Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by Oktokolo »

Nice walls.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by Fox50 »

Save from NTK is from version 0.16.52.

Chlapci, doufám že chystáte ještě vypustit jednu verzi. :)
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by ZombieMooose »

HD Defenses
Maybe possible diagonal walls and belts? :D
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by Jap2.0 »

Jan11 wrote:I need a new graphic card to play the game in HR.

My GTX 690 has not enough Vram... I still playing with normal settings, but now after that picture .... ^^
How much VRAM does it have?
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by Meddleman »

D'aww, and here I was hoping that damaged walls would also be shown as cracked and degraded á la Age of Empires, not just the little health bar.
Can't have everything I guess, although I'm sure someone's gonna work on a mod for it.

Once again, nice work, it all looks so crisp and professionally done though ^^
+1 for possibly having diagonal gates for rails. Although it might look weird in conjunction with N/S or E/W facing ones.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by eradicator »

mexmer wrote:
eradicator wrote:
FFF253 wrote:including an automated splitter type machine for sorting which floors returned books go to.
My browser seems to be broken. It's not showing the video for this :?: :roll: :?:

Any chance we can get diagonal rail gates?
that was just indirect invitation.

book sorting machine is quite interesting, i was not there this time (for factorio), but few year ago.
Do they have regular guided tours of the sorting machine or something? I assumed it was a special thing that they showed the internals.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by nuhll »

i downloaded the zip, how to play that?
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by Jan11 »

Jap2.0 wrote:
Jan11 wrote:I need a new graphic card to play the game in HR.

My GTX 690 has not enough Vram... I still playing with normal settings, but now after that picture .... ^^
How much VRAM does it have?

2x2 gb and that`s the issue.... Factorio doesn`t work with my 2x2gb Vram
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by HammerPiano »

One of the many small tasks for 0.17, was to solve the occasional problem I had when I didn't notice that one of my trains didn't have the refuelling automated. One train out of fuel can halt all the train logistics easily, and sometimes it takes quite a while to notice it. For this reason, we added an alert for trains running out of fuel when in automatic mode.
Yes yes yes!!!
I have been waiting for this!

The walls and gates look very interesting, I like the filler.

I hope i will have enough VRAM in 0.17....
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by hitzu »

So with new walls, turrets are just begging to be put on top of the walls as a strong foundation for them.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by Therax »

hitzu wrote:So with new walls, turrets are just begging to be put on top of the walls as a strong foundation for them.
Ohhh yeah, just like Warzone 2100!
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by 3trip »

hitzu wrote:So with new walls, turrets are just begging to be put on top of the walls as a strong foundation for them.
I came here to compliment the Devs on how awesome the walls are, and to ask this same question!

So can we please be able to stick turrets ontop of walls?
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by arrow in my gluteus »

Jap2.0 wrote:I'm a bit curious as to why the speed varies. In the comments of his video, he says that he's using an AutoHotkey script, so shouldn't it maintain a constant speed if you do something like this:

Code: Select all

Send {Enter}
Sleep, 16.67
Goto, Label1
(that's obviously simplified and you could use loops, but you can get the gist of it.)

EDIT: AutoHotkey is quite aggressive and will try to make anything you do (including turning it off) very difficult if you use the above script. Something you could actually use (presses enter 60 times per second while caps lock is on) would go like this:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


If GetKeyState("CapsLock" , "T")
  Send {Enter}
  Sleep, 16.67
  Goto, Label1
  Sleep, 100
Goto, Label1
Apologies if it's a bit messy, just something I threw together quick.

EDIT 2: Compiled script attached if anyone actually cares and doesn't want to install ahk. Also because it took about 5 seconds. And it's zipped because the forum doesn't allow .exe
the lua code I used to measure the speed got different speeds for entering and exiting. You moved different amounts. Don't remember what it was exactly. And also you get weird stuff if you press enter twice in a single tick, slowing you down.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by CrushedIce »

I really like the out of fuel notification thats gonna be quite useful for me.

However is there any chance we could get a deadlock warning? It is probably quite hard to detect this properly but already something like "This train didn't move for 1 min" would be extremely useful in my opinion :D
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by MewMew »

Those thick walls, very nice :) Makes bases even more comfy.

Not too sure about the new gate texture. The extensive hazard stripes might fit well for a train entry gate, as it is a major enemy in the game causing many careless factory worker casualties every day.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by Pinga »

Amazing new sprites as always. I wonder how hard would it be to have diagonal walls.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by ezoe »

I also want an alert for train set to automatic switched to manual by begin destructed by biters.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by Diddibanane »

Wow the new graphics look very professional!
It would look really good if you update the old health bars, they seem the on "outdated" piece in this otherwise crispy picture!
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by WIZ4 »

Can we count on the installation of the gate on the diagonal rails?
My native language is russian. Sorry if my messages are difficult to read.
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Re: Friday Facts #253 - Fans & Fun

Post by factoriouzr »

Good alert for trains running out of fuel (I never ran into this issue personally but a good improvement). However trains need to be shown a lot more love.

Trains need:
+Trains need to be blueprintable with all locomotive and cargo settings, grid slots for locomotive etc.
+There needs to be schedule management and saving between games. I should be able to assign schedules to trains instead of set the same stops over and over and copy paste for all the trains when they change.
+trains should be controllable in more intuitive ways. Eg. go to these stops in order and don't skip any if a train is already waiting at an intermediate stop. Just wait for it. Trains should be able to go back to a queuing/waiting area if they can't get to their destination instead of queuing up on the main path blocking other trains. Ie. I should not have to make a waiting area beside each mining outpost for every train so they don't block the main path. Trains should be smart enough so that only one goes to each mining station at a time when the stop is enabled instead of all waiting trains going there. Trains should be smart enough to go to a refueling station when needed (this should be configurable with train behaviours or assigning multiple schedules to a train with condisions).
+trains that are manually placed at a station or that are waiting at a station in manual mode should send their contents to the circuit network. Ie. this should work in all cases, not just when a train is in automatic mode.
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