[0.10.3] train lenght is not the same E-W as N-S

Things that has been reported already before.
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[0.10.3] train lenght is not the same E-W as N-S

Post by arl85 »

I know it has been discussed before but my idea is that it's not over.
so please forgive if I reopen it, but I hope to have more visibility here.
arl85 wrote:
Gammro wrote: I found out you couldn't have the same amount of inserters working on a train when it was on a N-S aligned station
ysor123 wrote: It seems to have an odd offset (3) if placing west <> est. So even if you build a correct station with inserters and chest, it might not fit just because the train stops somewhere in between. So you have to move the whole construction as it is 1 tile to west or east to hit the "even" spot. Moving only the train station does not solve the problem ;(
I think it should not be considered WAD: same number of inserter should work next to E-W trains as next to N-S ones.
albarak wrote:I wouldn't call this one a bug so much as a quirk. Since the build tiles are perfectly square, but all entities are projected in isometric view, there's always going to be some weirdness when the two interact.
While I understand the "isometric problem", I expected that it is related on how the train is draw, not the real positioning of it.

I did some testing (see file). You can see how N-S stations only allow 5 inserters to grab the wagon, while E-W ones allow 6 inserters.
But moving manually train a bit backward when at stop point on N-S stations lets the 6th inserter work even on N-S stations.
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Re: [0.10.3] train lenght is not the same E-W as N-S

Post by slpwnd »

The isometry problem is a difficult one and there is no simple solution to this. The graphics of the train has a different "length" (in absolute terms) for different directions. In N-S the train is shorter than in S-W. We could compensate for this by making the spaces between the train bigger, but that would look imho funny.

Another option would be to mark the blueprint that it needs to be "shrinked" / "extended" when rotating. You could mark one tile and empty one would be inserted in front of it, for instance. But this is more of a feature request.

I understand it is annoying for you, but unfortunately we don't intend on "fixing" this (at least not any time soon). This is a fundamental limitation of the engine, not really a bug imo. If you are using blueprints for building stations you can have two different ones for N-S or W-E. Not a great solution I know :/
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Re: [0.10.3] train lenght is not the same E-W as N-S

Post by arl85 »

Please forgive me, but I cannot understand (because I've no idea about how it works behind the scenes) how the way train is displayed may affects the way it interacts with inserters,for example.

Please consider that I have no idea how these things work so maybe what I'm saying is simply rubbish.

my idea is that there's a "wagon "object" and a "wagon texture"
A wagon is 6 tiles long (I think); when it is displayed, because of isometry etc, it may appear shorter/longer/tilted/etc than real value, but nonetheless it is 6 tiles long.

But from what you says it seems it is not working this way.
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