[1.0] Sea Block Pack 0.4.10

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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by ukezi »

I found the trees don't scale well and you need some tech for it. I also have quite a good setup for algae. I will post it soon(TM).
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by BlakeMW »

The starting approach I've worked out goes like this:

1. Start by placing all the windmills. It makes the remaining space a little cramped, but it's enough room for 3 electrolyzers and other stuff can be juggled in and out.
2. Get slag processing. This is vastly more energy-efficient than crystalizing mineralized water. Also the sulfuric water processing produces a byproduct of mineralized water that can be fed into green algae to produce the charcoal to run the filtration with a bit of surplus.
3. Be foraging for fiber All. The. Time. and turn it into charcoal. Your foraging is worth around 625kWe if turned into electricity.
4. Beeline trees. It's a low tech solution. Each tree farm (that is seedling generator plus 4 arboretums) is worth around 8.7MWe once everything is turned into charcoal, about 1MWe of that goes into running it. It's massively energy-positive and you don't need any fancy science to implement it and it's fairly compact. Personally, I don't use green algae other than to consume waste mineralized water because the yields are pretty low compared with the massive amount of power you get out of tree farms and...
5. Beeline desert farming. There are two real options: Binafran -> beans -> pulp -> fuel oil is a rapidly scalable solution, each farm produces 1.2MW of fuel value (2.4MW with desert farm upgrade) about 3x as much electrical energy as goes in and each growth cycle can triple your seed stock, this is way better than green algae, more power, much less inputs. The other and IMO better option is Nilabergine -> pips -> crushing -> fuel oil. Pips produce much more energy per farm: about 3.5MW of fuel oil or 7MW with the desert upgrade. Pips also produce a lot of mineral oil, you can use it in various places (especially to make lubricant for cupric processing), eventually, you can turn it into synth gas, raising the yield to almost 9MW per farm. The downside of pips is the seeds multiply slowly, on average you get 3 new seeds per farm per hour, or 6 for desert farm upgrade. But another way of looking at this: you can double your seed stock per hour, 10 hours is nothing in Seablock and theoretically you could increase your seed stock 1000x in that time. I've found in practice pip farming can easily stay ahead of my energy demands and I love the unlimited mineral oil. But bean farming works fine too and involves less management (with pips you want to go back and add more farms occasionally to get more seeds in on that multiplying action). Temperate farming has better yields but is more complex and the amount of farmland to sustain your factory is truly minuscule even with desert farming. 8 little farms end up producing around 72-80MW.
6. KS Power boilers are more energy-efficient than any other option for turning fuel oil into electricity and are available fairly early. 3 Steam Engines produce 2.7MW and consume 3 Fuel Oil/s, meaning you get 900kJ per fuel oil. Considering that making Solid Fuel only results in 900kJ of fuel value per fuel oil (subtracting out the charcoal), getting 900kW of electrical value is a pretty good deal! It also favors processes that produce fuel oil rather than solid burnables. The downside of the KS Power boiler setup is it takes a lot more land than advanced Bob's boilers and steam engines.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by jodokus31 »

I have quite good experience with the usual algae to carbon fueling, if rushing the mk2 boilers & steam engines. (pellets are better, but its way to much science to rush). It's important to prioritize carbon dioxide for algae and dont overdo electrolyzers for minerals
but its a massive step from mk1 steam to mk2. But, I dont know, if farming stuff is better, because i didnt test it yet on early seablock. I guess it is.
I dont think, that windmills are worth to produce. I think slag processing and advanced smelting ares more important to spend the precious iron.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by Anhalter »

Did just upload my Green Algae --> Charcoal Pellet production. Isnt perfect but works.

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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by ukezi »

you want to make the CO2 form Charcoal. That nets you way better CO2 ratios.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by Anhalter »

fair point, shouldn't be to much work. honestly, i havn't bothered until now, since power is mainly done by solar by now and coal is kind of a backup/battery thing. but more efficiency is always nice.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by lunchh »

Hello I am returning to Seablock Mod,
Is there a set of configuration to match classic style / do you plan on adding support to have a classic style play?

