[Dominik][0.17.3] Reversing underground pipe containing fluid can corrupt unrelated empty fluid system

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[Dominik][0.17.3] Reversing underground pipe containing fluid can corrupt unrelated empty fluid system

Post by chrisosa »

When an underground pipe contains a fluid, and the "to ground" side is adjacent to a pipe that is part of an empty fluid system assigned to a different fluid, reversing the underground pipe causes the new fluid to override the old one. To demonstrate the issue and why this is a problem, see the following screenshots.

factorio-before.jpg (205.46 KiB) Viewed 2663 times
After placing an underground pipe section in the reverse direction over the existing underground pipe section:
factorio-after.jpg (236.45 KiB) Viewed 2663 times
Note that the crude oil has overwritten the expected chemical plant input of water as shown in the details pane on the right. If we delete the piping and try to attach a water pipe to the water input, the anti-mixer system prevents the connection because it thinks the chemical plant actually wants crude oil. The only ways to fix this are to repeat the bug to overwrite the crude oil input with the correct water, or remove and replace the chemical plant.
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Re: [Dominik][0.17.3] Reversing underground pipe containing fluid can corrupt unrelated empty fluid system

Post by Blacky007 »

I watched EndivaGER in Twitch and he had the same issue
here you can see mixing sulfur acid into wrong pipe

he is playing wit 0.17.4
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Re: [Dominik][0.17.3] Reversing underground pipe containing fluid can corrupt unrelated empty fluid system

Post by Dominik »

Thank you for the report. I have fixed it for the next version. Problem was that the new pipe had no fluid conflict, but then it cloned the fluid from the replaced one.
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