[MOD 0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

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[MOD 0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Therax »

Type: Mod
Name: Bulk Rail Loaders
Description: Very fast train loader/unloader for bulk goods.
License: LGPL 3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/lgpl-3.0/)
Version: 0.5.4
Release: 2018-10-17
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.16.51
Category: Item
Tags: Logistics, Trains, Loaders
Download-Url: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/therax/r ... /downloads
Website: https://github.com/mspielberg/factorio-railloader
Long description
Boosting Throughput with Interface Chests
What items are supported
Known Issues
Version history
Last edited by Therax on Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:55 pm, edited 24 times in total.
Miniloader — UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders
Bulk Rail Loaders — Rapid train loading and unloading
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by BHakluyt »

Hi Therax

My apologies, I think I have found your first bug for this forum. Just tried to take a simple BP from top setup to copy to bottom setup...being extremely lazy and all...
Photos or it didnt happen
Some thoughts on your mod
edit -
and then
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by steinio »

Space Science?
Are you insane?

This should be researchable directly after trains as setting up inserters for loading and unloading is tedious.

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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by BHakluyt »

Of course yes! Space science. If inserters are tedious, then usebots not bots. BPs and bots. Stack inserters does a decent job unloading a train.... Inserters are Factorio. Here is a loader for you to use early game:
mad blender skills
edit - oh yeah therax I wanted to let you know. Using "q" to get the item on curser doesn't work for this mod it seems...
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by BHakluyt »

It would seem that the rail loaders suffer from the same bug I reported for the mini loaders; when trying to take a bp... of some hazard concrete...from map view:
Please just kill it
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by steinio »

BHakluyt wrote:It would seem that the rail loaders suffer from the same bug I reported for the mini loaders; when trying to take a bp... of some hazard concrete...from map view:
Please just kill it
What's that of a floor design?

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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by BHakluyt »

Yes, wanted to BP a square piece of that hazard concrete design. I guess it differs from original bug in that it wasn't a single entity I tried to BP...
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Therax »

Version v.0.2.0 is now available, with new graphics for the loader courtesy of Arch666Ange, and for the unloader courtesy of me and some time in Paint.net, and fixes for the reported issues.
BHakluyt wrote:My apologies, I think I have found your first bug for this forum. Just tried to take a simple BP from top setup to copy to bottom setup...being extremely lazy and all...
Thank you! Not sure when that typo crept in. Fixed now.
BHakluyt wrote:edit - oh yeah therax I wanted to let you know. Using "q" to get the item on curser doesn't work for this mod it seems...
This is unfortunately something I've not been able to figure out how to work around. There needs to be a special item associated with the loaders for blueprinting to work correctly, but it can't be the same item as used to build the loaders, or you wouldn't be able to place them overlapping existing rails. If anyone figures out a way to resolve this dilemma, I'll all ears!
BHakluyt wrote:It would seem that the rail loaders suffer from the same bug I reported for the mini loaders; when trying to take a bp... of some hazard concrete...from map view:
You are correct. I need to remember to check blueprinting only tiles while testing. :)
Miniloader — UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Adalonus »

As a quick heads up, the modportal homepage link for Bulk Rail Loaders sends you to the MiniLoaders forum thread, not this one.

Additionally, I am getting the blueprint error as well. I hope it is an easy fix.
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Therax »

Adalonus wrote:As a quick heads up, the modportal homepage link for Bulk Rail Loaders sends you to the MiniLoaders forum thread, not this one.
This has been fixed. There was a bug in the mod portal preventing me from fixing the link before: viewtopic.php?f=189&t=56886 :)
Adalonus wrote:Additionally, I am getting the blueprint error as well. I hope it is an easy fix.
Which version are you running? Are you doing anything special to create this blueprint, or running other mods that change the blueprint creation process? I have not seen this particular error before.
Miniloader — UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Adalonus »

Which version are you running? Are you doing anything special to create this blueprint, or running other mods that change the blueprint creation process? I have not seen this particular error before.
Bulk Rail Loader 0.2.1

Best I can tell that has mods with anything to do with blueprints is:
Picker Extended
Picker Tweaks
Upgrade Planner

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AAI Programmable Structures
AAI Programmable Vehicles
AAI Signals
AAI Vehicles: Chaingunner
AAI Vehicles: Hauler
AAI Vehicles: Miner
AAI Zones
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Bob's Metals, Chemicals, and Intermediates
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Bob's Modules
Bob's Ores
Bob's Power
Bob's Revamp Mod
Bob's Tech
Bob's Vehicle Equipment
Bob's Warfare
Bulk Rail Loader
Bullet Trails
Burner Leech A16 Fix
Charcoal Burner
Crafting Speed Research
Dirt Path
Enhanced Map Colors
Epic Artillery Sounds
Even Distribution
Expanded Robot Technology
GDIW - Hotkey
Logistic Train Network
Laser Beam Turrets
Lighted Electric Power Poles +
More Achievements
Nanobots: Early Bots
Napalm Artillery
Picker Extended
Picker Tweaks
Powered Entities
Progressive Running
Push Button
Resource Spawner Overhaul
Shiny Angel GFX
Shiny Bob GFX
Shiny Icons
Shuttle Train Lite
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by hitzu »