I feel like the addition of Aliens / Alien Science / Islands / Arboretum in new versions of this modpack is a shift away from the spirit of the mod.
( i understand this modback is in Alpha so it may just be that these additions are planned to be removed / changed to bring inline with classic seablock?)

The first line in the description of the mod reads "This modpack alters terrain generation so that everywhere except the starting block is water."
in the current version this is nolonger true.

If i wanted to play a "classic style" sea block currently, does any one have a config that could remove, Bug Science , Islands , Arboretums?
or do i need to or would someone suggest downgrade to Factorio V14 and play with Seablock V0.0.6?

if i play on the current version and disable Aliens, choose to not use Aboretum Tech, will i find any roadblocks multiple hours into the game?
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by dahasu »


i have a lidle problem with my factorio/sea block and i hope same one can help me out.

i play on the factorio version 16.39-2. i take this version becorse of the purified water recipes for the pump, so my curent base needed this to work.
Today i started Factorio an steam forgot witch version i play on, so i was locking in Steam for the 16.39-2 version and its not ther.

I´m in the middle of an restructure of my base so i have no resources left to change to Electrolicer for the purified water.

ps. I´m not a native english speaking person so sorry for my bad text.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by ukezi »

you want a recipe for the pump to make purified? I know there is a switch in bob's to have them make water. but purified water? Also your factorio version shouldn't do any difference to that as purified water is a angel's thing. as long as you didn't update your mods, nothing should change.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by dahasu »


thx for the fast answer.

i dont know how or why but problem was fixt after i switch to the lates Factori version.
can it be that using the option "automatically activate new mods" have same think to do with that?
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by ukezi »

yes. It can. Seablocks is mainly for exactly the versions it was released with. don't update.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by AimMoreBetter »

Updated whatever mods on the mod list for sea block needed to be updated tonight and now factorio cannot load. It keeps saying difficulty normal change cycle in technology tree detected and lists ore crushing, slag processing, water washing and more.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by nullvoid »

AimMoreBetter wrote:Updated whatever mods on the mod list for sea block needed to be updated tonight and now factorio cannot load. It keeps saying difficulty normal change cycle in technology tree detected and lists ore crushing, slag processing, water washing and more.
Literally the post above yours says
ukezi wrote: [...] Seablocks is mainly for exactly the versions it was released with. don't update.
To say it again: The Seablock pack is ONLY guaranteed to work when using the versions stated on the First Post of this thread. The easiest way to get the correct versions is to use the Download provided in said First Post.
Do not update mods in the pack unless you are happy fixing error messages yourself

Adding extra mods and updating those is typically fine, though they might cause an incompatibility with the base Seablock Pack.
Unfortunately, the builtin Mod Manager lacks both a dependency solver, and the ability to selectively updated installed mods, so you will have to update any extra mods by downloading the new version from the website instead.
Installation guide from First Post wrote: Download SeaBlockPack_0.2.8.zip. Unzip into your factorio mods directory. Your factorio mods directory is %appdata%/factorio/mods (windows), ~/.factorio/mods (linux) or ~/Library/Application Support/factorio/mods (MacOS).
Alternatively, download the correct version of each mod from the mod portal and place in your mods directory. Versions and links are listed in Mod List, below.

All that being said, it looks like ScienceCostTweaker 0.16.28 introduced a loop in the Tech Tree. Downgrading it to 0.16.26 will fix the error you reported.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by Redstylt »

I have questions for you guys :idea:
:arrow: How do you increase the amount of liquid carried in the pipes :?:
:arrow: Are there pipes that can carry more :?:
:arrow: Do you have a mod to add that can make a difference :?:
Last edited by Redstylt on Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by ukezi »

You can put pumps every few sections but then it becomes a one way lane. You can also lay parallel pipes. and that is it.Even with the debuff, shipping barrels is still good.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by jodokus31 »

