- Features:
- Save your factory setups and paste them everywhere you want
- Build Transport-Belt or Rail Bridges and travel over water
- Automatically remove large forests or structures without lifting a finger
- Create large miningsites alternative to miningdrills
- Build mining-overseers and you will never notice a depleated ore-deposit too late
- Create auto-refilling minefields

The different markers and nanobots

The Copy-Mode



Overseer-UI and Left: Miningsite Right: Overseer

How to use:
I made a video in which I will show you how you can use some of the features
( It was made with/for a older mod-version, so it will not cover every aspect, also the upgrade-mode is not part of the mod anymore)
(sorry for the low framerate, my pc is not the newest

Anyway it is pretty straight-forward, mark an area and select what you want to do.
The miningsites need nanobots to mine the ore, it depends on the size and the number of nanobots how fast they will mine
The minefield just needs landmines and the overseer needs nothing to work properly.
If you closed the overseer-UI, you can open it again by placing 2 utilitymarker and click on "show overseer"
If you want to remove a minefield you have to destroy (not mine) the edges, miningsites and -overseers work similar + miningsites will be removed automatically if the selected area is depleated and the inventories are empty. Overseers can be removed by clicking on the destroy button in the overseer-UI behind the overseer. If you click on the remove-button behind a miningsite in the UI, the miningsite is hidden in the UI, you can display it again by clicking on the add.. button
If you do not understand something or I forgot to mention something please ask!
- Installation:
- extract the *.zip and copy the Blueprints folder into the mods-folder in you factorio directory
Code: Select all
- compability-fix for Factorio 0.8.x
- small bugfixes
- bugfixes
- Bugfixes
- added miningoverseer
- (re)naming blueprints
- overlay for better visibility
- removed upgrademode
- added utilitymarker that combines the clear functions and the following functions
- added minefield feature ( automatically create/maintain a minefield, if supported with mines)
- added miningsite feature ( very slow way to mine ores/stone, but needs no electricity, needs at least 1 nanobot in the inv to work; speed can be increased by placing more nanobots in the inv)
- added ability to copy rails
- added functionality to clear markers to remove forests
- added clear and upgrade markers
- bugfixes
- ported to Factorio 0.5.x
- nice UIs for saving and loading blueprints
- you are able to save up to 10 blueprints
- ported to factorio-version 0.4.1
- ported to game version 0.3.x
- complete workaround on how the mod works
- first release
If you encounter any bugs please report them! Also if you have any suggestions please tell me.
Happy playing!