The point of a tank is to have a heavily armored vehicle to have a tactical advantage on the frontlines. So if there is an area of heavy foritfication or heavy machine weapons that inevitably would just slaughter the soldiers. So we have a tank to counter-attack that. In factorio at the moment it's a case of being outnumbered by the enemy that would make it appealing to have a tank in how we define it. I do realize this is an alpha but basically your single character especially at higher tech can easily act as a tank him self and kill the enemy in-game no problem. Maybe when we have a tank we should probably look at balancing that so the tank is actually useful.
The thing is how do we fit our modern tanks into a game like factorio cause that just wouldn't make sense. It has to fit somehow. Maybe at the beginning it has sort of a basic tank role. Then you can upgrade it to have more futurists types of armor and weapons and the feel and look of that should obviously be represented in the game.
Using google as always for images in an attempt to replicate what I picture in my head is:

The vibe I get from factorio is nothing is ever that clean looking. But cool futuristic tank.
Also this is just awesome:

Who needs tracks when we have legs. I guess it's often called a spider tank. Granted the legs just allow you to climb things. in facotorio there's really not much to climb. Or another words their's no height to it. I posted it just because it looks cool.
Also hover tanks is nothing new in sci-fi. Like in halo the alien vehicles. Or like the actual tank in planetside 2 the magrider.