Redstylt wrote:Hi,
I have questions for you guys :idea:
:arrow: How do you increase the amount of liquid carried in the pipes :?:
Are there pipes that can carry more :?:
Do you have a mod to add that can make a difference :?:
I learned the following:
- fluid mechanics are not intuitive and weird.
- a pipe is able to transport max. 1200 fluids/sec, if used optimally. For more, you should add second parallel pipe, which is not connected in the middle
- Use barrels. The angels barreling pump can pump 500 fluids per sec. and are able to be speed moduled.
- Use fluid wagons for long distances. They are pretty efficient compared to barrels.
- all pipes are now the same (bobslogistics, some months ago)
- all connected pipes and tanks need to equalize, which is not instant. If you have a long pipe, which is full on one end, doesnt mean its full on the other end. A pump and tanks may help.
- "Restack" mod tweaks the barrel recipes: instead 1 barrel in 0.2 sec -> 10 barrels in 2 sec. And stacksizes can be adjusted, which can increase throughput. But it changes a lot more stack sizes, so be carefull, if you really want it

Please correct, if I got something wrong.
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by Redstylt »

jodokus31 wrote:
I learned the following:
- fluid mechanics are not intuitive and weird.
- a pipe is able to transport max. 1200 fluids/sec, if used optimally. For more, you should add second parallel pipe, which is not connected in the middle
- Use barrels. The angels barreling pump can pump 500 fluids per sec. and are able to be speed moduled.
- Use fluid wagons for long distances. They are pretty efficient compared to barrels.
- all pipes are now the same (bobslogistics, some months ago)
- all connected pipes and tanks need to equalize, which is not instant. If you have a long pipe, which is full on one end, doesnt mean its full on the other end. A pump and tanks may help.
- "Restack" mod tweaks the barrel recipes: instead 1 barrel in 0.2 sec -> 10 barrels in 2 sec. And stacksizes can be adjusted, which can increase throughput. But it changes a lot more stack sizes, so be carefull, if you really want it

Please correct, if I got something wrong.
Nice answer !
So 2 things annoyed me very much : "all pipes are now the same (bobslogistics, some months ago)" and "a pipe is able to transport max. 1200 fluids/sec, if used optimally. For more, you should add second parallel pipe, which is not connected in the middle"
Making 2 parallel pipes is quite difficult...because they connect each other and because i dont have so much place :|
So i was thinking i need that mod : https://mods.factorio.com/mod/incompatible-pipes (but quite lots of issues) or https://mods.factorio.com/mod/high-pressure-pipes
Any other solution ? (put in barrel is also a difficult solution to put into practice)
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by BlakeMW »

Pipes can carry a lot more than 1200/s over short distances. Pipe-to-grounds count as 1 pipe (2 pipes for the pair in an underground span), so longer underground pipe spans increase potential throughput. Placing pumps increases throughput even more, a chain of pump->underground pipe span->pump will cap out at 3000/s. Given that underground pipe spans get pretty long for titanium and tungsten this might well be more desirable than parallel pipes when very high throughput uni-direction flow is required.

For 4 pipes between pumps the throughput drops to ~1900/s, and then it tends to converge around 1200m/s - altough for large numbers of pipes it does fall below 1200m/s, ultimately converging on 0 fluid/s for infinitely many pipes, though of course pumps can maintain throughput over infinite distance (i.e. pump->underground span->pump chain can deliver 3000/s over any distance).
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by SantaKlau »

Hey there,

i have a question about the Farming section to get some Wood.
For this i need for example, Temperate Farming, to get some Corn, which gets me some Fermentation Base. This i need to get Compost. And this i can use to get the Seedling Nest, which i need for the Ground Sample, which me allows to Craft the Optimized Biome Planner, for Searching the Temperated Farming ö.Ö??? Im a little bit confused i need an item to search the item which i needed it for? Is there another solution, to get some Compost or the Biome Planner to get the stuff started?
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Re: [0.16] Sea Block Pack 0.2.8

Post by nullvoid »

Compost can be made in the Composter using any organic material. E.G. Brown Algae. The recipes are hidden, but will show up in FNEI if you go into the settings (Gear Wheel Icon on the FNEI Dialog) and check "Show Hidden Recipes"
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