you're welcome !Sedar wrote:Thank you for all yours excellent mods. And especially for this one!
updated for 0.15
you're welcome !Sedar wrote:Thank you for all yours excellent mods. And especially for this one!
alas no, i'm not playing factorio or modding anymore...zakman wrote:Any chance you could code in an "instant night" button for the next version of the mod?
Code: Select all
/c "timetools", "on" )
I have a problem. This part is causing game crashes into Main Menu:binbinhfr wrote:Infos
- Type: Mod
- Name: TimeTools
- Description: Adds a tiny time toolbar at the top of the UI, that displays an ingame clock, allows to switch from night-and-day mode to continuous daylight and to tweak game speed. Also adds a Clock Combinator item to have access to time/daylight/luminosity variables through the logistic network.
- Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.0
- Multiplayer compatible: tested on a headless server...
- Locale: english, french, german
- Tags: Time, Daylight, Game speed, Clock combinator
- License: You are free to use and distribute this mod and also to modify it for personal use, but not to release a modified version without permission (unless visibly not maintained anymore).
- Portal download :
For Factorio 0.13.X :
Please now use the portal for downloads (see link above or use ingame mod install/update), as I won't update both downloads links here anymore.
You can probably find some of these features in other separate mods, but I gather them into one simple mod with a tiny gui bar.
Thanks for GopherAtl and his Nixie Tubes mod that I use to display numbers in my last screenshot.
The classic display of the first screenshot is from my SmartDisplay mod.
Code: Select all
local function on_gui_click(event)
if == "but_time" then
if not global.surface.always_day then
global.frozen = not global.frozen
global.surface.freeze_daytime( global.frozen ) --THIS RIGHT HERE! "global.surface.freeze_daytime" is nowhere else defined what the hell it is.
Now THIS is what I call 'Real Time User Support'!binbinhfr wrote:yes they change the way surface.freeze_daytime() function works. Now it's a boolean.
Please update to latest mod version.
Glad you appreciate it !Tomik wrote:Now THIS is what I call 'Real Time User Support'!![]()
Hi there,wvlad wrote:Hi, I like this mod and I modified it (for personal use) but I'd like to share my ideas with you in case you think my changes are worth:
1. No cheating - can't switch day/night (I suggest you to add it as an option).
2. When I move and speed < 0.75 it's set to 0.75 temporarily until I stop.
3. Speed < 1 changed by +-0.1 (not by */2).
4. No clock.
If you (BinbinHfr) want to see my code changes let me now.
For me the game looks too fast and I want more time for planning but I don't want any cheat buttons to switch day/night. The #2 is very helpful so that I can setup my base like usually and the slowdown doesn't stop me from moving but the time is not wasted when I stop and think.
yes, it's in the doc in page 1 of this thread :ares0027 wrote:is it possible to (add if it is not already there) to increase speed up to 64x when crafting something manually and revert it back to normal (or previously set speed) when it is done? i haven't played factorio for years and , just came back and that was available for one of the mods which had not been update (also) for years... i am sad now
With the three last buttons, you can tweak the game speed :
- click on "<" or ">" to decrease or increase game speed from /8 to x64.
- click on the game speed button to directly revert to x1 normal speed, or to switch instant to last memorized speed if you are already in normal speed.
binbinhfr wrote: yes, it's in the doc in page 1 of this thread :
With the three last buttons, you can tweak the game speed :
- click on "<" or ">" to decrease or increase game speed from /8 to x64.
- click on the game speed button to directly revert to x1 normal speed, or to switch instant to last memorized speed if you are already in normal speed.
Process, Exist, factorio.exe
If (ErrorLevel != 0) ; If it is not running
Sleep, 200
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
Click 140, 17
MouseMove, StartX, StartY
i see, at least thank you for your fast reply, i am quite happy with the workaround i have but it would be more than amazing if the mod had this itself, or at least keybindings to change speed to maximum and revert. anyway i will still hope that one day you will return and add those featuresbinbinhfr wrote:ok, I understand what you mean now.
I do not know this old TimeButtons mod, but alas, I'm not playing nor modding factorio anymore. From now on, I just make the minimum to adapt my mods to new factorio versions.