[0.12.x][v0.12.12] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

Moderator: bobingabout

Which of the new v0.7 additions do you like the best?

Advanced Electronics 3 with CPUs
The Nitrogen/Ceramic chain
The new Pumps and barrel/bottle recipes
The new types of pipes
Factory reballancing
The new Electrolyser graphics!
Total votes: 234

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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by bobingabout »

Remember I started writing this mod for V0.9.8 of the game? Well, when I started writing it, I tried to make the low end Mixing Furnace and Chemical Furnace work on Burner power, making them basically the same as the standard stone furnace, but with the ability to use "metal-mixing" aka alloying, and "chemical-furnace" recipes unlocked via the Alloy and Chemical researchs. However, even though I told the game to use "Burner" as an energy source... it tried to use electricity.

Well, I was reading a forum post about someone having issues with a burner inserter trying to insert fuel into a burner assembly machine. The issue was it wouldn't refuel the assembly machine or itself. I thought... "hang on, Burner assembly machine? Last time I tried that it wouldn't work", so I tried again, and it worked.

So the next version will change these structures to run on burner power, making the mod V0.10.x only.

Though really, how many people are still using v0.9.8, and using my mods with it? if you are, don't upgrade. Besides, most of my newer mods (Intermediates, Assembly machines, Power and Modules) were made for 0.10.x and either won't work with v0.9.8 due to use of ogg instead of wav, or havn't been tested with it, so... Yeah, since this mod leads onto using those others that won't work on v0.9.8, why keep it 0.9.8 compatable?
omegasrevenge wrote:Why would you need tin in the early game?
Changes I havn't made yet.

Remember, my intermediates use a lot of Tin in electronics. I plan to change a lot of the early game recipes to use Bronze instead of copper, and my electronics instead of base game electronics.

The result would be that you start needing to use Tin (in electronics and bronze) before, or around the same time you start using steel, meaning you'll need to use it before the rest of my new ores.

Another possibility is that I change some of the early game recipes that currently use Iron to use Tin instead.
SuperSandro2000 wrote:Why not?
omegasrevenge wrote:If you have two mods and one works in a much reduced fashion without the other then they should be one mod.
Go for it.
I think for the next version, I will then.
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by omegasrevenge »

bobingabout wrote:Remember I started writing this mod for V0.9.8 of the game?
I started playing this game less than 2 weeks ago.
bobingabout wrote:
omegasrevenge wrote:Why would you need tin in the early game?
Changes I havn't made yet.
I implore you to focus on parts of the game that are lacking in vanilla, not changing working, existing game mechanics. I am not telling you to stop, since while they are working they are still overly simple, but I believe the endgame needs work much more than the rest of the game.
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by bobingabout »

New version is up, patch notes in first post.
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by Airat9000 »

bobingabout wrote:New version is up, patch notes in first post.
who is nickel ore?
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by bobingabout »

Airat9000 wrote:
bobingabout wrote:New version is up, patch notes in first post.
who is nickel ore?
I See a problem with this picture
My mod adds my ores to a "Bob's Intermediates" tab. this is showing my intermediates mixed in with others. This means someone elses mod is moving my ores.

I don't recognise the last icon on the 3rd row. could that be it?
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by Vitduo »

Top left is the inscription. It means "Tiles". So the picture is just a screenshot of "Map editor" and nothing else
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by Airat9000 »

namely that there is no map, no map editor on this .. weird ..
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by Vitduo »

Bob's ores has no nickel ore as entity, only as item. The picture shows entity-ores. Go to items-tab.
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by bobingabout »

Map editor!

Yes, Nickel Ore is item from Galena
Galena gives 2 ores, Lead and Nickel.
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by AartBluestoke »

bobingabout wrote: v0.5.2
* Reduced the cost of Steel plate to 2 Iron plate instead of 5.

the recipe "metallurgy-steel-plate"
uses {type="fluid", name="molten-carbonated-iron", amount=37.5}, or the equivalent of 3.75 plates (the use of fluid is more efficient than regular smelting, due use of lava, and processing complexity)

perhaps you should alter that recipe to output 2 steel plates instead of one, or decrease the amount of molten-carbonated-iron needed (15 even would keep the appropriate dy-tech 25% discount for using fluid processing)
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Re: [0.10.0] Bob's Metals and Chemicals mod

Post by bobingabout »

AartBluestoke wrote:perhaps you should alter that recipe to output 2 steel plates instead of one, or decrease the amount of molten-carbonated-iron needed (15 even would keep the appropriate dy-tech 25% discount for using fluid processing)
setting it to 15 carbonated iron and 2 water, and reducing the energy requirement from 0.8 to 0.4 in my overides file.

Thankyou for the sugestion, will be in the next release.


Okay, Version 0.6.0 is out.
This version merges the Intermediates mod into this one, making the old Intermediates mod obsolete.
it also adds a few other things to it, see patch notes.

Something else I did was put letters and numbers on icons for the Electrolysers and Chemical Plants (not the original) to help tell them apart untill I can get some propper graphics for them.
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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by Airat9000 »

bobintermediates and plates 2 or 1?

Bob dear :)
have thought .. a little harder for the discovery technology
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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by bobingabout »

Airat9000 wrote:bobintermediates and plates 2 or 1?

Bob dear :)
have thought .. a little harder for the discovery technology
I'm not sure what you're saying, are you saying I made it too easy?
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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by Vitduo »

"Dear, can you give me some Unknown interface: "item-name.glass"? - Ok, I'll have given Unknown interface: "item-name.glass" to you... Wait, please..."
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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by bobingabout »

Vitduo wrote:"Dear, can you give me some Unknown interface: "item-name.glass"? - Ok, I'll have given Unknown interface: "item-name.glass" to you... Wait, please..."
item-name.glass added. Will be in next release.
Thankyou for the bug report.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by Vitduo »

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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by bobingabout »

Uploading a minor update.

The only real changes are fixing the glass locale name, and re-ordering the recipe and item lists.

Item list now sorts by item type (when you're looking for an item in the logistics system), Ore, Resorces, Chemical, Metal, Alloy, Electronic Part, Electronic Board, Gear, Bearing.
Recipe list now sorts the big clump of resorces and metals by Factory type. Fluid Chemical, Fluid Electrolysis, Assembly machine(or by hand), Chemical plant, Furnace, Chemical furnace, Electroliser, Mixing furnace...
and then the specialised groups are untouched at the end, Electronic Part, Electronic Board, Gear, Bearing.

See first post for download link.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by bobingabout »

Q: In the next version should I add an alternate recipe for Solder that uses Lead and Tin plates (and resin) like old lead based solder, just as an option (and to help burn up all that currently useless lead). Yes/No?
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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by Vitduo »

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Re: [0.10.x] Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

Had a thought for adding another element. (Oh god not another one!) Lithium, mostly for better batteries and such. Either found as the rare Zabuyelite Ore (Li2CO3), or from Salt combined with Soda Ash, (which is how they separate Lithium from its specific salt).

Salt + Stone = Soda Ash + Calcium Chloride
Soda Ash + Salt = Lithium Ore
First part is also know as the Solvay Process, which has a byproduct of Calcium Chloride.
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