Bug: cannot get off the cargo wagon while it's over the Bulk Loader.
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Therax »

Adalonus wrote:Best I can tell that has mods with anything to do with blueprints is:
Picker Extended
Picker Tweaks
Upgrade Planner
I'm not able to reproduce even with your full mod list installed. Are you doing anything special when you create your blueprint? The error message you posted seems to indicate that you created a blueprint somehow while not having a blueprint in your hand. I tested PickerExtended's quick pipette blueprint feature (control-Q), but that also seems to work fine. Can you send me a save I can use to try to reproduce? It's possible there was a bug in the versions of the mods you're running, that is fixed in the versions I downloaded for testing.
hitzu wrote:Bug: cannot get off the cargo wagon while it's over the Bulk Loader.
This is not easy to solve, because the loader needs a collision box for inserters and loaders to interact with them. My best suggestion is to ride in the locomotive when possible, or use manual control to move the train so you can get out. You can also mine and replace the Bulk Loader while riding in the cargo wagon. None are great alternatives, I admit.
Miniloader — UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Adalonus »

The error message you posted seems to indicate that you created a blueprint somehow while not having a blueprint in your hand. I tested PickerExtended's quick pipette blueprint feature (control-Q), but that also seems to work fine. Can you send me a save I can use to try to reproduce? It's possible there was a bug in the versions of the mods you're running, that is fixed in the versions I downloaded for testing.
I've played a bit farther in the save file after disabling bulk rail loaders, but if the error is showing up because of trying to blueprint something when my hand doesn't have a blueprint, it might be a problem with picker. Sometimes when I try to blueprint, I have to select it twice as the first time doesn't register I am blueprinting something. It's really odd. I'll dig through picker's forums and see if it is a known error before I have you examine my save file.
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by laige »

I can't help but think I should be able to walk over the Railunloader. I added collision_mask = {"not-colliding-with-itself"}, to all the unloader entities. I then could walk over the unloader, and it did not appear to interfere with the scripts. However it has the unwanted side-effect of being able to build other entities on top of it.

Would you consider making it so we can walk over the railunloader normally in the mod?

Also there is an issue with the railloader. The ghost image when placing a vertical (up-down) railloader shows the wagon inside to be in the incorrect spot. This makes the player think he is placing it correctly, but it is in-fact off by one space. To correctly place it; it needs to be placed one space up.
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Re: [0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Therax »

laige wrote:I can't help but think I should be able to walk over the Railunloader. I added collision_mask = {"not-colliding-with-itself"}, to all the unloader entities. I then could walk over the unloader, and it did not appear to interfere with the scripts. However it has the unwanted side-effect of being able to build other entities on top of it.

Would you consider making it so we can walk over the railunloader normally in the mod?
I've been expermenting with collision_mask myself, and I think I have a configuration that works. Fortunately it was less work than expected. :mrgreen:
laige wrote:Also there is an issue with the railloader. The ghost image when placing a vertical (up-down) railloader shows the wagon inside to be in the incorrect spot. This makes the player think he is placing it correctly, but it is in-fact off by one space. To correctly place it; it needs to be placed one space up.
Thanks for the report! The guide image of a cargo-wagon is more like halfway between tiles, but still definitely misleading and unhelpful, and I'll be fixing it in the next version.
Miniloader — UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders
Bulk Rail Loaders — Rapid train loading and unloading
Beltlayer & Pipelayer — Route items and fluids freely underground
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Therax »

New version v0.2.2 is available on the mod portal. Lots of QOL improvements, including fixes to collision boxes, the pipette tool, and blueprinting. Have fun!
Miniloader — UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders
Bulk Rail Loaders — Rapid train loading and unloading
Beltlayer & Pipelayer — Route items and fluids freely underground
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by JerryCZZ1 »

Hi. I get this error when I tried make a blueprint with rail parts (rails, rail signal, wires etc.) Any solution?
Screenshot_71.png (100.17 KiB) Viewed 35938 times
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by Therax »

JerryCZZ1 wrote:Hi. I get this error when I tried make a blueprint with rail parts (rails, rail signal, wires etc.) Any solution?
Update to the latest 0.16.x experimental. This field was added in 0.16.13 and the latest as of this writing is 0.16.19.
Miniloader — UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders
Bulk Rail Loaders — Rapid train loading and unloading
Beltlayer & Pipelayer — Route items and fluids freely underground
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Re: [MOD 0.16] Bulk Rail Loaders

Post by SqFKYo »

railloader_bp_crash.JPG (26 KiB) Viewed 35856 times
Getting this when I try to create new blueprint of random items. This time burner turbine from AAII. Any ideas?
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