 167.760 CrashDump success
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2017 6:28 am

Re: [Dominik][0.17.3] Crash when trying to force forbidden pipe connection: "FluidBox::onDestroy"

Post by PolarZero »

NOT Fixed in factorio 0.17.6
66085 seems related to Fluid Over-riding (it Fixed at 0.17.6). NOT onDestroy.

Both side of pipe has 0 fluid with fluid Filter.

1. on this, Remove CENTER U.PIPE.
Step1.PNG (469.65 KiB) Viewed 2238 times
2. restore Center U.Pipe x 2
Step2.PNG (467.18 KiB) Viewed 2238 times
3. press Remove key && placement key 3x LEFT U.PIPE.
4. press Remove key && placement key RIGHT U.PIPE Immediatly
5. repeat 3&4
(31.02 KiB) Downloaded 101 times
Former Staff
Former Staff
Posts: 658
Joined: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:08 am

Re: [Dominik][0.17.3] Crash when trying to force forbidden pipe connection: "FluidBox::onDestroy" REOPENED

Post by Dominik »

Thank you for reporting and being persistent :) The issue is probably something else than I thought. And incidentally it is something I have fixed today before seeing this report. I will move this to fixed for 0.17.7 - please, let me know if it is ok for you in that version. Thank you.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2017 6:28 am

Re: [Dominik][0.17.3] Crash when trying to force forbidden pipe connection: "FluidBox::onDestroy" REOPENED

Post by PolarZero »

Crash NOT Happen in 0.17.7 :)
Thank you!
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